I am no Terrorist, any advice?


I have not heard back from Melanie. However, here what I got from my lawyer regarding June 5, meeting “I don’t have any further update at this time. I will try to find out if there has been any further movement on this. It seems that the current administration may be interested in issuing the exemption before the election but I don’t know that for sure.”
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[I have not heard back from her either , I don't know what is going on. Who knows? maybe she is on vacation?, maybe she is putting things together? I am really hoping some thing positive before the election.]
Yahoo news

Latest news on yahoo is Obama is planning to legalize 800000 illegal immigrants, this has nothing to do with our issue but it is encouraging that prior elections finally there is a move towards immigration, HBA makes sense to me based on todays yahoo news, lets hope good things will happen soon.
This is what I got from Melanie.

We met with USCIS earlier this month and there have been some modest positive developments. That said, DHS continues to be moving extremely slowly, despite the fact that the U.S. government pledged to UNHCR that they would clear all cases and revisit some of their current legal interpretations (for example, what constitutes “material” support) by the end of 2012. Please note that these are not official notes from the meeting, just what I understood and wrote down during the meeting, the acronyms for groups may not all be correct:

•The Secretary of Homeland Security signed an exemption for the KLA on June 5, 2012. Currently 59 KLA cases are on hold.

•The government’s interagency working group has recommended exemptions for the following groups (this means that these groups now need to be cleared through the DHS Secretary’s office, there is no indication how long this will take, but USCIS did say they expected some of these to be signed by September):

· Pending at DHS since 2011
•NDA (includes Umma Party between 1995-1997)

· Submitted to DHS between January-March 2012


o Iraqi Uprising


•The interagency working group is considering making recommendations for exemptions for:
•Burmese groups: The Awami League, BMP, others
•Ethiopian & Eritrean groups: EPLF, COEDF, EDU, EPDM/Amhara National Democratic Movement, EPRDF, ESDL, WSLF, GPLM, KPF, OALF, SLF, UDPLF, possibly others
•Bangladeshi groups

· The following groups are no longer considered Tier III:

· Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dash-Nak) after 1986

· The April 19th Movement (Colombian) – after February 1990

· MLC (Congo) after March 2007

· PCN (a defunct political party from El Salvador) between 1967 and 1979

· National Movement of Iranian Resistance after September 1984

· Forum for Restoration of Democracy in Kenya

· UDPCI (Cote d’Ivore)

· Los Pepes (Pablo Escobar) - Tier III Group only from January to November 1993, not a Tier III group any other time

· The interagency group is considering a timeline/tiered exemption for the AFRC (Sierra Leone), Fatah, Tahreek e Jarfaria (Pakistan), Al Jabah Al Watanya, Gin Bot 7, Akramiya.

•DHS is setting up a website where information about 212a2b cases will be available in one place. They plan to have this live by June, 2012. In the meantime, inquires about cases can be sent to trigquery@uscis.dhs.gov.

· No cases have been denied pursuant to the November 20th Revised Guidance on Hold Policy

There was a good article on the TRIG issue in April:


I will try to respond to your emails as quickly as I can, but please be patient. Our next meeting with DHS is on September 13. Again, I am sorry you are all going through this, I hope you will all have green cards and be reunited with family very soon.

Best wishes,


Melanie Nezer

Senior Director, US Policy and Advocacy


1775 K St. NW #320

Washington, DC 20006

direct 202-212-6025

fax 202-212-6001


I got the same email yesterday from Melanie.

This is what I got from Melanie.

We met with USCIS earlier this month and there have been some modest positive developments. That said, DHS continues to be moving extremely slowly, despite the fact that the U.S. government pledged to UNHCR that they would clear all cases and revisit some of their current legal interpretations (for example, what constitutes “material” support) by the end of 2012. Please note that these are not official notes from the meeting, just what I understood and wrote down during the meeting, the acronyms for groups may not all be correct:

•The Secretary of Homeland Security signed an exemption for the KLA on June 5, 2012. Currently 59 KLA cases are on hold.

•The government’s interagency working group has recommended exemptions for the following groups (this means that these groups now need to be cleared through the DHS Secretary’s office, there is no indication how long this will take, but USCIS did say they expected some of these to be signed by September):

· Pending at DHS since 2011
•NDA (includes Umma Party between 1995-1997)

· Submitted to DHS between January-March 2012


o Iraqi Uprising


•The interagency working group is considering making recommendations for exemptions for:
•Burmese groups: The Awami League, BMP, others
•Ethiopian & Eritrean groups: EPLF, COEDF, EDU, EPDM/Amhara National Democratic Movement, EPRDF, ESDL, WSLF, GPLM, KPF, OALF, SLF, UDPLF, possibly others
•Bangladeshi groups

· The following groups are no longer considered Tier III:

· Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dash-Nak) after 1986

· The April 19th Movement (Colombian) – after February 1990

· MLC (Congo) after March 2007

· PCN (a defunct political party from El Salvador) between 1967 and 1979

· National Movement of Iranian Resistance after September 1984

· Forum for Restoration of Democracy in Kenya

· UDPCI (Cote d’Ivore)

· Los Pepes (Pablo Escobar) - Tier III Group only from January to November 1993, not a Tier III group any other time

· The interagency group is considering a timeline/tiered exemption for the AFRC (Sierra Leone), Fatah, Tahreek e Jarfaria (Pakistan), Al Jabah Al Watanya, Gin Bot 7, Akramiya.

•DHS is setting up a website where information about 212a2b cases will be available in one place. They plan to have this live by June, 2012. In the meantime, inquires about cases can be sent to trigquery@uscis.dhs.gov.

