Indians( Asians) in US office environment.

yes I agree,very positive posting

waitingnwaiting said:
gb04 and Michael_holding,

gb04 ,
You have posted some of the most important things Indians need to do in USA.

You have made the perfect corrections to gb04's points, especially about not losing one's genuine-ness.

All in all, very good observations from the two of you.
michael_holding said:
----- that is the KEY. BE PROUD TO BE <who you are>. no need to escape or erase because you are from india.

while i agree with some of the things that are being said with regards to PERSONAL HYGIENE, like wearing clean clothes, shaving, getting a good hair cut. the biggest thing is bad breadth (i have seen some stinky breadth in americans too..its not just indians).

the things about learning "their" culture...i do not agree. i am speaking for indians only, if you like NBA and NFL then learn the rules and watch it...for your sake. for god sakes do not waste your time watching NBA or NFL because it might make a good conversation with your american colleagues...
SCREW THAT...who cares...all you need is a working relationship. don't do it you are not going to DATE an american.

"6) Integrate and learn the culture and politics of this country. Understand the pop culture. Lunch with them. Learn their sense of humor."

this is the type of thing you do not do. for someone who is going to be here for a short while say 3-6 yrs and who is not going to vote in this country. no real need to waste your time on politics (leave alone american politics) if you like it...then do it. just be what you are. we do not have to go out of our way to make an american comfortable. first of all they do not care.
why do you???? "learn their sense of humour"...screw this $*it. i am happy with my own sense of humour. this is the typical mentality that is seen among some/most desis...try to please Ghoras....

My biggest thing is this.


Your only dissent with my post is that we should do only what we want to do and not bend over backwards just for "integration's sake".

DISCLAIMER: The following "you"s don't mean you Michael

There is some truth to it and I agree to not bend over backwards for the sake of it. The point I am making is that now that we have chosen to live in a foreign country, we also have to make a choice of how much we want to be a part of this country. Either you can be totally hands-off, like those who do not speak English and work jobs requiring minimal interaction, or totally become an American or somewhere in between.

That's a choice everyone has to make. Some quickly take a liking for NFL and cheeseburgers and some never do. But that's a totally different point.

My point is, if you plan to live in this country (and hence we are in this forum), you have to learn the politics of this country for your own sake. You have to learn their sense of humor for your own sake. You have to understand the culture here (even if you don't practise it) for your own sake. This enlightment will only help you move forward in your career and social life and help "oil" the daily grind of corporate american life.

You can choose not to understand these things, but only you will lose. You won't know how the local and global politics effect your life and who's looking out for your interests here and who is not. You will have uncomfortable moments when someone jokes with you and you take it in a negative way or not understand the joke at all. Its not a big thing, but it alienates you from others in a small way. You will miss out on sometimes critical inside information when you choose not to lunch with them. It also serves as an opportunity to bond with other colleagues just like how you bond with Desi friends at lunch. These things add up. I don't want the Indians in US end up like immigrants in UK or Canada or France, who are not as much a part of the mainstream as they are here in the US.

I am not saying you ape them, but there are some basic things you need in your skillset for your own sake and the communities sake in general. With such a large chunk of Indians in this country (and especially NJ), you can practically live your whole life without having to say more than "hi", "excuse me", "sorry", "you are welcome", "thank you", "that will be $2 ;)", "i have 6 years of java experience ;)" and that stupid lip contortion these Americans make instead of saying "Hello" (you know what I mean), but that choice is not the smartest one. We can choose to live that blissfully unaware life, but I would rather not.

But if you are here only for a year or two, then what are you doing in this forum? ;)
gb04 said:
Your only dissent with my post is that we should do only what we want to do and not bend over backwards just for "integration's sake".

--- dude i am not dissenting, i have every right to express my views just as you do. what do you mean by dissent? i think divergence/difference of opinion might be a better term. you might dissent with your father/ are not my father/mother.

DISCLAIMER: The following "you"s don't mean you Michael

There is some truth to it and I agree to not bend over backwards for the sake of it. The point I am making is that now that we have chosen to live in a foreign country, we also have to make a choice of how much we want to be a part of this country. Either you can be totally hands-off, like those who do not speak English and work jobs requiring minimal interaction, or totally become an American or somewhere in between.

