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JULY 15 Re-draw Maybe Cancelled!!!!

**** this DV 2012....I'm out :)

Bye bye !
Lol!!! I'm with you. My results on May 1st results will not change i.e. "The entry you have submitted has not been selected" ....bummer..
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no body let you cheer up like this kid ToomCraigy and other kids like him, i was talking logically but you know what, people like that you lie on them even just let them dream and they don't want to wake up, few who accept the reality, do you think guys i'm happy because i'm selected and then they said ops sorry we did a mistake ... of course not but i live my normal life as it was ......
This is will be my last comment about this issue. I cited those two cases purposely for those who had questions whether a lawsuit agains DV can win or lose.

I purposely ignored not to talk about "moot" because there could be several scenarios where the issue could be moot and I can list of those scenarios. Time is of the essence in the DV, that's why moot is important in DV.

One typical example is if the lawsuit is filed and DoS reinstate the "ex-22K winners" there issue will be moot, which means the court will dismiss the case.

Thank you and all the best in everything.
Where the HELL is the Moderator??????

I didn't talk with you @ToomCraigy, so stay away from my business, little bitch, is that what you want to hear little *******? Go f**k yourself little nigger starving have nothing to eat from africa. You better ask someone to pee on you when it's cold.

This is the second disgusting and deeply offensive post I have seen from this poster. I have had inoffensive posts deleted - (having repeated "lazy bums"???) - and yet the filth from this guy is still on the forum.

I would like the moderators to identify themselves thanks!! - you seem to be a bit selective in who you censor!
This is the second disgusting and deeply offensive post I have seen from this poster. I have had inoffensive posts deleted - (having repeated "lazy bums"???) - and yet the filth from this guy is still on the forum.

I would like the moderators to identify themselves thanks!! - you seem to be a bit selective in who you censor!

I believe in 1 thing, RESPECT TO BE RESPECTED. check all my comments and you will see.
Yes, I have looked at your previous posts and you are usually reasonable......but you have a very bad temper, and it is NOT ACCEPTABLE TO TALK LIKE THAT!

You say you believe that you "respect to be respected" ..it seems more like you want respect first, and then you will respect.

This is a ridiculous conversation for two adults to be having. You should know better.
@Abbie: i don't like to insult any one, i try to be calm but some guys, i don't know, they make me nervous sometimes, for exemple, look at what i said to a guy :" I agree, but be patient, GOD draw a path for everyone of us, if USA is in your destiny you will reach it, if not, GOD knows the best for you. "

someone called :"irishguy" replied with :So does. The devil.

I asked him gently what does this mean ?

Then "ToomCraigy" this insect jumped up and said :=> He means - stop preaching. This ain't your church's forum to chat about Jebus the Saviour.

is that respect? i must be honnest with you but some people are just like sh*t, i don't know how their brains function or how they think about things, they don't respect anyone and they say what they want to say and that's it, so you want me to let him say whatever he said and keep being gentle? Abbie: No way.
@Abbie: i don't like to insult any one, i try to be calm but some guys, i don't know, they make me nervous sometimes, for exemple, look at what i said to a guy :" I agree, but be patient, GOD draw a path for everyone of us, if USA is in your destiny you will reach it, if not, GOD knows the best for you. "

someone called :"irishguy" replied with :So does. The devil.

I asked him gently what does this mean ?

Then "ToomCraigy" this insect jumped up and said :=> He means - stop preaching. This ain't your church's forum to chat about Jebus the Saviour.

is that respect? i must be honnest with you but some people are just like sh*t, i don't know how their brains function or how they think about things, they don't respect anyone and they say what they want to say and that's it, so you want me to let him say whatever he said and keep being gentle? Abbie: No way.

Just control your temper - to show respect for others who are reading these forums. Sometimes I want to scream and shout too, and there is one idiot whose posts I won't even read anymore because they are so annoying.

...and a true believer in God is gentle to ignorant sinners.
Now enough of me feeling like a school teacher disciplining a naughty boy!!!
it's ok Abbie, i'm tired to show respect when the other don't care, so if someone didn't respect me ones i will tell him something he would never forget so next time he can know who he's dealing with.

Abbie : all my respect :)
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Should the re-draw be really banned, the self-claimed pseudo winners are to blame, who are yelling and screaming for their "rights" when these, de facto, are nonexistent. 22000 Tears? Gimmie a break!
As someone pointed out, not a few seem to get mixed up the word privilege with opportunity.
Thanks to them, DV2012 is very "likely" to be utterly canceled.
And I wouldn't be surprised now if the US banned Diversity Visa Lottery for good.
For all those doubting if a case against DV lottery can ever be won can read the two cases below:
Paunescu v. I.N.S., 76 F. Supp. 2d 896 (1999)

Nyaga v. Ashcroft, 323 F.3d 906 (2003)

The plain meaning of 8 U.S.C. § 1154(a)(1)(I)(ii)(II) establishes that Nyaga's eligibility for a diversity visa expired at midnight on September 30, 1998. Therefore, Nyaga is not "eligible to receive an immigrant visa" and the Attorney General lacks the authority to adjust Nyaga's status to that of a lawful permanent resident under § 1255(a). As a consequence, the district court could not provide meaningful relief to the Plaintiffs, and should have dismissed the action as moot. We vacate the district court's order and remand the action with instructions that the district court dismiss the action as moot.

Yeah, that was helpful. The court affirmed that laws are laws, and the the AG can't modify laws, only Congress can. I would expect the same in this case, State has clearly made the case that the draw was invalid, and did not meet the letter of the law. As a result, they voided the results, and drew a new lottery to comply with the law.

You people need to stop your whining, you never won, an error was discovered at the expense of someone else. Yes, it's a sad story that you were mistakingly notified, however but in the end, we need to make sure that the results are fair for everyone, not just you.
Late claim for the visa is diferent that this case... why don't you also mention the other case when a plaintiff won a visa after suing dos for wrongflull visa denial?

The plain meaning of 8 U.S.C. § 1154(a)(1)(I)(ii)(II) establishes that Nyaga's eligibility for a diversity visa expired at midnight on September 30, 1998. Therefore, Nyaga is not "eligible to receive an immigrant visa" and the Attorney General lacks the authority to adjust Nyaga's status to that of a lawful permanent resident under § 1255(a). As a consequence, the district court could not provide meaningful relief to the Plaintiffs, and should have dismissed the action as moot. We vacate the district court's order and remand the action with instructions that the district court dismiss the action as moot.

Yeah, that was helpful. The court affirmed that laws are laws, and the the AG can't modify laws, only Congress can. I would expect the same in this case, State has clearly made the case that the draw was invalid, and did not meet the letter of the law. As a result, they voided the results, and drew a new lottery to comply with the law.

You people need to stop your whining, you never won, an error was discovered at the expense of someone else. Yes, it's a sad story that you were mistakingly notified, however but in the end, we need to make sure that the results are fair for everyone, not just you.
well, DOS srewed up big time so rest assure that you are not the nly one... I'm sure even the non selectees, many of them got sick of the DOS incompetence
Am I the only one here who really does not give a F*** whether they get selected on the 15th now?
There is a nice article on dv if only l was able to post it.I have less than 15 posts.You search
Green Card,Redfaces|IQTrainwrecks
Nice post and there is a a comment from this ranger guy.If you see it please post the link for others to read.