July 2005 AOR..buffalo timeline...

Thank you, everyone, for your congratulations. We are very excited.

zad -

Our IA was dated August 18. Interview waived. No request for updated FBI clearance. They requested additional documents, and the medical - that's all. It feels almost unbelievable...after waiting 14 months.

Yippee! :D
That's wonderful, Tracy! Boy, wasn't that a sigh of relief on your end? It arrived just in time before you headed back to Canada! ;)

It sure is a relief...just in time. We leave on Saturday.

I hope everyone will keep a check on the board now that things seem to be moving for most of us. I am sure everyone will have questions. (Or at least I will, lol)
Ok...here's question #1. :)

Our funds are currently in the form of an annuity, which is not acceptable to CIC. Once cashed, what is the best way to show proof of funds to CIC? Just put it in a savings account? We could show a paper trail to show tht it has been transferred, and print some online statements. Do you think this would be acceptable? Any advice anyone?
Hey G! Where have you been hiding? Don't worry...you'll get your IA next...and soon!!!

Hi Tracy! If you don't mind, what additional documents did they ask from you? I would suggest that you send them a paper trail and a cover letter explaining the transactions...just so Buffalo won't have a doubt in their mind where the money came from. hope this helps.

Along with the medical, they requested:

- bank statements
- 2004/2005 tax returns
- official custody documents

What about you?
hi tracy! here's what buffalo asked for:

zad886 said:
-new FBI clearance (which i'm so glad that i requested for back in May and received it today too)
-letter from current employer / W2
-income tax returns 1998-2001
-updated bank statements
-updated background information...what have i been doing since jul 2005 until present...where i've been and all. ( i need to submit this 30 days from the date of the letter)
yes, ok, I remember you posted it before. Sounds like we got lucky with what we need to send. Did you get everything together to send yet? When are you doing your medical?

We scheduled ours (his) for Sept. 15. Now I am wishing that we booked it even sooner because I am so anxious! We should have our add. documents ready to send by then, if not before. I assume we will just get two more passport photos to bring to the medical?

Another thing that concerns me a little, is that they are requesting a medical for his son, which is not possible. They know that he will not be coming with us, but it is procedure I suppose. We are aware that if it is not done, we won't ever be able to bring him over, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do. Now we just have to find a way to explain this to CIC. Any thoughts?
Hi all,

I didn't have much to say, so I just browsed the thread for a while. You're already getting into an area which I'm not very familiar with (i.e. post IA period). How is it feeling to be there? :p I wish I knew..but hopefully soon I will. :rolleyes:

Anyways, regarding the proof of funds, probably a online printed statement will do, but I will feel more confident with a bank statement, or a letter from the bank with a stamp on it (probably its in my DNA now, since in Canda it seems it's all right to show a simple copy and everyone will believe you...but back home you would always had to show/give the originals or the notarized copies). For the proof of funds (when I submitted the file) I asked one bank to stamp my monthly statement (the one which you eventually get in the mail) and I asked the other bank for an "account balance". They charged me $5, and they printed sort of an official document (stamped and dated) showing the account balance (but not the previous tansactions).

Hope it helps :)
please replace "they printed sort of an official document " with
"they printed sort of a receipt looking like document" :eek:
Gerula said:
please replace "they printed sort of an official document " with
"they printed sort of a receipt looking like document" :eek:

:D haha...you're pretty funny G!! i really hope you get your IA soon. What does one feel when they get their IA? For me, it was like a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders...well, for the most part! ;) After the high, was back to thinking...oh, they could still call me for an interview at a later date... :eek: I guess the worrying won't end until one has really landed. :(

hi tracy! i'm doing my medicals this coming Tuesday, Aug 29. haven't sent the add'l docs since i'm currently out of the country...in Canada, to be specific. :) if only i had copies of my tax return with me then i could've sent them early this month. :( as for the son's medicals, if i'm not mistaken , you will need to have him undergo the medicals. all dependents of the principal applicant, whether accompanying or not, are required to have their medicals done. i'm not too sure about writing to them and explaining. have not read anything online about this. maybe G or someone else can share their thoughts on this. good luck!
zad886 said:
: as for the son's medicals, if i'm not mistaken , you will need to have him undergo the medicals. all dependents of the principal applicant, whether accompanying or not, are required to have their medicals done. i'm not too sure about writing to them and explaining. have not read anything online about this. maybe G or someone else can share their thoughts on this. good luck!

