IL issued after 10 days of FP!!!!!!!!!

Checked with FBI!

Okay, I called the FBI number to check if they processed my Fingerprints. They did process them on the same day as they received them - 12/28. That's what I had expected - the FP guy told me that the FPs were checked "real time" as he was taking them. Now, I'm planning to make an Infopass next week and talk to the IO to see if they mailed out my IL but got lost in mail or I'm stuck in name/backgound check :mad:.
If you go ahead and schedule an infopass and talk to an IO and they give you any answers, I may do the same since I am tired of waiting.
Thanks for updates
IL in 10 days!!! - Info pass

Okay, I called the FBI number to check if they processed my Fingerprints. They did process them on the same day as they received them - 12/28. That's what I had expected - the FP guy told me that the FPs were checked "real time" as he was taking them. Now, I'm planning to make an Infopass next week and talk to the IO to see if they mailed out my IL but got lost in mail or I'm stuck in name/backgound check :mad:.

I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but a similar thing happend to me (southbend, IN, chicago interview) more than a year ago. My wife got here interview and than the oath in practically no time. I am sure by now you can guess that I am still waiting!!! This is very common trend these days almost everyone I know (in different places) has/had similar situation that women got theirs no problem and men goes to endless name check.

My phone message is still the same old (that 'we receive you application on August 8, 2006 etc...) Want to know what can I do, I have started reading messages on this site in last few days. I did confirm that FBI completed my FP on 9/27/2006, what is this info pass that you guys are discussing? and what can be achieved by that?

Thanks for your reply, and I hope my suspicion in your case is wrong.
I sympathize with you for having to wait so long and your wife already is a USC!

Infopass is where you make an appt online with a local USCIS office. You go, take your documents and discuss your case with an IO. I don't know if they resolve your case by looking in detail or its just that the IO gives you a more detailed status.

Maybe somebody who has gone thru an Infopass can shed more light....
I sympathize with you for having to wait so long and your wife already is a USC!

Infopass is where you make an appt online with a local USCIS office. You go, take your documents and discuss your case with an IO. I don't know if they resolve your case by looking in detail or its just that the IO gives you a more detailed status.

Maybe somebody who has gone thru an Infopass can shed more light....

How do you take the appointment? where to find local USCIS office?
Spoke to USCIS and still waiting for IL!

:mad:As you all know my wife got her IL after 10 days of FP but I'm still waiting after 1 month ... I'm not whining as I know others have been waiting much much longer. But I wanted to make sure my IL didn't get lost in mail as mine and wife's files were together uptil now. So, I called the USCIS last Friday and spoke to the rep and he said I'm in name check. I asked him to check my wife's status and he said she's been scheduled for interview. He couldn't see the date/time though. Upon enquiring about my IL, he said its only 1 month since the FP. For my wife's case, he said she got "really really" lucky to have received her IL so fast! I wanted him to transfer me to the IO as I wanted to check if there's anything wrong on my file or the namecheck. But he said he's not authorized to transfer as my case is within the normal processing time. So, I guess, I'll just wait ..... (obviously I have no choice at this time:()
I guess I'm another lucky one whose IL was issued 10 days after FP, infact 6 working days, my wife's timeline is same. See sig, good luck to all.
Does anyone know if LUD gets updated after receiving IL notice? I keep checking it frequently with no luck in change date. Also does it also also depends on local USCIS location?
In most cases that I followed up, they didn't have a LUD change nor actual online message. So Sorry it doesn't in most or some cases.
Good Luck
I am assuming that you are neither Muslim or an individual from an Eastern Block country (especially Russia) .. those people get the longest delays in Name Check..
I am assuming that you are neither Muslim or an individual from an Eastern Block country (especially Russia) .. those people get the longest delays in Name Check..

Apparently, that's not always the case. I'm Russian and I breezed through name check. Then again, maybe it's just dumb luck.
Apparently, that's not always the case. I'm Russian and I breezed through name check. Then again, maybe it's just dumb luck.

Hey Vorpie, how can you tell that you breezed through the name check? How would I find out whether I breezed through or I got stuck?
Hey Vorpie, how can you tell that you breezed through the name check? How would I find out whether I breezed through or I got stuck?

One word: InfoPass!

The IO accesses your case on the USCIS computer system and tells you exactly where your application stands. In my case, all background checks have been cleared and I've been placed in queue for interview.
Well, I donno if I breezed but I am done with the name check for sure since I got my IL letter (and I am a muslim).
I think it takes more time if you are a muslim from certain countries. Mine is definitely on the list:)
I have scheduled an InfoPass for my husband on Thursday. I will keep you all posted. My timeline was very much identical to SivaSob but he received IL in Jan and I'm still waiting :confused:
awesome man!! congrats!! that kinda tells me one thing that the dates on the USCIS website are bogus unless your application somehow got bumped in to the JULY pile. according to the USCIS processing times, they are working on July 20th applications at the cincinnati DO. must're a lucky one!! congrats again man