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JULY 15 Re-draw Maybe Cancelled!!!!

@baltimore_p: stop writing anything Mr Thinker, write a useful article instead of let people crying, im not a sad guy, but people do not like the truth. and you are one of them.
Makes sense that they paid her. That's what I had been saying all along...backed with another previous Montreal case.

Well in the lottery, she won money.

In the Diversity Visa lottery, selectees do not win visas or greencards, but they only win a chance to move on to the next stage, and their application can be denied for any reason deemed appropriate by the department or the consulate.

Rescinding the wins imply that they are denying that visa before selectees even get to that process.

Since the law says that there is no guarantee, and they have the power and right to deny visas to anyone, for any reason, then the computer glitch is a legitimate reason for them to re-draw.
DV2012 What a huge mess!!! People, what's this slot machine case that pple re saying DOS is deleting? Anybody aware of what that means?
Refer to my last post. I posted a link about an article in CNN where the winner still kept the money after the mistake
where that person won because of a glitch but kept the money? Well dos if it is true might now they have a weak spot there so better hid it
No one has ever won a green card or a visa. Greencards and Visas are applied for and they are granted after documental review.

You are makin a jarring comparison with the casino case. The impulse of that article is that someone WON and regardless of the mistake still kept the money.

You are right that there is no guarantee for getting the greencard and but you are WRONG to say that they have the power to deny anyone for any reason. *Read these two cases about people who won the DV but were denied the visa during intewiew. They sued and won the case.
• Paunescu v. I.N.S., 76 F. Supp. 2d 896 (1999)
• Nyaga v. Ashcroft, 323 F.3d 906 (2003)

While I know that not everyone would agree with me, I sincerely HOPE that DoS resolve this to be fair to everyone.

Now another issue looming is that not everyone ( people who threw their confirmation numbers away after they noticed that they were not selected)received an email for their confirmation numbers.

I am not too sure but I think some hotmail users did not receive their confirmation.

Really I think DoS is making the DV 2012 complicated for everyone.
just one question : are you a law student or better, a laywer?
Because you seem to know a lot when it comes to the law
No one has ever won a green card or a visa. Greencards and Visas are applied for and they are granted after documental review.

You are makin a jarring comparison with the casino case. The impulse of that article is that someone WON and regardless of the mistake still kept the money.

You are right that there is no guarantee for getting the greencard and but you are WRONG to say that they have the power to deny anyone for any reason. *Read these two cases about people who won the DV but were denied the visa during intewiew. They sued and won the case.
• Paunescu v. I.N.S., 76 F. Supp. 2d 896 (1999)
• Nyaga v. Ashcroft, 323 F.3d 906 (2003)

While I know that not everyone would agree with me, I sincerely HOPE that DoS resolve this to be fair to everyone.

Now another issue looming is that not everyone ( people who threw their confirmation numbers away after they noticed that they were not selected)received an email for their confirmation numbers.

I am not too sure but I think some hotmail users did not receive their confirmation.

Really I think DoS is making the DV 2012 complicated for everyone.
Hi Kwame, thanks for your input. That is really optimistic that they have sued (sued whom?) and won (what did they actually win in the lawsuit? a visa? I am curious) and I can't find information on those case but what were the nature of the denials, and what type of visa did they apply?

I didn't say that the DOS could deny you without reason.. I said they can deny with any reason that they deem appropriate. In this case, they feel that the computer error is an appropriate reason.

Even after one is subject to documental review and interview, they can still deny you a visa. Such as if they find out that you have a tendency (not proof) that you might overstay. That doubt is enough grounds for denial. They have the right to refuse to issue the visa, and you have the right to contest it, if you do the case will be reviewed further, no?

by the way I agree with you that it is really no comparison to casino/lottery cases.

I also hope for a fair and reasonable outcome like everyone else (but everyone's perspective of fair and reasonable seem to differ).

The DOS facebook admin seems to be a bit frustrated by the comment flooding on their facebook page. I really hope this does not put them off.

No one has ever won a green card or a visa. Greencards and Visas are applied for and they are granted after documental review.

You are makin a jarring comparison with the casino case. The impulse of that article is that someone WON and regardless of the mistake still kept the money.

You are right that there is no guarantee for getting the greencard and but you are WRONG to say that they have the power to deny anyone for any reason. *Read these two cases about people who won the DV but were denied the visa during intewiew. They sued and won the case.
• Paunescu v. I.N.S., 76 F. Supp. 2d 896 (1999)
• Nyaga v. Ashcroft, 323 F.3d 906 (2003)

While I know that not everyone would agree with me, I sincerely HOPE that DoS resolve this to be fair to everyone.