--- there is not some truth, there is a whole lot of truth to it. apart from personal hygiene, i do not see why you cannot kurta/pyjama or women cannot wear saris/salwar kameez in america, do you expect your wife/daughter wear a mini skirt (do being in Rome behave like romans do apply here). i am talking about ppl born and educated in india, this does not apply to ppl who are born and brought up here.

That's a choice everyone has to make. Some quickly take a liking for NFL and cheeseburgers and some never do. But that's a totally different point.

-- why is this a different point? i thought you mentioned that NBA/NFl might give ppl something to talk about. which is true to a certain degree.

My point is, if you plan to live in this country (and hence we are in this forum), you have to learn the politics of this country for your own sake. You have to learn their sense of humor for your own sake. You have to understand the culture here (even if you don't practise it) for your own sake. This enlightment will only help you move forward in your career and social life and help "oil" the daily grind of corporate american life.

---i never said you don't learn. but that is on a personal level. i personally watch NBA/NFl games. but many of friends (indians) do not even know much about. that has not stopped them from being able to live their lives here.

You can choose not to understand these things, but only you will lose. You won't know how the local and global politics effect your life and who's looking out for your interests here and who is not.

--- seriously man, do you really know who is looking out for your interests? i follow news man, i do not know who is looking out for my interests? second of all i am not a citizen so there is absolutely no iota of difference i can make here. third of all if you start talking politics in office, that is the end of all. we might have a point of view that may or may not sit well with folks here, what are you gonna do then?? i can tell you this much when it comes to global politics many americans are least worried about it, i don't think they are losing out in anyway. on the outside while your argument seems like a good one, in reality it does not matter.

You will have uncomfortable moments when someone jokes with you and you take it in a negative way or not understand the joke at all. Its not a big thing, but it alienates you from others in a small way. You will miss out on sometimes critical inside information when you choose not to lunch with them. It also serves as an opportunity to bond with other colleagues just like how you bond with Desi friends at lunch. These things add up. I don't want the Indians in US end up like immigrants in UK or Canada or France, who are not as much a part of the mainstream as they are here in the US.

--- the things you describe ppl learn after staying here for a while, there is no short cut to it. no one can come in and start talking like an american, in your own words "american sense of humor".
i do not lunch with my fellow colleagues, i have a good rapport with my team members, not everywhere ppl are sitting around and having lunch ,even in america. once we are around here long enough to realise there are always different ppl at different places. for example ,i do not go to lunch not because i am an anti-social but because i am a vegetarian, and frankly i could not find anything that i can like and eat. now being in rome would mean i have to eat meat...that i can't. its a matter of personal preference. why i bring the lunch thing is because i know a lot of ppl from india who are in my situation. while i do agree not to form those "desi" groups in office. that i do not like.

I am not saying you ape them, but there are some basic things you need in your skillset for your own sake and the communities sake in general. With such a large chunk of Indians in this country (and especially NJ), you can practically live your whole life without having to say more than "hi", "excuse me", "sorry", "you are welcome", "thank you", "that will be $2 ;)", "i have 6 years of java experience ;)" and that stupid lip contortion these Americans make instead of saying "Hello" (you know what I mean), but that choice is not the smartest one. We can choose to live that blissfully unaware life, but I would rather not.

-- again you are following a certain way and you say that is the best way to follow for everyone. now if you think going to lunch with your american friends is the only way to earn their respect or being in their circle, that is your choice. but in my opinion there are lot of other ways to get ppl to respect you. i am not saying any indian to lead a blissfully unaware life, i am saying keep things in perspective and be yourself. the biggest point you are missing is there are lot of americans who respect you for what you are, if you try to act like one of them (instead of being yourself) they can easily see that and you might lose respect in their eyes... i can see that case happening too, just like the cases you have cited.

