Labor Processing Times in California Due to 245(i) Part 5

Is it our fault

That california has more illigal immigrants. Maybe we should threaten EDD to get their act together or we go and seek jobs in a different state. Since EDD is a state backed organization i think this trick also might work.


P.S : do you think i would really leave calif if they didnt agree.
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since we are H1 and we pay taxes properly, so Govt is not bothered about processing our applications, meanwhile they are loosing taxes on (245i) people, so they are more keen about them.

thats bottom line
Good work popper


Graet job..I think all should submit e-mail if popper doen\'t receive answer from EDD..Popper please let us know if you receive reply from EDD..
My only concern ...

My only concern is, that they basically have a parrot responding to these messages (look at their responses to me). So, the path going via their website might be suboptimal.

However, I think that the list of questions is outstanding, and once we find a right person to present it to, we should do it.

Also, given immigration lawyers have a coordination meeting with EDD in the end of this month, we should ask our lawyers to present this list at the meeting.
Now we will be able to compare the answers (if any).....

.... and see if there is "parot" in EDD. Next step is AILA.


Senator Daiane Feinstein contacts page:
Senator Barbara Boxer contact page:

American Immigration Lawyers Association contacts:

American Immigration Law Foundation

The Honorable James W. Ziglar
Immigration and Naturalization Service
U.S. Department of Justice
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536/
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If the DOL is goin to take about 1 week for processing for each day on an average, then we all know what we are looking at.
Well, I just called EDD ...

Got all the standard answers ...
-- yes, we got a huge influx of the cases in April
-- no, we don\'t know whether and when it\'s going to improve
-- yes, we are aware, that we have been processing June 22nd for over a week now ... in fact, we\'ve been there for almost three weeks

And while the lady was extremely polite, she made it very clear that they prefer to communicate to either employer\'s representative, or to an attorney.

End of story.

Nobody really gives a fuck about us. We should make our employers to produce some noise, otherwise it\'ll be bad ....

P.S. With my priority date of Oct. 1st, she told me I should expect spending at least another 6 months in SESA. Longos livos immigrantos illegalos.
Are we so thin blooded ????

You are right jester. Nobody gives a f* about us. One the second thought why are we all so desperate to live here when nobody is so keen on keeping us here ??? Are we from country like Afghanistan or Pelestine ? I am sick of all this so I have decided to move back home. I am going to submit my resignation on monday will leave this country for good in 2-3 weeks. I will prefer to earn a second class income and be first class citizen in India rather than earn first class income and live a second class life here. This is not my frustration but my self resepect for me and my country...

Good bye all it had been real pleasure being with you all guys.
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you\'re a big liar! if they give you a choice between your indian citizenship and a green card i am sure you will go with the second.
Now, let\'s not do anything that critical ...

Ok ... it is called giving up. And while I can always go back to my home country (which is Israel, BTW, not Palestine :) ), I just like it here, in California. I wouldn\'t stay an extra day in this situation, if I had to live in NY or, say, Phoenix, AZ. But I\'m ready to live in couple more years of uncertainty for a chance to build a home here.

Now, it\'s not about self respect. While I\'m here on any status, and I\'m paid what I worth, and my company treats me as an equal employee, my self esteem would feel ok. However, my self esteem would suffer, if I give up my dream of living in this particular place, because of the problems we\'re experiencing.

So -- we should do what we can to speed this process up -- yes ! We should support each other -- yes ! We should think what we would do in case we don\'t succeed -- yes ! But I don\'t think we should go, and terminate the process because we\'re tired of it. We might decide that it\'s not important enough to us, and then pack our bags. But if it\'s still important - DON\'T GIVE UP. So, evilmind, think twice ... think what you really want ...

Good luck to us all ! And, any constructive proposals are always welcome. Frankly, I think that the only people who could do anything for us, are high, visible, management of big companies. They are the one that can make us heard and help us. The only question is, whether they\'ll be interested in doing that. I know that my management would; however my company is not anything of Cisco or Sun size, so it won\'t help as much. But -- try thinking about people who would be able to help our cause inside your company. Make your HR call EDD. Make your HR call senator\'s offices. You never know what might change things ...
Never give up evilmind

I\'m not an Indian, but let me give you citation from Dadi Janki - great Indian lady-philosopher . Hope that will help not only you in these hard times. Cheer up.