Now another issue looming is that not everyone ( people who threw their confirmation numbers away after they noticed that they were not selected)received an email for their confirmation numbers.

I am not too sure but I think some hotmail users did not receive their confirmation.

Really I think DoS is making the DV 2012 complicated for everyone.
The title of the thread should be changed to "The department ignored that proposal." How misleading, it was just a statement made by the lawyer, there is no mention of a cancellation by any State Department Official. The July 15th re-run will proceed as usual. :rolleyes:

From the CNN Article:
"White said he contacted the department last month, requesting that the original winners be recognized and a second drawing be held only to fill the remaining slots.

"The department ignored that proposal. Now as a result of the lawsuit, it is possible that the July 15 re-run of the lottery will be canceled," he said."

Sorry folks, but you need to face the truth instead of getting your hopes high just to get crushed again. It was an unfair selection due to a system glitch. Deal with it. And also, looking at the way America is slowly degrading, this is probably a good thing for you. You'll see, in the next few years that you didn't miss out on anything after all. :D
Well, What i want you to know for sure, if they want to do something they will do it, that's it, either cancel this next redraw or re-do it or accept those 22000, they can play with us as they want, so i suggest to take it easy, they are having their life and we are burning ours for nothing !!! use your mind, I'm a selected too so do they want me to suicide for it? NO WAY. Live your life like if nothing happened and when things come up to a solution then you will know it.

Aren't you tired of analyse things on this forum? thousands of comments.....

I think you must start a new TV channel named :"22000" and every selected is a journalist.....

Don't be ridiculous.

This guy has the right mindset. :)
Again, thank you Kwame for references to those cases, I now know more and more about legal proceedings related to this.

Both cases are related to the timing.

So I just read the Nyaga v. Ashcroft case, which, he lost. The district court dismissed his case as moot, the attorney general lacked the authority to adjust Nyaga's status.

In the case of Paunescu v. I.N.S., it is a similar case but they won because they took legal action before the fiscal year ended. ie the court still had authority to order for their adjustment of status because they were still eligible within that time. In Nyaga's case, the legal action was taken a few years after the fiscal year he won the DV for, and thus the court had to dismiss.

So, perhaps our friends still have a chance until September 2012 to win this lawsuit... that is, if they had submitted the forms for adjustment of status (which I think none of them had? correct me if I'm wrong). DS-230 + pics are preliminary, they don't even have their interviews set up yet or anything.

thank you for the productive discussion

No one has ever won a green card or a visa. Greencards and Visas are applied for and they are granted after documental review.

You are makin a jarring comparison with the casino case. The impulse of that article is that someone WON and regardless of the mistake still kept the money.

You are right that there is no guarantee for getting the greencard and but you are WRONG to say that they have the power to deny anyone for any reason. *Read these two cases about people who won the DV but were denied the visa during intewiew. They sued and won the case.
• Paunescu v. I.N.S., 76 F. Supp. 2d 896 (1999)
• Nyaga v. Ashcroft, 323 F.3d 906 (2003)

While I know that not everyone would agree with me, I sincerely HOPE that DoS resolve this to be fair to everyone.

Now another issue looming is that not everyone ( people who threw their confirmation numbers away after they noticed that they were not selected)received an email for their confirmation numbers.

I am not too sure but I think some hotmail users did not receive their confirmation.

Really I think DoS is making the DV 2012 complicated for everyone.
I agree with you, it does sound desperate.

Although I don't blame them, imagine a life where it is controlled, and oppressed and can you imagine governments that constantly lie to you and censor everything from the outside/real world?

I'm not speaking about people who have been to the US, of course. I think they have a more realistic expectation of what USA is. Of course, the USA government also constantly boast to the world that they are number 1 in everything. Some people, citizens or immigrants, believe that.

We have a saying in my country, of a situation, like escaping a crocodile's mouth just to fall prey to a lion's mouth. I'm sure that some developing nations have a lot of bad problems, and the people are so used to it, that they think anywhere else is better.. And as conditions get worse at home, the more idealized USA becomes for them. Its somewhat like how people in America escape their own life by following Hollywood superstars and other rich and famous people. They imagine that life must be swell if you're Kim Kardashian or a famous athlete.

I don't blame them, seriously. Who are we to judge? But most people don't get a 'lottery' to transform into a Hollywood superstar overnight. If we did, we might realize that it is harder than it looks. We might fall, and fall really hard like Lindsay Lohan.

I don't know I kind of don't have a point here. But I agree with you that their life must be in a lot of peril and injustice that this is all they live for.

it's almost amusing how many people on these forums are that desperate to move to the USA. It's like their life is in so much peril that they have to keep their eyes peeled constantly to a useless law case thinking it will help them move to the United States somehow.