But if you are here only for a year or two, then what are you doing in this forum? ;)

--- why can't i be in this forum? do i need anyone's permission to be here? you can have a GC and leave to go back home say in 4-5 yrs. i thought this thread was about indians in america. now whether you are here for a yr or forever, the discussion is still relevant to everyone of these cases.
on the disclaimer you say "you" means not you michael, then you are asking me this question what am i doing here???

you said somehting about "enlightment", learning american way of life is not "enlightment" . knowing about yourself is enlightment. when you are really enlighted, you truly/really do not need to follow these rules on the board or for that matter any thing to do with material world. what Buddha attained was "ENLIGHTMENT". I know i am far far away from enlightment....
michael_holding said:
--- why can't i be in this forum? do i need anyone's permission to be here? you can have a GC and leave to go back home say in 4-5 yrs. i thought this thread was about indians in america. now whether you are here for a yr or forever, the discussion is still relevant to everyone of these cases.
on the disclaimer you say "you" means not you michael, then you are asking me this question what am i doing here???

you said somehting about "enlightment", learning american way of life is not "enlightment" . knowing about yourself is enlightment. when you are really enlighted, you truly/really do not need to follow these rules on the board or for that matter any thing to do with material world. what Buddha attained was "ENLIGHTMENT". I know i am far far away from enlightment....

Meaning of dissent:

(noun) a difference of opinion

So there.

"why cannot we wear kurta to work?" and "wife/daughter wear mini-skirts" - I never said anything about that, so where did that come from?

"why is this a different point?" - It is a different point because the simple thing I am trying to convey is flying over you: You don't have to do everything, that is your choice. The more you learn, the more englighted you become of this country which you have adopted. The point IS NOT "you have to learn the names of all the players in NFL if you want to succeed in life". And that is what you are assuming.

Meaning of enlightenment:

(noun) education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge

As for politics, I never said you talk about that in the office. Don't; and you shouldn't. But know about it. Be aware of the leaders who are ruling you, even if you cannot vote for them, you will be able to someday. I am surprised I have to explain this to you. Its almost like explaining someone to vote and he/she doesn't by saying "but one vote wont make a difference". Besides, this point doesn't apply to just this country. Where ever you live, its a good thing to be politically aware. That education helps you make sound decisions about important things in life, like which state, city or school district to choose to settle down. How do the political parties effect the economy, the taxes and future investment prospects. How do they effect your long term goals. How do their decisions alter your own life.

"lunching with them won't earn you respect" - Again you are misquoting me. I never said that to earn their respect you have to lunch with them. I said it enables bonding and provides you with critical insight into them and the work.

Meaning of bonding:

(verb) To form a close personal relationship.

Finally, I still didn't mean "you" when I said what are you doing in these forums. What I mean is that if you are here for a short term project, the points we are making here don't apply to you - as in whoever is reading this. And I said "forums" - the forum is "485 issues in Vermont Service Center". Its not a literal comment. You are taking these things too personally. There is also a "wink" in the end. Its supposed to be taken in jest. You know this: ;)
thats funny. i need to get back to concentrating on actual work ;)

as michael would say: screw this sh%t
gb04...i think you might want to read the topic which says indians in work environment. so it applies to everyone who comes here for short term as well as long term.

meaning of dissent:

you can lookup the same dictionary you will see you will also find this,

"Dissent is the sentiment of non-agreement with the majority, or the leader, of a group to which the "dissenter" is supposed to belong or to obey. It is the opposite of agreement, consensus and consent.
The term is most often used when this sentiment is combined with a more or less militant action of expressing such opinion, especially when this results in (or threatens to result in) oppression, a more personal stance than is referred to by political opposition."

so there you go. i took it in this want to use the word as a difference of opinion....that is your wish. but i don't. try using it in your office meetings and see what happens...this word has got a negative connotation.
anyone can look at a dictionary and then there is also a thing called usage in a conversation.

the things that you talk about politics and all the do not have to explain it to me. i am merely stating the other side of the coin.

the issue at crux here is mostly on a basic level is personal hygiene and projecting a certain personal image and certain civic and social sense. the rest of the stuff you talked bonding and understanding really upto each and every induvidual. and they are not really the basic and fundamental steps. the most important things.
even if you are willing to go for lunch..others have to be willing to lunch with you. so other than personal hygiene stuff, the rest of the stuff needs your co-workers cooperation, which you may or may not get. there is no guarantee that people would accept you with open arms. i have been here long enough too and worked in variety of places here, its upto the place where you work and the work culture in that particular company.

what works for you may not work for all. i am surprised you are not able to get that,before telling me "what flies above me" you ought to look at the name of this thread...and see how the issues that you say are relevant to office environment,it beats me.

