I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Wait - so you're expected to travel to DC? Does it mean that we'll have to fly all the way to meet Mr. Ragland?

You were so active in this forum for ur GC. Now u r quiet to involve in law suit. What happened? Did u get ur GC?
I don't know if you are being sarcastic or if you are concerned but just so we share things so that others may know how badly we are effected by this unfair hold I will answer your questions.

1. What happened? Did u get ur GC? answer is no I did not get my green card.
2. Now u r quiet to involve in law suit. answer is I have already submitted the questionnaire and waiting like all others.
3. You were so active in this forum for ur GC. answer is my sons mother went home country quietly without informing me and the guy with her also went to India, so my son was with a 70 year old woman, I also called Ontario Police department and she had her sister picked my son, finally I found out that she is attending a wedding back home leaving my son irresponsibly, later I was able to talk to my son and he sounded horrible, I asked him what is wrong and he told me he is sick and the doctor gave him anti-bio-tics, he is above every thing including these forums, finally gave up because I am so helpless because of this 212 a 3 b.
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sorry to hear that Hecate. I Hope and pray that everything works out with your son's situation soon.
Does anyone know much about advanced parole? a lawer i visited told me that i can file advanced parole and leave the country for short time. My situation, is i am waiting for my i730 to get approved. my spouse's case is on 212 holdsince last year.I am maintaining f1 status. is it possible for me? i didn't think so , but since it's a lawyer who told me i thought i would double check.
Cortaidus, Advanced Parole is for people in situations similar to you ( or someone with pending GC, pending Asylum etc. ). I think you should be fine.
sorry to hear that Hecate. I Hope and pray that everything works out with your son's situation soon.
Does anyone know much about advanced parole? a lawer i visited told me that i can file advanced parole and leave the country for short time. My situation, is i am waiting for my i730 to get approved. my spouse's case is on 212 holdsince last year.I am maintaining f1 status. is it possible for me? i didn't think so , but since it's a lawyer who told me i thought i would double check.

Thank you cortaidus for your prayers, during this time I was so emotional that I sent an email to USCIS, which makes no sense as these documents may take months, but I wanted to get info just in case, glad to know it may help you, this is the copy and paste of my email from USCIS for my question.

RE: I-485 pending since October 1999
Friday, June 11, 2010 6:23 AM
"NSC Lawsuit Asylum" <nsclawsuit.asylum@dhs.gov>

If you have a current Refugee Travel Document it shouldn't be a problem.

Thank you

Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 1:12 PM
To: NSC Lawsuit Asylum
Subject: RE: I-485 pending since October 1999

I am charged as 212 a 3 b of the ina, after physically living in the USA legally for over 17 years, with flawless background, I have an 8 year old son, my only child, I have not seen him for 4 years.

My question is can I visit my son in Canada and come back to the USA on RTD Form I-131, without any difficulty after being charged on 212 a 3 b of the ina.
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thats actually good news for you Hecate. However, in my case my i730 is not approved yet. So i can't file for RTD. i am hoping maybe I can use advanced parole. but , again since I am on student visa, filing I730 can be seen as intenet to permanently immigrate which is not allowed on f1 visa so the officer at the entry port might send me back right there. so i don'tknow what i am going to do. i have a mother back home who's 72 and this hold never seem be ending.
cortaidus, I thought of that too after sending you the email when I read your thread second time, you have to understand you are not an asylee, RTD is for asylees etc, I also know that once your application is pending there are several laws that apply, I know some one was denied visa because his son had filed a petition for him.
Be very careful with your actions, I would not trust a lawyer since a lawyer gave me all wrong advice, I don't want to blame him our case is so complicated due to this baseless charges, only immigration department knows it does not hold much with these allegations, but any one seeing a letter saying terrorist related activities freaks out, you should consider going to a local service center and have documented info from them so you may use that if they object on your arrival, however I was picked out from the line in 2003 in Canada by US immigration and I decided not to take another chance.
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Does any one know what is going on with the progress, is USCIS putting a complete hold until there is any exercise of authority in the future, or they are still processing the applications but not fast enough.
Hecate, try contacting the attorney. It will be your best bet. If our cases get approved, I doubt I'll be coming in here unless I needed to get some queries answered.
do you think people not coming here are the ones who got approved? lol.. i guess in that case i hope we don't have to come here soon either..actually, i think people are fed up.. they want to forget it as much as they can.. among the inactive users i miss hopeforbest the most...he is so optimistic.. when i heard the good news the first time i couldn't sleep for few days out of excitement.. i sure hope he got approved ...
do you think people not coming here are the ones who got approved?

I don't think poeple are not coming/commenting here because of approval,everyone is just fade up/fatigue
Hello Everyone,

I would like to make a suggestion, when you make an inquiry through a senator and you dont seem to get anywhere, you may switch and try you local congressman. i have since engaged a local congressman and they seem to be more involved. They made an inquiry for me and we just got a response that my case will be reveiwed in two weeks. Please keep me inyour prayers.
Cortaidus, Advanced Parole is for people in situations similar to you ( or someone with pending GC, pending Asylum etc. ). I think you should be fine.

Advanced parole doesn't garantee that the person will be able to re-enter.
If your I-730 is still pending, then do not travel outside the US. You may not be able to re-enter.
Hi every one I just knew about this forum I 'm so helpless same situation same story same frustration my hubby is US citizen and so is my kids can I file for a new adjustment based on my husband status
Hi, totallylost, Yes you can based on the info that applies on travel document should apply in I-485, I guess, My parents are both US citizens, my siblings and my son are all US citizens too and my attorney advised me the same thing but it will take about 7 years, I would rather use other options as I can not wait another 7 years for this rubbish, this is a copy and paste of one of old threads

Assylum you can travel, and here is the email I get from TSC when I asked them about that:

The problem with adjudicating your Form I-485 is based on the regulations for that form only. It is not an issue with other forms. A Return Travel Document from a Form I-131 with current dates authorized should be fine for your use, because your asylum status is unaffected.

TSC i-team Duty Officer
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