Last updated date changed for Jan '03 case

I am now 100% sure that you are going to have a GREAT PARTY during this Weekend! Good Luck to you buddy :)
Our LUD Changed today (11-04-04) for 3 of us (mine,wifes and sons)
Lets see RFI or what??????

Labor RD. dec.1998
Labor AD.dec.2003
485 RD JAN.2003
Today i noticed Nov to Feb cases LUD changed (11/4/04). Hang on ....Guys.

This is really good sign.....To all best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My LUD changed 5 times since i gave my FP2, without any change in the message.
08/09,08/12,08/26,10/26 and 10/27

Last 2 changes (10/26 and 10/27) were only on my case but NOT on my spouses case.

Hoping for the best!

RD-01/17/2003, ND-02/06/2003
FP1-Mar 2003
Spouse LUD chaged Today

Mine and my Spouse LUD changed on 10/22 and 10/25.

And Today I see My Spouse LUD changed : 11/04

I have seen cases where Primary applicant LUD changing, and not Spouse.
But in My case Spouse LUD chaged and not Mine.
Is it normal.... or ???
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mine and my spouse i-485 LUD changed 2 days in a row. my kids i-485 LUD changed 3 days in a row. see my signature.

Can i hope for approval?
Hi Guys,

I heard now a days, INS transfers the cases to the local office even after replying to the RFE.

I am wondering what are the possible reasons for a local transfer??

When and how the cases are transfered?? Anybody got local transfer after reponding to their RFE???

Appreciate for your reply..


485 RD -Jan-2003
FP1 - Mar-2003
FP2 - Aug-2004
RFE- recd on -Oct-2004
REF - Responded on -Nov-2004
More good news from my side. Last week I reported that my wife's (primary app) I-485 was approved. Today, Nov 8, I recieved 2 e-mails that my (derivative) I-485 has also been approved.

Our details:

I-485 RD: 12/09/2002
I-485 ND: 01/13/2003

FP1: 02/2x/2003 (I have forgotten exact date, seems so long ago)
FP2: 07/17/2004 (scheduled date: 08/18/2004, completed early)

LUD w/o message change (wife and me): 08/26/2004; 10/05/2004; 10/06/2004

Primary app AD: 11/02/2004
Derivative app AD: 11/08/2004

Waiting for notices to go for stamping and get plastic card :)


The main reason for the transfers as of now seems to be backlog reduction. They say that cases are transferred for faster processing. If you see the sticky note on top which tracks the cases, you will find that around 50% of the cases are being transferred.

Also one guy got a reply for his enquiry that they transferred case for faster approval. It seems that there were two days where LUDs for lots of people changed including me (11/3,11/4). Since it changed for so many people at one time it seems that they have assigned our cases to an officer, so the next LUD would result in an approval or RFE or transfer.
How many more Dec 2002 filers left

My LUD has neither changed nor have I got any transfer notice. I485 RD was 12/23/02 and FP2 was 9/25/04. How much longer do I wait? Its so frustrating to see 2004 cases being approved.
Dear Friends,
I got a reply from Congressmans office that our Cases Finally are assigned to IIO recently. At last, something is happening with our cases......
That's good news needhelp1, I am getting disappointed now, the whole f****ing world is getting approved and we idiots can't do anything. I am also going to contact Senator's/Congressman office soon.

Sent another email to FBI today, after sending a fax and an email before.
I don't want to wait when the priority dates go back. What is the process of contacting the Senator, if that is in one of your older threads just let me know and I will search it.
that's a good news buddy( Hope for the best).

Its so frustrating for me now a days to see late 2003 cases being approved.(Don't think bad, atleast they shold have apprved our cases also along with them.).
Glad to hear about your case-Needhelp 1

Glad to hear about your case, Hopefully things will workout possitively, goodluck!

Thanks Prem, Gorilla and Vijrek for your wishes. But as you guys know that I am too tired now about all this stupid GC process and USCIS discrimination in the processing, so now I am spending my energy in corresponding with the congressman's office and atlast with there help, I was able to track my application and they now tied my spouse application along with mine and they have assigned our cases to IIO recently few weeks back. In the process, we again lost 1 1/2 month on the ND as my ND was behind my spouse which is crazy as we both filled together. USCIS has asked the congressman to wait for 60 days, so the staff at the congressman's office is going to do a follow up in the first week of next year.

I am still not sure, if my name has been requested for Name Check with FBI, so I will wait for one or two weeks and then will send an Email to FBI and if I don't get any positive response, then all I have to do is to spend another $400 dollars for Third EAD renewal for both of our cases. Just to update you guys, with me, another three friends of mine have applied their GC's and all of them have got approvals and I am Last Man Standing in the group.

Prem, you can go to and enter your Zipcode and you will get your local representative. So go there website and you will see the procedure to file a complaint. I actually wrote a 2 page letter clearly mentioning all the details about our cases and the mistakes done by USCIS and also faxed all the supporting documents like I485 receipts, Fees paid to INS etc and also the processing date copy from USCIS site and called them and explained them about the discrimination in processing and she understood the issues and we took it from there. If you want to talk to me in detail, send me a PM with your details and I will give you a call today evening and we will talk.

PremChopra said:
That's good news needhelp1, I am getting disappointed now, the whole f****ing world is getting approved and we idiots can't do anything. I am also going to contact Senator's/Congressman office soon.

Sent another email to FBI today, after sending a fax and an email before.
I don't want to wait when the priority dates go back. What is the process of contacting the Senator, if that is in one of your older threads just let me know and I will search it.
Dipavalli Wishes!

Dear Friends,
Wish You and Your Family A Very Happy and Prosperous Dipavalli. :)
Lets forget the sorrows and pains of this GC process for this week and lets us all Enjoy the festivities with Family and Friends!