if the thread name says "what you need to understand to succeed in america in general".then the things that you say about school districts...taxes...blah blah...all make good points. i think you are digressing from the topic

"But know about it. Be aware of the leaders who are ruling you, even if you cannot vote for them, you will be able to someday. I am surprised I have to explain this to you. Its almost like explaining someone to vote and he/she doesn't by saying "but one vote wont make a difference". "

arre bhai...don't be condescending and don't be surprised and talk about and explaining things to me. i never asked for your explanation, stating another point of view is not asking for explanation.
even when i said politics i never meant someone to blissfully unaware of who is ruling who is not. but quite frankly..if someone stays long enough...he/she will understand taxes,medicare, social security...etc etc. i think you are making a lot assumption about me on your own with your own vivid imaginations.

somehow...understanding american humor and understanding not a basic thing to be successful in office. while cleaning your teeth and wearing clean clothes and keeping a clean look is simple, talking politely is an easy way to make a good impression.
that is my 2 cents.
You seem like a reasonable and intelligent person who has argued on the merits of the argument and not digressed into personal attacks. That, my friend, has to be saluted.

As for this debate, I think we both have elaborated our positions to the point of making it boring for others. So I will rest my case here on a final (long) note: We should not worry about the impression we make as long as we are doing the right things in our own eyes. But, we should also constantly strive for self improvement which includes being generally aware of the host culture. We primarily work in the knowledge industry and for most average people, like myself, our technical skills are only 50% of what the work demands. The other 50% is dealing with the environment. If you wish to achieve above average growth, you need all the social tools at your disposal. As I initially mentioned, this is all based on my personal experience and what I have observed is that there are a lot of good technical Indians who do good in coding but fail when handling basic social situations. Which not only means resolving conflicts, but also creating a rapport with others and handling bigger responsibilities. Some very brilliant people achieve success based totally on their technical skills, but for the large majority of average Indians like myself, we need that extra edge to survive and succeed. I have seen more than my share of consultants who were good technically but never really fit in the team and were let go after the initial contract was over. I decided to work the system and I am doing well for myself.

And that's where I am coming from. You can be the "screw that sh%t" guy and still collect paychecks or you can be the "adapt to this sh%t" guy and guarantee yourself paychecks as well as bonuses.
"You seem like a reasonable and intelligent person who has argued on the merits of the argument and not digressed into personal attacks. That, my friend, has to be saluted."

the salute goes to you too. for "keepin it real"
i have said what i want to say,i am not going to bore anyone anymore.

GOOD LUCK to you!!!
HI All,

I just came across this topic and found very interesting. I read the first page and I agree with the people who have written all those titbits which are really important to take care of.

I have seen some indians wearing wierd dresses. They don't match their dresses at all, wearing sports shoes on formal dresses, they don't iron their clothes, wear the same shirts and pants continuously for three days (this is really bad). Never wear the same dress conituously. I am not asking you to wash the clothes each and everyday but we can change the combinations. I have seen many americans talking about this. My company has very few indians and have heard about these type of comments from a few americans about some of the indians.

I dont want to comment on the food although i request everyone to follow some decency rules (you can use your hands when you are at home but please use spoons and forks when you are at work, dont blurp when having sodas, use mouth refresheners after the food).

Major factor:
No Politics please at work - Especially South indians (Andhra Pradesh & Tamilnadu). I know some people hate me for writing this statement but i am not pinpointing anyone over here because I myself is from Andhra Pradesh. We are all adults and should accept the truth. I dont know why people interfere in others work. I have seen the fact numerous time that one south indian screwing other south indian. They try to interfere and work hard (not at all his work and that work is irrelevant to him) and try to impress other americans and PMs. we have a couple of such people in our company and our american colleagues call them as "Oppurtunistic Indians Friends" when ever they see them. I dont know about West Coast but these incidents are every where in NY/NJ/CT. A couple of my friends who stay in NJ even moved out of some apartment complexes where there are too many indians and too much politics. We try to compare our salaries, our standard of living, we envy if someone buys a new car, we envy if our neighbour's salary is more than us, We envy if our neighbour's GC is approved etc...

