Likely Chennai CP Interview in July/August 2004

Hello Fellow Chennai CPers,

This is an interesting analysis done by my husband (original idea from Delhites P_L, RJain, etc.) . Took all the EB Cases announced on the Chennai consulate website for June 2004. Picked numbers randomly and called the NVC AVM to find out when the cases were sent to Chennai. In our sample of 8, the sent date ranged between April 1 to 14th. So, what KULKVEN writes might be true. To reiterate if your case made it to Chennai by 20th of the month; then you might expect interview next to next month.

Happy waiting!!!
Hi Rashmi,

Looks like we all are thinking alike; P_L & I did an analysis by taking the highest 3 #s in the E1,E2 and E3 list for Delhi and calling the NVC's AVM. Add 8 days to the case sent date and you get a good idea of the cut-off dates.

One enigma is that we're not sure whether it's a FIFO (first-in-first-out) allocation or there is some randomness and we'll never know with 100% certainity so the FIFO is the guess!


so, lets say a case makes it to the chennai consulate on the 25th of a given month. Then, assuming all E1,E2,E3 cases are scheduled after the 17th, we are talking close to 90 days (or even more if FIFO doesnt hold) :( from the date of NVC forwarding the case to the Consulate. Is that right?


Rjain2 said:
Hi Rashmi,

Looks like we all are thinking alike; P_L & I did an analysis by taking the highest 3 #s in the E1,E2 and E3 list for Delhi and calling the NVC's AVM. Add 8 days to the case sent date and you get a good idea of the cut-off dates.

One enigma is that we're not sure whether it's a FIFO (first-in-first-out) allocation or there is some randomness and we'll never know with 100% certainity so the FIFO is the guess!


Hi Dilbert,

Please remember that the cut-off date and the scheduling process is a collective-guesstimate of our forum members. Maybe any user may share with us, if they got any e-mail from the Embassy or saw any cut-off dates explicitly mentioned in the website confirming the above.

As we say, no harm in hoping for the best and preparing for the worst (90 days)!!


My case entered in chennai consulate system yesterday.
Got the confirmation mail today that interview is likely in AUGUST.
kulkven said:
My case entered in chennai consulate system yesterday.
Got the confirmation mail today that interview is likely in AUGUST.

by calling NVC AVM do we know that ur case is eneterd in Chennai consulate... or u will know that only by email confirmation only...
My case was entered in Chennai Consulate on 19th May and hoping to be called for interview in July. I need clarification regarding documents to be carried for the interview:
1. Child's Birth Certificate :
For my child, name of mother is spelt wrong in the BC. So I am getting a new BC with parents' name spelt correctly. In this case do I need to take an affidavit also?

2. My Birth Certificate:
My mother's name (First Name) is in two parts say, X Y as per my BC. However, in my Passport mother's name is mentioned as, X.
Will this be a problem? Do I need to take any affidavit for this?

3. Can any body help me with a sample affidavit and let me know how to get it done?

4. Bank Statement :
I receive a monthly Bank by postal mail every month. Is this enough or do I need to get the Bank Statement in a particular format for this purpose?
Hi Kulkven,

Glad to know that you got the reply from the consulate and that your interview is likely in August.

In one sense you are better than me because you know that your interview is going to be in August. My case and BJ77's case is a little different. We have been told that our interview will be likely in July/August.

So keeping our fingers crossed to know the exact month.


kulkven said:
My case entered in chennai consulate system yesterday.
Got the confirmation mail today that interview is likely in AUGUST.
jalabalajings said:
Hi Kulkven,

Glad to know that you got the reply from the consulate and that your interview is likely in August.

In one sense you are better than me because you know that your interview is going to be in August. My case and BJ77's case is a little different. We have been told that our interview will be likely in July/August.

So keeping our fingers crossed to know the exact month.


r u ready with ur employer tax returns and financial we need that .
when r u going to take the employement that to be recent one like one month before interview ?
Patience Prevails


I received the tax transcripts for 2003 today. As suggested by you, I waited and and received it today. Patience prevails.


alren said:
Does'nt harm. Wait for a few days, if you are in no hurry.
is copy ok for current year

What if I cant get my tax transcript ? Can i use my copy? I have transcripts for all the previous years. I called the irs yest and they said my 2003 year transcript cant be sent yet.. I might give it a shot after a couple of months, but are copies ok?

Btw, can you order transcripts without talking to a person?? I always have spoken to a representative.

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nvc review duration

Here is an unrelated question but I am going to ask since i am curious.

When the NVC reviews the P3 before sending it to the consulate, does the amount of time it takes for review vary depending on the # of people on the application. For eg, a guy with a spouse and a kid will naturally have more information on his DS230 Part 1 than a guy who is single since he will not have anything to fill in the section for spouse or kid. It seems that the former should take a little longer to be processed than the latter. Is that a fair assumption? I have no clue what the actual review process entails and in a sense I dont know enough to even speculate.

On another note, what does the Packet 3 that lawyers send back to NVC contain besides bio graphic information??

dilbert30 said:
What if I cant get my tax transcript ? Can i use my copy? I have transcripts for all the previous years. I called the irs yest and they said my 2003 year transcript cant be sent yet.. I might give it a shot after a couple of months, but are copies ok?

Btw, can you order transcripts without talking to a person?? I always have spoken to a representative.



I've orderd the free transcripts once by filling out a simple IRS form for this purpose, and another time using their toll free touch tone system. Either way it took 7-10 days to receive the transcripts. You can order 3-4 times a year without incurring any charges.

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thanks for the info. But how about if I cant get my transcripts?
Rjain2 said:

I've orderd the free transcripts once by filling out a simple IRS form for this purpose, and another time using their toll free touch tone system. Either way it took 7-10 days to receive the transcripts. You can order 3-4 times a year without incurring any charges.

dilbert30 said:
thanks for the info. But how about if I cant get my transcripts?

Hi Dilbert,

If you can't get the transcrips then the only option is to use you own copy of the 1040 filing. The W2 would additionally support your salary #s.


jalabalajings said:

I received the tax transcripts for 2003 today. As suggested by you, I waited and and received it today. Patience prevails.

Great! I'm glad. Usually if they have sent, it should come through. They might be processing the 2003 returns at a different office or something ...
dilbert30 said:
thanks for the info. But how about if I cant get my transcripts?
I guess the best approach is to order it. And see if you get it. Your interview is quite sometime away. The question might be moot then ...
NVC Completes Case

My case was completed by NVC yesterday (Jun. 1, 2004). Now waiting for them to send the case to Chennai. Have updated the <>. Hope I can make it to August interviews.

rashmi_rau said:
My case was completed by NVC yesterday (Jun. 1, 2004). Now waiting for them to send the case to Chennai. Have updated the <>. Hope I can make it to August interviews.


Going by the trend, you should definitely get a date in August.