Self-respect is faith.....
It is often difficult to experience self-respect, because my sense of self is usually based o external things - praise, status, income, and so on. As these fluctuate, so does my self-appreciation. One day I\'ll feel there\'s no one as good as me and the next I\'ll feel utterly worthless. Actually, self-respect is not a matter of what(my notes: or where) I am doing in my life, but rather the degree to which I bring quality and virtue to each act.
Hold on Dudes !!

As this great countr teaches us Freedom of speech is highly respected and is freedom of choice. So if some one wants to go back to home country thats good. If some one does not thats OK too. Reasons could be many. Following is for some who are interested in latter and for the real doers. But as many wise friends on this list suggested, we are all, after all, tax paying, law abiding and Legal Aliens, it does hurt me to see them put some Illegal non tax paying Aliens take the lead over me just \'cause some one overlooked this Injustice for the sake of gaining political mileage. On the other hand I am surprised that this oversight has gone through the suposedly just American System with no one questioning on it. The whole Problem for all of our agony is the new 245(i) rule. This has created a huge gap between the people who filed before April 30th and the ones after. I see people with April 24th PD already in the later stages of 485. And this 245i lead might haunt us all the way through INS until we, if at all, get our Immigration. The solution for this is to some how have the appropriate Agency seperate the processing for 245i as they belong to a seperate category altogether. If I were the Citizen of this country I could have had a better say in this matter. And such an oversight could go unnoticed due to the tacit pain bearing of the Non Citizens like us with no voice. But at the end of the day if we all are talking about Self respect, I think we should be brave enough to voice against some thing unjust, discriminatory and listless. No matter what nationality, religion or colour we belong to. Justice should be the same for all. And we all should speak up, politely, to gently let the appropriate people know this. Just to rest in peace any controversy, I do my duty to call the appropriate people and I do feel proud about it. After all I am Saying "Some thing wrong" for what it is.
Agree with Jester

I agree with Jester re: being respected for what I do and getting paid accordingly. I don\'t think this INS black hole qualifies as second class treatment. In fact most Americans don\'t know and don\'t care to know what the INS is doing. I think the INS is just cash strapped and lacks clear direction. Regardless of all the bottlenecks and the slow movement of our cases, I think we are in a better place than most countries. I was reading something about how Australia treats its immigrants, and it sounds absolutely barbaric not to mention racist.

All in all, I think things should pick up as soon as the economy improves and America realises that it need us to grow. Once that happens CEO\'s of big companies will automatically pressurise the INS to get their acts going and we will see some speed in the processing. Until that happens we need to be patient. I am not saying we should do nothing while we are waiting but considering the state of the economy and the alarmist feelings against people of Asian, Arabic origin currently is in vouge with the American citizens, I doubt the local congressmen/INS office are going to hear our appeals. Unless we actively as a group contribute to their re-election campaigns, Like they say money talks, our small but numerous contributions and the fact that once we become citizens we hold the ability to vote them back in power, will go a long way towards helping our cause.

Evilmind: In conclusion I would like to just say one thing to you, unless people around you are truely treating you badly or your company is taking advantage of the fact that you are totally dependent on them for your stay, I would suggest that you take the wait and watch approach. Don\'t make hasty decisions, think it over cooly, evaluvate your options here and in the country of your citizenship, talk to someone you trust and then make such a huge decision. Remember, the economy on a global level is suffering, so it is not necessary that you will get a job the moment you get back home. Since you already have a job here, you are better off than over a million people who got laid off last year. Regardless of what you decide, it has been a pleasure having you abroad, good luck!
What Bush said..

In his campaign, George W Bush had promised that he would take appropriate steps to ensure that a decision was made for all GC applications within 6 months.

Obviously, that has long since been forgotten.