Last updated date changed for Jan '03 case

I just saw LUD Changed again for me today, this time it did not change for my wife. I am assuming it might be RFE, I don't know why can't they approve the case :) and get done with it.

My LUD has also changed today.

LUD changed on 11/04,11/05,11/12,11/15.

FP2 - Sep 28th

My dates very close to yours, FP2 on 9/25. In my previous post I mentioned my wife's LUD did not change, I checked now, that is also changed. So, let's see what is in store.

My and my wife's LUD CHanged today but message is still the old one.

My 140 is still not approved yet..Any guess what they may be doing..
LUD changed

I see a pattern here. My LUD changed on 11/4, 11/5, 11/12, 11/15.

My wife's LUD last changed on 11/4. I am expecting RFE.
Bhains ki aankh

Case Transferred to Atlanta

On November 17, 2004, we transferred your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status to our office in ATLANTA, GA for them to schedule and conduct your interview. Scheduling can take several months. Our office in ATLANTA, GA will notify you when they schedule your interview or take other action on your case. If you need further information, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283.
Sorry to hear abt the transfer.
Did you file for AC-21 OR out of state address change ?
Any inquiry to your case ?

Keep hope..your case may be slightly delayed by the transfer..
I can really feel your frustration! and I am really mad at the way USCIS is transferring cases. I won't tell you to have patience and what not as I myself has lost hope and patience and now I am least bothered about the entire process and I am concentrating on other important things and I am sure you might also be feeling the same.
PremChopra said:
Bhains ki aankh
Case Transferred to Atlanta
I am really so sorry to hear that Prem. It is really so frustration. I beleive your case is direct. Man!! I am really so surprised to see your case transfered!!! atleast i hope they don't delay your schdule at atlanta...Man oh man i am really so scared!! what is the currect trend now?????. I am really praying god to get you least peace of mind.

Once again sorry to hear that my friend.

I did not file AC-21, actually I left GC Sponsoring employer before labor approved, but I still intend to join them after green card as they are a consulting company and I have good relationship with them, right now working with one of their clients as full time employee.

I changed address but it was in same city, bought the house :)

Thanks for your comments, I am not very upset because I have checked it's taking 2-3 months for Atlanta to schedule interviews and also I was not totally unaware because if you check the sticky note on top of the forum for scanning, more than 50% of the cases are being transferred to local offices, that is the strategy they are adopting to clear backlogs, so everyone with dates before processing dates should be mentally prepared for a transfer, I am not saying it's going to happen to everyone but some of the people.

There was nothing complicated in my case which could not have been solved by an RFE, at the max I was expecting an RFE for EVL but that did not happen, anyway I still think I feel a lot better than old 2001 or early 2002 people who are guessing about their cases and they don't get a clue even after repeated enquiries and Senator/Congressmen queries.
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PremChopra said:

I did not file AC-21, actually I left GC Sponsoring employer before labor approved, but I still intend to join them after green card as they are a consulting company and I have good relationship with them, right now working with one of their clients as full time employee.

I changed address but it was in same city, bought the house :)

Hmmm. guess i have to add randomness in of my hit list for case transfers.
My six flags for transfers were :
1) Out of state address changes.
2) AC-21/Change of employes (USCIS won't be aware unless u filed AC-21)
3) Medical Class A/B Conditions.
4) Congressional/AILA inquiry.
5) Inquiry by applicant.
6) CIMT/arrest issues.

7) Random
Yours was a straightforward case... huh.

Thanks for your comments, I am not very upset because I have checked it's taking 2-3 months for Atlanta to schedule interviews and also I was not totally unaware because if you check the sticky note on top of the forum for scanning, more than 50% of the cases are being transferred to local offices, that is the strategy they are adopting to clear backlogs, so everyone with dates before processing dates should be mentally prepared for a transfer, I am not saying it's going to happen to everyone but some of the people.

There was nothing complicated in my case which could not have been solved by an RFE, at the max I was expecting an RFE for EVL but that did not happen, anyway I still think I feel a lot better than old 2001 or early 2002 people who are guessing about their cases and they don't get a clue even after repeated enquiries and Senator/Congressmen queries.
My LUDs changed on 11/8,11/10,11/11 . Then everything stopped again. I don't hope to hear from them for next 3 months coz thats what they do. they change LUDs , give some hope and then disappear. We are just thrilled seeing some activity then later the balloon bursts.
Its good to know where your case is , instead of staying in the fanatasy world that its going to get approved today, this week etc.

Only god can help.

This is insane. We all feel so helpless. I don't think anyone of us deserve this treatment from INS. So U think the status enquiry triggered the transfer ???.
If so, I guess these guys are really crazy, they are getting pissed off just because we are checking status of our cases.
I did status enquiry on Oct 22, lud changed on 11/8, 11/11 and received the BS notice about wait 60-90 days. Did u get the same notice too.
I think they now have to take some action before 90 days and they are doing transfer which is the easiest for them and also at the same time making us shut up and wait. Wow this is really pathetic.
Nothing to loose

now that your case has been xfrred to local office, you have nothing to loose as far as few months of delay is concerned.
Bombard the local office with senator/congress office to get butt kicked of local officers and schedule your interview as early as possible.
I guess Jish is correct. At lease now U can take an info pass appt and talk to the local officer and get some info on status.
did u get a email for this change of status ???

you are correct i too noticed 50% of cases has been transfered to local office's, it is good to hear that they are taking 2 to 3 months for schdule.

...Cheer up my friend!!! Good Luck

i feelbad for the transfer, look at it this way at least you see some light at the end of the Tunnel, I hope you get your interview appointment soon and will have a Happy ending pretty soon..