If two tamilians meet, they try to screw an AP guy and vice versa. Why anyone should screw others oppurtunites??? This is a Mystery.

One of my friends recently bought a house in NJ. They called their long time nieghbor (previously in an apartment complex) for lunch itseems. She was really jealous of these guys and she commented on almost all the things in the house itseems (Bathrooms are small, Kitchen is old, Bedrooms are small, its only a single sink in kitchen, its a ranch not colonial etc...). so disgusting.....

Lets try to be build up soem unity and harmony among us. Remember, when two mice fights, they are indirectly giving oppurtunity to a cat.

Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Just my two cents of thoughts.
interesting..we all faced these types of situations...yeah..the rotation of clothes needs to be carefully monitored...more like a starting pitcher rotation in baseball....

i will tell a personal story regarding cultural issues...
my wife she started working here recently, she remarked to her colleague (non-indian) at work that "we in india consider books/paper as god (saraswati)" because her colleague was standing on a piece of paper.
her colleague remarked.. what/how do you use for cleaning yourself after the toilet use?? if you value paper so much ,ofcourse her colleague made the remark in jest.

the moral, in my opinion is whatever our morals/values are, keep it within ourselves.
dbwr said:
Be carefull with whom you are dealing the job...and dont make any comments on non-human beings in the office....
Man Converted to Women..
Women converted to Man

I have see first two in my office....every time i see or walk near me,,,,I run like ...

You must be kidding about considering them non-humans, right?
I wish ,could have read this post and thread 6 years ago

hi GC12301975

I can understand what u are saying.I wish if I could have read this post 6 years ago.If you say something about a race,cast of state,very dipolomatic (and dishonest) reply will come as " Not all are .idiots..are ..same...etc crab".But we all know what someone is saying.Whatever you said is true (100%).For all ur question "why" the answer is they have narrow thinking and cunning heart and "JALAN".The intensity of jalan is multiplied at current exchange rate.So u can go to yahoo finance and measure with $/INR rate change. :D :D They are in abundence.I am amazed and enjoy in my office watching these Tamilian play politics so well.People from AP also play but they play in "nukkar" but Tamil play ODI.But again I have some Tamil friends so nice that I call them Bihari ( joke).:D :D .Recently (1 month ago ) two tamil have come in my office from chennai.They are Unix developer and of 25-27 years age.They are on short term project till 31st Dec. We few not-so-smart-to-be-called-as-Tamil predict and observe their activities (read tricks and politics) from side.Your jaw will fall if I start telling what they do for (against) each other.They are from same co,same district and stay togather in same apartment.Their faces are so deceptive that you will think that they don't know anything beyond job.I am team lead and the way they update me about each other that I can't tell you. :D :D .I enjoy for my prediction about them.
I have gone thru this deliberation for a very long time.Now I have come up with solution .I made my mind as perverted and enjoy observing them rather then engrossed into them.You just can not change a single guy. I am not Jesus or Muhammad and hence don't try.
Few suggestions which I have learned.Don't boast about ur stuff.e.g how much u paid for House etc.We boast too much like I bought this house for 600K etc after negotiating 100k etc.My hubby is Newton in Java etc etc.Isse Dil Jalta hai khaskar wife logo ka.Don't talk about what u do in office e.g Jave Developer ,contract ,who is ur employer ,client ,billing rate etc.Yes it look odd as when two beggers or developer meet first question they ask "Aak kal kis platform pe kaam kar rahe ho bhai". You have to be polite to answer this question and it will avoid lot of subsequent questions.Now suppose u say u are working on platform # 2 on Juhu and you have a bunglow in Bandra.Now his wife (from whatever state) will ask her hubby what the heck u are doing whole day ? you are also working on same platform how come we are staying in Apartment? She does not understand that not all begger get same amount ,whatever he does.hope it will help.Please enlighten me with ur Tamil observation in my private inbox.I enjoy Tamil in corporate office politics. :D :D
Basically we all try to read the mind of each other ( myself included) even though we are not qualified to do so but feel otherwise. :D
Disclaimer: Please read with smilling face. :)

GC12301975 said:
HI All,

I just came across this topic and found very interesting. I read the first page and I agree with the people who have written all those titbits which are really important to take care of.

