JULY 2007 filers, post your timelines !

70% of the time they numbers on the checks will be your receipt numbers but abou 30% of te time they are not... I guess it depends on individuals that process it.
i hope so... they are changing stuff/ methods on us.. and i hope its all in our favuor.... especially since we are the first badge since the new fee increase.
Yeah, I dont get it either. I hope this receipt delay doesn't affect the actual processing. As I've been wondering how can the receipting be delayed when they can send out appointment notices. Just something to think about while waiting. LOL

And to trinigirl and ninyte, thanks for updating the trackers. Nice work you two and i believe that everyone here appreciates it soo much
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I just wanted to share an interesting piece of news I read on a thread today. App. was overnight on 7/26, and he received ND of August 10. That is so crazy. I guess things are moving slower than I thought.
No problem. I put it on the first page, so it's easier to find.

I'm going for my fingerprints today. 1pm on Saturday:confused: Who knew they are working on such hours.

yes very strange it would not have crossed my mind that they work on saturday, even when i sa u're timeline i was like.." hmnn ninyte,, that must be a typo error"... i guess not.
good luck.
No problem. I put it on the first page, so it's easier to find.

I'm going for my fingerprints today. 1pm on Saturday:confused: Who knew they are working on such hours.

Well, let us know the details about your FP. I know a lot of people already posted about their FP experience but hey, maybe it's different on Saturdays right? :p and of course would love to hear about a co-july filer experience :)
Nothing special about my fingerprinting.
My appointment was at 1 PM. I went there about 12:50 and I showed them my US drivers license for an ID. They didn't ask me to show my passport nor SS card. I filled out a form, the receptionist gave me a number (believe me or not, there were quite a few people there), I waited for like 10 minutes, then my number came up and the lady took my fingerprints, asked me to sign on a machine, and took my picture. Then she said - You are done, have a nice day.
So there it was - nothing special. I was done quick. It was my first time doing fingerprints, so I guess now they finally know where I am and who I am.:D
he can stay on our list if he wants to trini, especially if he requested, i'm sure it woun' do any harm , as long as the sponsoring method is indicated.
he can stay on our list if he wants to trini, especially if he requested, i'm sure it woun' do any harm , as long as the sponsoring method is indicated.

No Point having a B2 Extension in an AOS timeline tracker... he will not receive the same updates, fingerprints, notices of action, than the rest.

Pointless :p

Hi Trinigirl/Ninyte

Today I received an E mail from my Lawyers office in NYC giving me two Receipt Numbers (for I-485/765) which are from the FP notice scheduled for 28th Aug 07 at my local DO.:)

Also received our copies of NOA postmarked 14th Aug directly from USCIS today(20th Aug)

No Receipt notices yet!!!:confused:


DO: Anchorage, AK

23 Jul 07/ I-130/131/485/765 sent to Chicago Lock Box
25 Jul 07/ Reveived
10 Aug 07 Checks cashed
14 Aug 07 NOA for FP received on 20th Aug
28 Aug 07 FP Scheduled
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