Labor Processing Times in California Due to 245(i) Part 5

What next ?


My application was transfered to DOL on 10/22/2001.
What happens next ? My lawyers are a bunch of jokers. They dont explain things in detail, because I work a blue chip and these guys are contracted to do Green Cards.
So, any help/info from u guys would be great.
I am looking for things like, whom to call for status on Labor approval, what is the timeframe I should be looking at and stuff like that. My 6 year H1 tenure expires Feb 2003.

Assessment notice from SESA California

Is there anybody who received assessment notice from SESA (due to layoff in the company) ?
Please share your experience. I got assessment notice from SESA.

gc_aspirant .......What is your PD and when did u receive this Assesment Notice ??

gc_aspirant .......What is your PD and when did u receive this Assesment Notice ??
Case number

How can I find my case number.My attorney just told me that my PD is 8/3 and I have not heard from then since then.How can I find my case number?
Thanx in advance
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Both your company and attorney should know your case number. Your company should receive a letter with case number and priority date after you file your application. check with the company personnel handling your petition.
Should we do something ?

It looks like the only thing that can get SESA/DOL up to speed, is a good kick in the butt by the lawmakers. If you remember, they speeded up last year, after local CA senators gave it some attention.

Can we do anything here ? Can we lobby for ourselves ? Or, since we don\'t vote, we don\'t count ?
There is this organization Immigrants Support Network

which was very vocal last year. I have not heard any thing from them for the past 6 months or so. It seems they have quite some good immigration attorney and some high flying exeson board.

May be they are short of funds that makes it hard for them to lobby. Their website is
No Title

The site is not totally functional...Click on the Labor/I140 selection and nothing shows up..I guess the site was active as long as it served the purpose of some important people.
Any ideas?.

I think it makes no sense getting mad at others for not helping us. They did their part when they were in problem and we also benifited from it in terms of th new provision for EB based immigration. Now it\'s our turn to do something. We cannot exepct someone else to fight for us for ever.....

This may work out, but we must do it constructively

We need to send mass emails on particular day to every one, to those whom propose

step 1) We need to come up with couple of good logical and proactive letter explaining how we are suffering and if they speed up how it will benefit the local community and the sate as whole. Not a single word of negative sense. we need to show how we can be part of better residents and help the local community. What will be the loss By delaying the process...

Step 2) We need to short list to whom we send these e mails including SESA, DOL and related offices.

Step 3) We need to send a mass e-mails on the same day so that the receiver will really thing about it.

Some one can add ideas to this.....

God Bless USA and US too
8 months waiting - and now a restructuring

Hey Guys,
How frustrating can life be- I\'ve been waiting for the last 8 months along with all of you for labor cert. Its still not done of course, and now my company has announced a restrucuring which will create a new employer.

So, my labor cert (even if it does eventually get approved) will be invalid.
I really feeling F**d. If only they\'d applied in March, I would have been done by now.

I am always thinking like this. The most important thing is to provide contact info of those powerful persons such as senators ...
With those, we can make annoucement here, encourage every one act at same time.
We can use a shocking title \'we are being f**d\'. Sigh!
Ok, here is the list

1) Senators Feinstein and Boxer -- they provided lots of support last year.
2) People like Bill Gates, Larry Ellison etc. -- big players who rely on us being their workforce
3) SJ Mercury News
4) There should be some kind of immigrant lawyers association. CC them too.
5) Labor department

We also should think, whether we want publicity around this or not. It was one thing, when everybody here had a job, and media iconized Linus Torvalds as H1 sufferer, and it\'s totally another game now, after layoffs, unemployment etc. So, every step we take, should be carefully considered.

I really wish there was some support from immigration lawyers. They are more experienced in all this then we are.