I have seen some indians wearing wierd dresses. They don't match their dresses at all, wearing sports shoes on formal dresses, they don't iron their clothes, wear the same shirts and pants continuously for three days (this is really bad). Never wear the same dress conituously. I am not asking you to wash the clothes each and everyday but we can change the combinations. I have seen many americans talking about this. My company has very few indians and have heard about these type of comments from a few americans about some of the indians.

I dont want to comment on the food although i request everyone to follow some decency rules (you can use your hands when you are at home but please use spoons and forks when you are at work, dont blurp when having sodas, use mouth refresheners after the food).

Major factor:
No Politics please at work - Especially South indians (Andhra Pradesh & Tamilnadu). I know some people hate me for writing this statement but i am not pinpointing anyone over here because I myself is from Andhra Pradesh. We are all adults and should accept the truth. I dont know why people interfere in others work. I have seen the fact numerous time that one south indian screwing other south indian. They try to interfere and work hard (not at all his work and that work is irrelevant to him) and try to impress other americans and PMs. we have a couple of such people in our company and our american colleagues call them as "Oppurtunistic Indians Friends" when ever they see them. I dont know about West Coast but these incidents are every where in NY/NJ/CT. A couple of my friends who stay in NJ even moved out of some apartment complexes where there are too many indians and too much politics. We try to compare our salaries, our standard of living, we envy if someone buys a new car, we envy if our neighbour's salary is more than us, We envy if our neighbour's GC is approved etc...

If two tamilians meet, they try to screw an AP guy and vice versa. Why anyone should screw others oppurtunites??? This is a Mystery.

One of my friends recently bought a house in NJ. They called their long time nieghbor (previously in an apartment complex) for lunch itseems. She was really jealous of these guys and she commented on almost all the things in the house itseems (Bathrooms are small, Kitchen is old, Bedrooms are small, its only a single sink in kitchen, its a ranch not colonial etc...). so disgusting.....

Lets try to be build up soem unity and harmony among us. Remember, when two mice fights, they are indirectly giving oppurtunity to a cat.

Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Just my two cents of thoughts.
Not to invert the smiling face, but in a way you are being the person you are making fun of.
what this thread has become? a Tamil bashing thread... arre bhai. every state,caste, religion in india has ppl like that. stop this nonsense about Tamils and telugus playing politics. instead of attacking particular region say in general terms what an indian has to do. you think americans are clones of jesus. if you live here long enough, i am sure you will find enough instances of bad behaviour among ppl here.

please keep the focus to office environments only...we are not here to judge and critic ppls personalities.
Lo kar lo baat... hamara bas chale to hum kashmir se Kanyakumari tak jayein !!

You got it right mr. michael_holding. Focus on removing smell from armpits and mouths then opening mouth for bashing about vada,daal-bhaat,chole-bhature,uttapam people/politics.

Jo bhi khao, Jo bhi pi-o,
Jahan se bhi Ho,
Idhar aaye ho to
yahan ke ban ke raho... :D :D :D

michael_holding said:
what this thread has become? a Tamil bashing thread... arre bhai. every state,caste, religion in india has ppl like that. stop this nonsense about Tamils and telugus playing politics. instead of attacking particular region say in general terms what an indian has to do. you think americans are clones of jesus. if you live here long enough, i am sure you will find enough instances of bad behaviour among ppl here.

please keep the focus to office environments only...we are not here to judge and critic ppls personalities.
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comments are on expected line.

I was not bashing anybody "bus thora maza le rahe the,Dusre ke tange khinchne ka mouka chukna nahi chahta.".After all "kabbadi" is our national game. Bura mat man-na.Secondaly I clearly said that some of my friends are Tamil and they are very nice.Please take note of that.I mean what I said,they are nice.Yes we can start from Kashmir ,Bengal,Bihar,Punjab etc and can definately say something about each state and caste which may or may not be true. But I strongly believe that if you don't mean what you say then you can say much nicer and pleasant thing.But if you say just truth,raw truth,it will most probably not nice to hear.Unfortunately you can't change the truth.It's very difficult to say truth .Whatever we are saying has some pattern or truth.Just can't ignore that.Please Pause for a second and think,why some one posted his Telgu,Tamil exp? I am an Indian and can abuse Indian,but a small remarks on Indian by non Indian will make me mad.Thats normal.I understand that.

