Lets Start Jan 2002 Appointment, Delhi Thread.

Sudhir, Thanks for info.

Did you ask why do they need 2 PCCs?
Do you plan to pay visa fees in cash?
No. I was not assigned interview yet. I was told that one gets a date 1 month before the interview.

And that is when they mail out the Packet 4.
Yes. I plan to pay the fees in cash $. No hassles of drafts etc.

Guys any of you aware how much Cash $ can we legally take into the country.
No Title

> 1. PCC from Indian Consulate in US will not work.
> 2. TWO PCC\'s are required from India - 1 from Local Police Station (My guess it is address in passport) and 2nd from Passport office. No exceptions

But when your passport is issued in India, the consulate faxs your app to the regional passport office itself (the one that issued you the passport). They issue a PC only when they get an approval from the passport office in response to their fax. The passport office does its own checks before faxing an approval. Hence a delay of 35-45 days for passports issued in India. This is standard procedure.

Also, do you know if you can go directly to the passport office in India to request a PCC? This is turning into hell.
According to the link I posted below, there seems to be a misc. services form at the passport offie

WHat is the exact process, how much time it will take is not known.
Guys set all your resources in India on HIGH ALERT and try and get this info ASAP for the benefit of us all.
I have asked my Brother-in-law to find this out for me. I will post as soon as I hear anything.
Relax guys - here\'s the mail reply I received from Delhi Consulate

Relax guys if you are going in Jan for interview:

If you are going to appear for an immgrant visa interview after Jan2002, you have to provide police report. If you are in the US you should contact nearest Indian Consulate for police clearance certificate for India. We do not require any police clearance certificate from US authority as we do namecheck for each and every applicant.
thanks for info Sudhir

the PCC from Indian consulate is same as getting it from passport office because consulate gets it from passport office...
secondly I\'d request/suggest everybody NOT to pay in cash in $ (unless cash is acceptable in Rs.) because getting the $ converted to cash/draft in indain banks contributes to our country\'s foreign currency reserve :)) .....Thanks you...
I have called embassy last night they have not assigned any date yet......

My pkt 3 reached on 27 Oct and entered on 7th Nov when I called.........
Any one else called, please update us
Yes I did. P3 in system on Nov 9th. Sanjay234 check your private message.

Interview date not yet assigned. Says u will get date 1 month before interview. I will call back around 14th.

CP2GC is the only guy who says he has an appt. date for Delhi of Jan 7th.
Managed to get details from Customs web site. In case someone is considering paying $$ cash for fees



   Any person can bring into India from a place outside India foreign exchange without any limit.
            However, declaration of foreign exchange/currency is required to be made in the prescribed
            Currency Declaration Form in the following cases:-
            (a) Where the value of foreign currency notes exceeds US$ 5000/- or equivalent
            (b) Where the aggregate value of foreign exchange (in the form of currency notes, bank notes,
            traveler cheques etc.) exceeds US$ 10,000/- or its equivalent
Two PCC?

Is there any authentic info from reliable source whether two PCC are required. I understand if USA Indian consulate provides PCC, it should be adequete
For Authentic Info

Get it urself dude - first hand from consulate :))
..this is a discussion board and as u know, PCC stuff han\'t been updated in any consulate\'s web site :)
Guys any new info on PCC at Delhi? Has anyone found the process for the PCC both local police statio

Any successes????

Good Morning friends.

I have have couple of question , if anyone of u can answer.

#1) I have statyed 2 cities in India, but I got PCC from my local
    (address on passport) office. Do I need to take PCC from other
    cities too ? Actually the second city is where I did my Btech.

#2) Did anyone called to embassy to check interview date ?
Congrtas Sanjat234 if u managed to get PCC from local police station.

That should be sufficient.
I called the embassy 2 days back. They dont have the interview date yet. Say will get them 1 month before the interview.
We should have the dates by next week I assume.


When is your interview expected? Jan of Feb