that's why we says the "seletees" not the "winners"... & also you are wrong, they can't deny you a visa for no reason... there were 2 cases where plaintifs sued DOS for refusing them the DV visa for no good reasons & gues what... they actualy won & got their visa... this simple exemple dismiss your argument... & if that lawsuit wasn't dangerous as you hint it to be then why in hell DOS felt the need to send 2 lawyers...?
& another thing... the "human error" part... means DOS is 100% responsable thus totaly accountable since THEY made the mistake, THEY told peoples to ship ASAP, THEY kept cashing cheks, THEY didn't even notified peoples if their refund request were accepted until today...
maybe DOS does not have the authority for the visas but at the same time does not have the authority to get pass the judge... I was like you, never though that case had a chance but i slowely started to change my mind... well, 17 days left
but if DOS realy didn't have any authority for the visa, they would just have said "we can't do it, case closed"... no, instead they send 2 lawyers to defend them...