michael_holding said:
what this thread has become? a Tamil bashing thread... arre bhai. every state,caste, religion in india has ppl like that. stop this nonsense about Tamils and telugus playing politics. instead of attacking particular region say in general terms what an indian has to do. you think americans are clones of jesus. if you live here long enough, i am sure you will find enough instances of bad behaviour among ppl here.

please keep the focus to office environments only...we are not here to judge and critic ppls personalities.
woh woh... i am not saying everyone of tamilians are incarnation of gods. but if just because two people say something about south indians you think its a pattern.

i agree TRUTH HURTS...but why stop with tamils or telugus...lets discuss painful truth about Biharis, punjabis, gujjus...etc etc. what make this thing even more surprising is you call yourself a Team lead and in some way you are no way better than the 2 tamils who you are critical of. you seem to have some perverse sense of enjoyment over this. you somehow seem to suggest that some of your tamil friends are so nice that you call them biharis...
what do you mean? you mean to say that each and every bihari is nice....
that is like the dumbest statement i have ever heard....i have enough interaction with biharis....i can tell you they are as good as or as bad as any people i met in india. nothing bad nothing good.

don't give this kind of crap about Truth and nothing but the truth, truth hurts.. bull...make $*it up.
I myself said about my perverted mind.

I myself said about my perverted mind.Will you change urself based on my preaching? I can't change anybody,all in US are "ek se barh ke ek hai". I can't not say everything in this thread. YES but I ENJOY, get pleasure in watching the drama. Thats the way it is. Right or wrong, YES I enjoy. I hear both of them and don't do anything .It takes time to come out of this dirty games. Based on one of the boy, he has given me proof that other's resume is fake. I told him,don't talk to anybody and will take action. Another guy given me proof (based on aprension) that former is fake.I am reporting to director and responsible for these appointments. I just ignored these proof and smiled. That is best I could do.Yes I do care about people's job (even it is Tamil) and try my best to save them. It does not matter whether I am better then these joker or worst then that. U can call me Idiot non-Tamil. That’s fine to me. No I don't mean every Bihari is nice for that matter we all know that .But Bihari's are not supposed to be good in corporate politics. They are good in Bureaucracy and real politics. Check the statistics. Tamil and Bengalis are oldest breed in Corporate India (due to historical reason) and hence knows the rules or corporate world better then atleast Biharis. In my group there are lot of Biharis and most of the time Lalu yadav topic prop up.The way these Biharis ,respond to each of our questions, joke etc , I have very high regard for them. As I did not mention earlier but when we call them(Tamil) saying Bihari actually we mean they don't play any politics in office. My mistake of not sharing the local context. For argument sake we can negate any statement. Some one previously said plase share ur exp not theory. The point I wanted to make that there is definitely some thing is broken some where.Some pattern is there. Sorry my pattern analysis is not based on two tamils. Now I am applying those pattern on these two tamil successfully. I never felt the need for this type of thread when I was in India. So why do I need now ? There is something definitely wrong. Do you folks feel that some one who said his Tamil/Telgu exp is piece of shit? or lying or baseless cooked up story ? He may not be able to handle it in proper way ,that may be the case.Yes because he may not be smart enough to play the game of his opponent as he does not feel that he is on war field. But just don't shrug off it saying as piece of shit because some thruth is there.U all know that.
michael_holding:your comments are on my expected line. Keep spitting venom, I take it easy.BTW I don't come this forum for fighting with you guys.I come here for relaxing not raising my BP but unfortunately it goes on heated argument.I don't agree with so many post,when I agree I do say so.But it is not mandatory for me that I reply to each post.I just replied to one post (telgu/Tamil exp) where I knew what he was talking.You may not have experienced that .thats OK.If you have experieced that what that guy has said about NJ/NY area ,please do share ur suggestion how to handle that.Suggest me where I commited mistake in understanding that.I may not be right in my observation about forming my opinion about a class.I am open to ideas/suggestions for better living but only if you have understood/know the real case not theory/philosphy. :) ;)

michael_holding said:
woh woh... i am not saying everyone of tamilians are incarnation of gods. but if just because two people say something about south indians you think its a pattern.