· No cases have been denied pursuant to the November 20th Revised Guidance on Hold Policy

There was a good article on the TRIG issue in April:


I will try to respond to your emails as quickly as I can, but please be patient. Our next meeting with DHS is on September 13. Again, I am sorry you are all going through this, I hope you will all have green cards and be reunited with family very soon.

Best wishes,


Melanie Nezer

Senior Director, US Policy and Advocacy


1775 K St. NW #320

Washington, DC 20006

direct 202-212-6025

fax 202-212-6001



Just want to share this article with you folks. Please sign the petition.

Thanks you,


Dear Friend,

A persecuted Congolese woman seeks asylum in the United States. But she's denied. Why? Because a rebel group kidnapped her when she was a child and forced her to be a soldier.

The United States government labeled her a terrorist because under overly broad provisions of U.S. immigration law, victims of terrorism can be labeled as terrorists.

Thousands of refugees seeking asylum—or who were granted U.S. protection years ago and are now applying for permanent residence or family reunification—have been wrongly labeled as "terrorists." Their lives are on hold as they wait for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to grant them legal status in the country.

For World Refugee Day today, send a message to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano to sign exemptions for refugees mislabeled as "terrorists" – exemptions that bipartisan legislation in 2007 authorized her to sign.

In 2005, DHS acknowledged that its application of these overbroad provisions harms refugees who need protection, and it has since implemented a few exemptions for specific categories of refugees mislabeled as "terrorists." But more than 4,500 applications are still stuck in red tape.

Help us alleviate the needless suffering of these genuine refugees and their families. Tell Secretary Napolitano to sign the exemptions on her desk.

Eleanor Acer
Human Rights First

Human Rights First is an independent advocacy and action organization that challenges America to live up to its ideals. We believe American leadership is essential in the struggle for human rights so we press the U.S. government and private companies to respect human rights and the rule of law. When they don't, we step in to demand reform, accountability and justice. Around the world, we work where we can best harness American influence to secure core freedoms.
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I have already submitted and I have also asked my family to do the same, my parents have already submitted as well, we need more people so lets find more people in our surroundings to do the same.
[hecate, EXCELLENT JOB, well done bro. let us spread the information like you just did. I did the same as well. Guys please spread the link to friends and love ones]
Does anyone know when the I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility will be available? How can we apply?

Does anyone know when the I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility will be available? How can we apply?

Can you tell us more in regards to this application I saw the form I-601 was published on 4th of June 2012 and filing fee is over $500.00
This is now all confusing to me the hell these USCIS morons are trying to do now to complicate the matter further.
I am not a terrorist

Hi Deeptrigger,

I am new at this weblog. Also, I have limited access to internet. I recently had a conversation with Anwen Hughes. I have some interesting information regarding TRIG quarterly meeting on June 5th. Would you call me on my cell phone so that we could exchange some vital information?

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Hi Deeptrigger,

I am new at this weblog. Also, I have limited access to internet. I recently had a conversation with Anwen Hughes. I have some interesting information regarding TRIG quarterly meeting on June 5th. Would you call me on my cell phone so that we could exchange some vital information?

Also, anyone interested in this subject is welcomed to call me for exchange of information.

(630) 709-2282

Thanks for your help, can you tell us the basic conversation in this regards, it will be too many people calling you if we all start calling.
[I spoke with Moe alias JosephEsp, whose posting is above, he is a very wise and well mannered man, had provided with excellent update information. Moe stated having a conversation with Anwen Hughes, who told him that USCIS/DHS wants to abandon their traditional technique of Groups by groups exemption, which is a slow and painful process, a piece meal that doesn’t seem to work efficiently since they started...
Instead USCIS/DHS will adopt anew approach by adjudicating individual case by individual case basis, they are anticipated that they will be done by end of fiscal year (September), or end of year 2012 (December)]
Do you guys think we can trust these guys anymore? First they granted our asylum and then they hold our GC and it came to media last year that by the end of Dec 2011 they are going to clear out all the cases and same stereo type reply again by the end of 2012, how about by the end of Dec 21, 2012 together along with the last day of Mayan's calendar????
No we can not

Do you guys think we can trust these guys anymore? First they granted our asylum and then they hold our GC and it came to media last year that by the end of Dec 2011 they are going to clear out all the cases and same stereo type reply again by the end of 2012, how about by the end of Dec 21, 2012 together along with the last day of Mayan's calendar????

No we can not trust them, not a bit, but hope must not die, thanks to deep trigger and moe for staying on top.
If I had known it will be so destructive to seek asylum in the USA by God I would have not done so.
Above all, the deception and non transparency through out the time of hold was a crime that only a human rights activists can understand or the sufferers.
If I had been told honestly in 2005 by USCIS morons about this bogus terrorist inadmissibility I could have gone to Canada my X was Canadian and wanted to sponsor me but the USCIS lied to me that my case will be adjudicated in 6months for every inquiry until 2010 and it appeared to me that I may be on the edge of wait, while my family continued to rot without me.
Only thing I pray is I hope there is such a thing as God and if there is one may God punish them.
Hi all,

Based on the conversation I had with Anwen Hughes, USCIS is under tremendous pressure and are very anxious to correct this problem. She also mentioned that there will be no more exemptions and all the efforts will be focused on this new case by case approach. For years Human Rights First and other activists have been trying to convince USCIS that this group by group method is a painfully slow and inefficient process. I believe the fact that USCIS finally acknowledged this, is a major positive development. I also believe things however slow, are going to the right direction. We all know how incompetent USCIS is. Let's not be a pessimist, let us be more positive and optimistic. The government can't keep these cases on hold forever, they will eventually do the right thing. TRUST ME ON THIS.