July 2005 AOR..buffalo timeline...

thanks for all the info, WAL! i'm wondering though if a bank statement for the past 6 months would suffice? :confused: good luck with your GC! keep us posted! :)
bank statement is fine

zad886 said:
thanks for all the info, WAL! i'm wondering though if a bank statement for the past 6 months would suffice? :confused: good luck with your GC! keep us posted! :)

I had a person who helped me with the filing and it was their format. Now the good thing with this format is that, it does not have any transaction details so that the immigration officer could come up with questions, at the same time it is an acceptable format too.

but like you asked !!! Defintely they will accept the bank statements. If you are comfortable with the transactions on those statements then that would be fine. that format simply avoided potential questions and I think that helped.


thanks WAL! it made me wonder bec. the IA states that they require a letter with no option for a bank statement unless it was from a Canadian bank. strange though why a bank statement from a Canadian bank?!?!
yes it is confusing

zad886 said:
thanks WAL! it made me wonder bec. the IA states that they require a letter with no option for a bank statement unless it was from a Canadian bank. strange though why a bank statement from a Canadian bank?!?!

I personally think it would be better if you give a letter in that format or with the specified fields in the IA received, with a signature of an authorized person from your financial institution if it is not a Canadian bank. Who knows may be they are trying to prevent a fradulant document being made if it is not a canadian financial institution. But I have read in many places that people sent statements. Whether it is from a Canadian bank? I cannot tell clearly, it could be from a Canadian bank


Thanks WAL! I'll give them a combination of both, letter and bank statements, like I did with my initial app. (though each were from a different institution...meaning a letter from one and a bank statement from another bank)

zad886 said:
Thanks WAL! I'll give them a combination of both, letter and bank statements, like I did with my initial app. (though each were from a different institution...meaning a letter from one and a bank statement from another bank)


Sounds like a plan there

Good luck and regards

Thanks WAL! I really hope things will go smoothly from this point on....doing my medicals next week. :)
got IA

Hi all

Finally!! got my IA today

No interveiw. They have sent the medical forms.
Addtional documents required : Only medical

NO FBI, PCC, bank statments nothing... now I am thinking am I missing a page here?? :rolleyes:

It says at the end of the letter that it takes about 4 months for medicals and security clearence so do it. But in the paragraph Additional Documents Required: it states only medical results * 3

AOR:May 2005
File transferred to LA: March 9th 2006
IA: August 17th 2006

Hi Zad

Things are definately moving in here!

We still have not decided if we should do another set of prints. We probably should. We are also still trying to decide if we should submit changes to a custody agreement. What do you think?
Congratulations DHM! you're so lucky they only asked you for your medicals. :)

Hi Tracy! I really think you should submit any updates or changes to your family composition or any relevant information that will affect your application. Pending divorce matters, custody battle, etc. could cause a huge delay to one's application. So go ahead and submit it. Hope all goes well.
zad886 said:
Congratulations DHM! you're so lucky they only asked you for your medicals. :)

Hi Tracy! I really think you should submit any updates or changes to your family composition or any relevant information that will affect your application. Pending divorce matters, custody battle, etc. could cause a huge delay to one's application. So go ahead and submit it. Hope all goes well.

thank you zad

They have asked for 2 passport size photoes to bring at the time of medicals. Which size would that be? the same size that we submitted along with the application? i think it was 35mm * 45 mm am I right?

appreciate your response

Thanks Zad,

Thankfully, nothing is pending...there were just unexpected changes made. I suppose we were hoping that we would receive IA before having to send updates. I will be going back to Canada in 10 days, so perhaps it is better to deal with the paperwork now.

I am surprised to hear that your medical is so soon! Did they make the appointment for you? or were you allowed to do it yourself? Did you have a choice of where you could have your medicals done?
you're welcome!

hi DHM!

i haven't had my medicals done but as far as what i've read elsewhere, it should be the same size as the photos we've submitted with our application. hope that helps. :)

hi Tracy!

yep, would be better if you get to submit the updated docs ASAP, IMHO! as for my medicals, i could've done it the first week of August but I was out of town for 10 days... ;) I won't get to do it next week...ended up moving it to the following week bec. I'm down with a cold/cough...don't want any negative results for my medical. :D I had to call to make an appt. with a DMP (designated medical practitioner) approved by CIC. you can go to any doctor in any country/state/province you wish as long as they're in CIC's list of DMPs. hope you get your IA soon!!!

I haven't viewed this thread in a while...it appears there has been a lot of action going on.

Congrats Zad, your long waite is almost over.

Does anyone know where CIC buffalo is at now in terms of processing? Some persons in other blogs say they are working on September 2005, some say they are still working on April 2005 and then i see Zad getting his IA with a July AOR.

Any insight from anyone's end would help.


Zad- or anyone,

How should we go about sending in updated information? Where do we send it? Should we compose a letter explaining what we are sending?

Cyprus- If they are processing sept...then they must of skipped over us. We have a July AOR and haven't heard anything.
Thanks Cy! I've seen a couple of Aug05 AORs receive their IAs. I really don't know how Buffalo processes them. It seems that the "first in first out" rule does not apply at all.

Hi Tracy! I really don't know how the majority of applicants do it, but I, personally, send my updated documents with a cover letter. Do make sure that you have the File No., Name of Principal Applicant, Date of Birth, and the type of application which is Permanent Residence under the Federal Skilled Worker Program stated on the letter. Mail the documents to the same address where you mailed your initial app...I'm assuming it's Buffalo, right? I would suggest mailing it out Certified with return receipt. Hope this helps. :)
Congratulations Tracy!!! I'm so happy for you! Finally!!! Did they ask you for additional docs, medicals? I'm assuming that interview is waived too! :)