Hi, Tracy,

We have the same AOR date :)

As for the medical exam for your fiance's son, I think Zad is correct.
Is there any way there his son can do his medical exam in his own
country(if not in the same country as you two)?
zad886 said:
hi tracy! i'm doing my medicals this coming Tuesday, Aug 29. haven't sent the add'l docs since i'm currently out of the country...in Canada, to be specific. :) if only i had copies of my tax return with me then i could've sent them early this month. !

Hi, Zad,

You are in Canada right now? great:)

Hope your medical goes well and send out the updated docus soon after
you go back to the states.
One quick case

Acutally I know one case in Buffalo who got her ppr very quick.

Her timeline is like this:
2005.5.5 mailed application to Buffalo with all documents need including IELTS
2005.5.25 FN number issued by Buffalo
2005.6.5 received FN number
2006.6.19 IA +ME with interview waived issued by Buffalo
2006.7.6 Received IA +ME
2006.7.8 ME done
2006.7.14 Supplimentary Documents sent to Buffalo
2006.7.19 doctor told me the ME result was sent to Ottawa
2006.8.15 PPR issued by Buffalo
2006.8.24 PPR received

The process in Baffola is very fast after she finished her medicals,
"2006.7.19 doctor told me the ME result was sent to Ottawa
2006.8.15 PPR issued by Buffalo"
hope Buffola will keep this speed, so that all of us can finish the
waiting soon.
linie said:
Hi, Zad,

You are in Canada right now? great:)

Hope your medical goes well and send out the updated docus soon after
you go back to the states.
thanks Linie! glad to see you here. :)
Bonjour du Canada!


I hope everything went well with your medical today.

Thank you, zad and linie, for your thoughts on the medical for my fiance's son. The thing is, when I say it is "impossible" to get the medical done, I mean "IMPOSSIBLE". His son is currrently in the physical custody of his mother, who refuses to let him get the medical done. She's already gone as far as playing the court system to her advantage to make sure that it never happens. She has some insane fear that we will try to kidnap him and hide him out in Canada or something. Go figure.

Surely they can't deny his application for this reason, can they?
Hi Tracy,

Then explain well to the Consulate and see what instruction
they will give you guys. I do not think they will refuse your
application based on this though. Best lucks with your

Zad, how was your medical exam going?

According to the federal guide for skilled worker immigration:

"You and your family members, whether accompanying you or not, must undergo and pass a medical examination in order to come to Canada" (page 16).

You can infere from this that if his son is not coming to Canada with you he doesn't need to undergo medical examination. He could need to pass the medical examination only when you'll want to bring him to Canada. One option here would be for you to immigrate first and then try to bring the childrean as part of the family (the process I think is quicker than for the skilled workers). The problem would be what would happen to the kid meanwhile (i.e. who would take care of him, and the story with his grandma that you told....)

Aside from this, the same guide states on page 18 that:
"Box 2: How many family members...
Write the total number of people included in your application, including yourself and any family members, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not." (children under 18 yo)

So, if he has won the custody of the kid during the immi process you should send the updated information (i.e. updated form) to CIC. Now, I'm assuming that if one gets the custody of a child that child becomes member of the family (i.e. no custody = no member of the family).

What I would do first would be to contact the consulate by phone or email, so maybe they would clarify what you should do next. The situation is complicated, but I assume that as long as ther is no court decision you can do whatever you want with your kid. I would also consider talking to an immigration lawyer.

Hope it helps.