Interview Preparation

Adawra and Sarrebal,

It is pleasant that about 24 hours ago, we were talking about your preparation and few hours after that time, you both are US citizen. Please accept my congrats! The rest of us are right behind you, we will soon join the league and finally end the race personally as far as immigration is concerned. For me, it is not particularly the end of the road cos I will be applying for family (parent and siblings) eventually when I am ready. In fact, I would love to file for a family as soon as I am done.

Thanks guys for sharing your experience and good news with us.

Chairs :):p:p ooops I mean Cheers!!! :D:D:D

I'm not a US citizen yet. My oath is on Friday....
Just in case you're an underground USCIS officer trying to catch me declaring to be a US citizen.... :D
I'm not a US citizen yet. My oath is on Friday....
Just in case you're an underground USCIS officer trying to catch me declaring to be a US citizen.... :D

Good one Sar.

You still need to keep your guards up and not call yourself citizen or vote till the oath. What if, during oath interview they ask you, have ever claimed yourself to be citizen :)
Sorry for the mix up. I hope I didnt make you go to the bathroom :cool: Anyway, after your oath, let me know where the part is and I will send u a can of pepsi for your celebration :p:p

I am all set for tomorrow's interview. I am getting excited cos I am really getting close to becoming a USC :cool:

Wishing you all the very best. You'll do just fine :) .... Just take a moment to know what the meaning of "Oath of Allegiance " is... They may ask you what does this mean.

My IO asked me this question, just before he told me "You're approved".
I am all set for tomorrow's interview. I am getting excited cos I am really getting close to becoming a USC :cool:

All the best John.

Looking forward to hearing your experience with IO and oath.

Don't forget to invite us for your Chairs *hic* I mean cheers party :)
Thanks guys, I will be back here in about 24hrs from now to share my experience...I thought I would be getting nervous rather I am getting excited...:D:D:D I know God is behind my confidence and the help of all you good guys :):):)
Thanks guys, I will be back here in about 24hrs from now to share my experience...I thought I would be getting nervous rather I am getting excited...:D:D:D I know God is behind my confidence and the help of all you good guys :):):)


I wish you the best for tomorrow's interview. Just like I told Sanjay, a healthy banana nut bread for breakfast, or if possible brunch yourself for comfort....:D The last thing an IO wants to hear is your stomach, plus a banana nut bread has high fibre, which means you have to pass all your gas en route to the interview, lest you bomb the IO and cause the interview to be delayed while IO gained some clean oxygen...:D In the meantime, why do we have 13 stripes on the US flag? :confused:

I wish you the best for tomorrow's interview. Just like I told Sanjay, a healthy banana nut bread for breakfast, or if possible brunch yourself for comfort....:D The last thing an IO wants to hear is your stomach, plus a banana nut bread has high fibre, which means you have to pass all your gas en route to the interview, lest you bomb the IO and cause the interview to be delayed while IO gained some clean oxygen...:D In the meantime, why do we have 13 stripes on the US flag? :confused:

Thats was very nice Al, I am sure you light up the room with excitement always...I love doing that too. In my words, the 13 stripes represents the initial colonies of the United States.
Yup, AL your magic worked.

johntlc, you will be fine :), Good luck and please let us know your experience. :):)

Wishing you all the very best. You'll do just fine :) .... Just take a moment to know what the meaning of "Oath of Allegiance " is... They may ask you what does this mean.

My IO asked me this question, just before he told me "You're approved".

If I am asked that question, I did say "to renouce my loyalty to my previous country and to pledge my loyalty to support and defend the Constitution laws of the United States against its enemies home and abroad"
Civic Question

I had read that the civic questions are written question but what I am yet to know is if they are multiple choice questions like the self test questions on USCIS website. Sanjay and others please help with this question: are the civic questions multiple choice?
Here's what I am doing in preparation for the N-400 interview (the civiscs & government part): I downloaded all 100 civics & government mp3's from the USCIS site, pulled them into a playlist on RealPlayer, and now I'm listening to them all day at work, with earphones. :)
Here's what I am doing in preparation for the N-400 interview (the civiscs & government part): I downloaded all 100 civics & government mp3's from the USCIS site, pulled them into a playlist on RealPlayer, and now I'm listening to them all day at work, with earphones. :)

I downloaded the CD I was given alongside the "Quick Civic Lesson" booklet I received when I went for my FP appointment unto my iPhone and I am now listening to it. Later tonight I am going to have my wife test me on the test using the book and then if there's any area I need to brush up on, then I can study those. In general, I am hopeful it's going to be a peace of cake especially if I can put my nerves together.