i agree TRUTH HURTS...but why stop with tamils or telugus...lets discuss painful truth about Biharis, punjabis, gujjus...etc etc. what make this thing even more surprising is you call yourself a Team lead and in some way you are no way better than the 2 tamils who you are critical of. you seem to have some perverse sense of enjoyment over this. you somehow seem to suggest that some of your tamil friends are so nice that you call them biharis...
what do you mean? you mean to say that each and every bihari is nice....
that is like the dumbest statement i have ever heard....i have enough interaction with biharis....i can tell you they are as good as or as bad as any people i met in india. nothing bad nothing good.

don't give this kind of crap about Truth and nothing but the truth, truth hurts.. bull...make $*it up.
Indian_sux again

Sorry folks.Can't resist any more.I know how people react to my post.I keep hearing about state has no behaviour pattern .But correct me if I am wrong.But isn't it true that Marwaris/Gujjus have better business acumen in India? Is it not true that Biharis do most of the Farm labor job in Punjab and low job in Metros? Isn't it true that Punjabis are good in Transport Business,Army and Dhaba ? Gorkhas good in security ?What the f**k you all talk about that there is no pattern based on state.Extend the same logic,Tamil and Benaglis are good in creating/manuevering office politics.Nobody from other state can beat them (if game is there)Period.Start observing if not done earlier.Bihari may be highest number in IAS/IPS but that is also a pattern based on state.Read India Today.
Your turn hypocrats/Gentleman/Diplomats.

victim_of_INS said:
I myself said about my perverted mind.Will you change urself based on my preaching? I can't change anybody,all in US are "ek se barh ke ek hai". I can't not say everything in this thread. YES but I ENJOY, get pleasure in watching the drama. Thats the way it is. Right or wrong, YES I enjoy. I hear both of them and don't do anything .It takes time to come out of this dirty games. Based on one of the boy, he has given me proof that other's resume is fake. I told him,don't talk to anybody and will take action. Another guy given me proof (based on aprension) that former is fake.I am reporting to director and responsible for these appointments. I just ignored these proof and smiled. That is best I could do.Yes I do care about people's job (even it is Tamil) and try my best to save them. It does not matter whether I am better then these joker or worst then that. U can call me Idiot non-Tamil. That’s fine to me. No I don't mean every Bihari is nice for that matter we all know that .But Bihari's are not supposed to be good in corporate politics. They are good in Bureaucracy and real politics. Check the statistics. Tamil and Bengalis are oldest breed in Corporate India (due to historical reason) and hence knows the rules or corporate world better then atleast Biharis. In my group there are lot of Biharis and most of the time Lalu yadav topic prop up.The way these Biharis ,respond to each of our questions, joke etc , I have very high regard for them. As I did not mention earlier but when we call them(Tamil) saying Bihari actually we mean they don't play any politics in office. My mistake of not sharing the local context. For argument sake we can negate any statement. Some one previously said plase share ur exp not theory. The point I wanted to make that there is definitely some thing is broken some where.Some pattern is there. Sorry my pattern analysis is not based on two tamils. Now I am applying those pattern on these two tamil successfully. I never felt the need for this type of thread when I was in India. So why do I need now ? There is something definitely wrong. Do you folks feel that some one who said his Tamil/Telgu exp is piece of shit? or lying or baseless cooked up story ? He may not be able to handle it in proper way ,that may be the case.Yes because he may not be smart enough to play the game of his opponent as he does not feel that he is on war field. But just don't shrug off it saying as piece of shit because some thruth is there.U all know that.
michael_holding:your comments are on my expected line. Keep spitting venom, I take it easy.BTW I don't come this forum for fighting with you guys.I come here for relaxing not raising my BP but unfortunately it goes on heated argument.I don't agree with so many post,when I agree I do say so.But it is not mandatory for me that I reply to each post.I just replied to one post (telgu/Tamil exp) where I knew what he was talking.You may not have experienced that .thats OK.If you have experieced that what that guy has said about NJ/NY area ,please do share ur suggestion how to handle that.Suggest me where I commited mistake in understanding that.I may not be right in my observation about forming my opinion about a class.I am open to ideas/suggestions for better living but only if you have understood/know the real case not theory/philosphy. :) ;)