I am no Terrorist, any advice?

I forgot to mention that this new exemption is yet to be prepared. One should know that such an exemption requires 34 miles of paper work and a lengthy bureaucratic processes to achieve. Let us be a bit more patient. Love you all.
One more question

I forgot to mention that this new exemption is yet to be prepared. One should know that such an exemption requires 34 miles of paper work and a lengthy bureaucratic processes to achieve. Let us be a bit more patient. Love you all.

Are you able to find out if there is a good possibility of getting this resolved before the elections or it is pointless to keep such hopes.
Thanks for your contribution.
Excellent question, (but I am anticipating that the response may be gray, from Hughes or DHS)

Yes Deep Trigger that is the main problem, there has been no transparency here, this xenophobia is not the new thing for USA ie Japanese faced the same thing after PH, and there are numerous horrible history with examples, we are just another add to this ruthless persecution. Persecution is what I can call this what else is it besides an illegal human rights action under a legal umbrella, it is a matter of shame for any nation to do such a disgraceful act.
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[All our cases put on hold will remain in violation of International Human Rights Law, ( but no one really cares for the little guy, like you or me, reason why we stuck in legal lingering limbo for years ...and years)].
[All our cases put on hold will remain in violation of International Human Rights Law, ( but no one really cares for the little guy, like you or me, reason why we stuck in legal lingering limbo for years ...and years)].

So true, we get to see the true face of justice system and democracy of this country, we in one way are better than those who have no clues. I don't know if it is worth learning from such a miserable experience but there is a lot to learn about the dirty politicians and how they function in this country.
[Terrible experience for me, all I ever got from that sad learning experience is Anger & Frustration, disappointment & loss of valuables (time is valuable, they even say "Time Is Money"...] There is no prize big enough that would award me a fair compensation for my loss.
So true

[Terrible experience for me, all I ever got from that sad learning experience is Anger & Frustration, disappointment & loss of valuables (time is valuable, they even say "Time Is Money"...] There is no prize big enough that would award me a fair compensation for my loss.

Above all if you have been on hold in the USA based on these bogus charges [I will always call it bogus since that is the fact] the Canadian's monkey see monkey do also refuse you for PRC benefits so you can not even move to Canada, this is a double loss while our beaucrats take this matter as if our life and families have no value, may be they think we should appreciate them for letting us live in USA, well I don't have any thing to appreciate or be grateful about.
[As long as there is Life, there is Hope, and I am just hoping that we will ALL be approved soon, because the MENTAL, & the SOCIAL damage are continual and irreparable on us, we suffered too much in many ways, we are all left out marginalized and forgotten, burned by the sun, wet by the rain, blown out by the wind, and hit by all possible malediction, the pain and suffering is still lingering, we need a break now, I can't take it any-longer and anymore.]

<< ....may be they think we should appreciate them for letting us live in USA...>> . America is the land of the INDIANS, anyone else is illegitimate immigrants.
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So true

[As long as there is Life, there is Hope, and I am just hoping that we will ALL be approved soon, because the MENTAL, & the SOCIAL damage are continual and irreparable on us, we suffered too much in many ways, we are all left out marginalized and forgotten, burned by the sun, wet by the rain, blown out by the wind, and hit by all possible malediction, the pain and suffering is still lingering, we need a break now, I can't take it any-longer and anymore.]

<< ....may be they think we should appreciate them for letting us live in USA...>> . America is the land of the INDIANS, anyone else is illegitimate immigrants.

That is absolutely the truth.
New Exemption

Hi all,

It appears that a new exemption was just issued for (KLA). Please check it out and share your insights.
I believe this exemption was issued after 8 months from the last one, these morons are very slow, I think if these numnuts proceed in this speed we should have our greencards before we die if we live for another 25 years. lol
[ Didn't they renounce to the "group by group" exemption process?
Am I missing something here???
That would be devastating, if they re-start the "group by group" exemption, because no need to repeat, that process is slow and does not work at all.]
[ Didn't they renounce to the "group by group" exemption process?
Am I missing something here???
That would be devastating, if they re-start the "group by group" exemption, because no need to repeat, that process is slow and does not work at all.]

josephEsf is right deep trigger I just confirmed from uscis website, just go on terrorist related inadmisibility bar and it is on the botton, this was issued on 4th of June 2012.
Please understand we are dealing with the most retarded US goverment agency and that is the reason why we are here. You can not expect any thing reasonable with these idiots, they have the authority and not the brain.
New Exemption

Hi all,
I believe this exemption along with several others were prepared and recommended for the benefits a long while ago pending Ms. Napolitano's signature. I believe DHS decision not to issue new exemptions has nothing to do with finalizing the already prepared ones. let me repeat Ms. Hughes statement, " DHS will not issue any NEW exemptions rendering this method inefficient ". So "NEW" is the key word. Be positive everyone.

Hi all,
I believe this exemption along with several others were prepared and recommended for the benefits a long while ago pending Ms. Napolitano's signature. I believe DHS decision not to issue new exemptions has nothing to do with finalizing the already prepared ones. let me repeat Ms. Hughes statement, " DHS will not issue any NEW exemptions rendering this method inefficient ". So "NEW" is the key word. Be positive everyone.

Thank you JosephEsf, for clarification and the update.*
[JosephEsf, No one doubts the authenticity of your sources, your inputs and participation are highly appreciated, we love your contribution Bro. stay tune on this forum we need you, but people like me doubt DHS/USCIS due to past practice and the loophole of bureaucracy and and endless mismanagement. They pledge to drop group by group exemptions, and the latest exemption was signed on June 5, right around the meeting time therefore around their announcement.]
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[JosephEsf, No one doubts the authenticity of your sources, your inputs and participation are highly appreciated, we love your contribution Bro. stay tune on this forum we need you, but people like me doubt DHS/USCIS due to past practice and the loophole of bureaucracy and and endless mismanagement. They pledge to drop group by group exemptions, and the latest exemption was signed on June 5, right around the meeting time therefore around their announcement.]

Do you mean June 4?, was there one exemption also issued on June 5th, did I miss something.
Let me know thanks for your participation.