Best wishes to you on your interview!!!
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All the best - u will bomb your way to USC'ship!
Make sure there are no pirates around !!
jokes aside, you will be fine!
man - mine is now 14 days away!
My Interview Experience


First I want to send many thanks to you all for all your advise, support, encouragement, time and love. This forum right here helped lifted all my fears, misconception and misinformation about filing for naturalization.

My appointment today was for 10:00 am. I left home around 8:30 giving me more than enough time to get to the venue. It was one of those days they say you should prepare as if everything that could go wrong would and it did! An interesting experience started when I got to the high way (there was traffic congestion as a result of an accident) and in a jiff, the plenty of time I had disappreared into thin air. Before I knew it, it was already 9:30 and I am barely away from home. Because eveyone was trying to look for way out, I narrowly escaped three accidents and now pressure is rising not only because I am about running late but with all the crazy driving...plenty of drama but let me save you the rest.

I got to the building just 2 mins before 10 am (James Bond would need some driving lessons from me :) ). My nerves are now calm since I am where I want to be but my wife's wasnt. She not used to that kind of driving but trust me, where I come from, all the crazy driving in California, New York and Florida put together are child's play :) The security guys remembered me so the chit chat started right at entrance they even pull a joke on my wife that I am the one doing the test but shes the one nervous (they did not have any idea what she just went thru). I dropped my interview letter in the box I was instructed and sat down with opportunity to chat a bit with the guy who did my FP - hes a nice guy.

About 10 minutes later a lady came calling and I followed her. She told my wife to wait for me out there. I took the oath to say the truth and all that. She said we should go straight to the test and get it out of the way. She told me that she has 10 questions for me and all I need to answer correctly is just 6 of them but she didn't have to read the 7th question cos by God's grace, I nailed it!! Here we go - not in a particular order:

1. Who is the Governor of your state now?
2. Where is the Statute of Liberty?
3. Name two national U.S. holidays.
4. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?
5. Who was the first President?
6. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
*** I purposely didnt put the answers there for the benefit of those who are preparing. For me, it helped me when I read other people's questions and try to answer it to test my knowledge and it really worked ***

I was asked to read "How many U.S. Senators are there?"
I was asked to write " We have 100 senators in the United States" on a piece of paper.

At this point, she asked me to bring all documents I have to support my marriage other than the documents I already included in the original application ( I am applying based on marriage to a USC). So I gave her our home and auto insurance bills, home owners association bill, evidence of life insurance, bank statement and every other bill or statement I had on me that has both our name on it and she took them all. She asked if we own or rent our home and if we are both living at the same address. I told her we own our home and we both live at the same address and I then pull a huge stack of our home purchase contract and mortgage papers. She had the same problem I have with those stack. All the documents are so connected that if you are going to have one, you would require to have the other in other for you to make sense of it and it was so much that she said she would pass on that. I can understand, they already have a huge stack of paper works for my file and mortgage papers will just increase it 100%.

Then we went to the N-400 application and she verified all my information and then asked me all the question of which I answered "yes" and "no" as applicable. We had a few stops on travels and traffic citation and I cleared all that. Then she asked me to sign my name and then sign my signature at another portion of the documents. She then handed me a paper and asked me to verify that my information on that document is correct, it was. Then she printed the N-652 and pointed me to the part that said I passed the test and the part that congratulates me and said I have been recommended for approval both has "x" (checked) in front. Then she told me to wait for oath notice in the mail. She told me that all I will need at the oath ceremony would be my green card and the oath notice and maybe and maybe my driver's license. She said "and of course should you get another ticket before then, you would also be required to take with you the ticket and the proof of payment if you have it" (she said that somewhat jokingly relating to my traffic ticket discussion we had earlier). We shook hands and she led me back to the lobby where my wife couldnt wait to hear the good news :D:D:D

There you have it, it began with all the traffic drama and ended with huge smiles and laugthers.

A word of encouragement to those of you going for your interview after today, for me it took just about 20 minutes since I arrived and left the building. Your chances of passing and coming out smiling is very high so relaxxxxx. There is really no need to panic. I can't stress that enough.

Once again, plenty thanks to you guys for making this exprience a less stressful and less painful one!!! Special thanks to you SEA for offering to help yesterday. I didnt get to read your post early enough but my wife was able to help me with that and it all worked out.

Chaairss guys, ooops, I am glad spelling "cheers" isnt part of the test or I would... C-YA

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Congratulations!!! Would you say the banana nut bread did its job to prepare for the interview? :p You should serve your wife a breakfast in bed for tomorrow, plus a nice bowl of spiced pecan cereal, I am advocate of healthy lifestyles...:) It only took two months to be done, Obama USCIS is really into fast service...

I assume you don't want me to also answer the question you raised in your post? :confused: I am going to answer in anyway, the neonazi attempted to end racial discrimination in the 1960's, but also planned to return to the days of segregated buses via Rush Limbaugh...:eek: