I-751 December filers

I was just looking at my bank account to see if VSC had cashed my check but no such luck yet. I was also looking at other posts and realized that my wife (USC) and I had moved in Jan'07 and I never filed anything with the USCIS telling them that we moved. So the conditional GC is tagged to our old address and our 751 application has a new address...does anyone know if that's going to be a problem?? :eek:

Well well by law you must file a form AR-11 indicating your new address...so I would do it ASAP and call them as well. I don't know if they really check or care the address that you put in your I-751 even they ask for it or which one they follow...normally they send things to the old addresses by experiences of other people...so I can't tell for sure.
Well well by law you must file a form AR-11 indicating your new address...so I would do it ASAP and call them as well. I don't know if they really check or care the address that you put in your I-751 even they ask for it or which one they follow...normally they send things to the old addresses by experiences of other people...so I can't tell for sure.

If I file the AR-11 now, would it confuse those guys and delay the process further? on the 751 form, there's a section that asks if you have moved since granted conditional resident status to which we indicated yes and added another sheet explaining that we moved from our apt and bought a condo together.
I finally mailed my I-751 on 3rd jan 08. I used Immigration Advocacy attorney to send mine.

Sent by certified mail and delivered on 7th Jan 08.

I am in NJ and the applicatoion was mailed to VSC.
Now waiting for the check to get cashed.

** I have sent my I-751 just for the heck of it even though i am technically supposed to get a 10 year card and not file I-751 due to the time it took for the case to get approved completely. My entire GC case is messed up and no one has any clue what is going on including the immigration folks.
Congressman's office is working on this case for me.

Read more if interested on a seperate post "Unusual situation...green card asked to surrender by ADO"

But will keep posting the time line for I-751 here.
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Yeah I read your case...pretty confusing. Well just wait and see what's happens but you supposed to get a 10 yr and be done with this mess long ago. So bad you couldn't get a copy of the paperwork that you file at the office.
hi today i recieved my Biometrics appiontment for 1/18/07
my time line
dec 18 -mailed i 751
dec 19-recieved
dec 26 checks cashed
dec 29th recieved NOA extend
jan 10 biometrics NOA
jan 17 biometrics appoint ment
update update - check was cashed yesterday. I can't see where it was processed out of since my credit union is a little slow when it comes to loading the images...but who cares!!
Filed at TSC

my time line
dec 28-mailed i 751
dec 31-arrived at TX post office
jan 02 - signed for at TSC
?? - checks cashed

I'm waiting for my check to be cashed still. Seems like its taking a very long time for them to even cash checks. Makes me a little nervous. Anyone else file end of Dec or beginning of jan and not heard anything yet. Sheesh. I'm getting grey hair and wrinkles aready :confused:
cdn74, you are in NC and you got cashed in TSC...and Rare and me (FL and GA resptly) got send to VSC...wonder how that freaking "sending machine" works! heheh.

you are exactly in the two weeks mark, give it on Monday and check your bank...some banks are slower than others, so really until it really get out of your account is that you will noticed. OR if you are really really desperate you actually can call your bank and ask if (# check) has been posted or is on the system at least to be posted...they should know that before it get posted on the system.

Good luck!
Cherr it's me (CDN74). I haven't had my check cashed yet. :( I wish I did have it cashed....Then I would think someone is doing something somewhere with my stuff :S

But it seems its taking over two weeks in some cases for checks to be cashed so it can't be lost under someone's desk right????
I have an update on mine. check cashed!!


my time line
dec 28-mailed i 751
dec 31-arrived at TX post office
jan 02 - signed for at TSC
jan 11 - checks cashed - Stamped VT

So 10 days after it got there. I guess it WASN"T lost under someone's desk. It is stamped VERMONT. But on the front of the check is a long number followed by the name of the person who signed for it in TX. So I don't know if I have been transferred to VT. Or what?

Whats up with the vermont thing??
California Center I-751 times...

I filed the I-751 form a couple of days ago and was wondering if anyone can tell me about their experience with the California Center in recent weeks.
Anyone know why TX is transferring things to VT when they are clearly behind VT?

i have no clue..but when i filed mine with TX center in december, they sent to CSC. So I am assuming CSC is now upto their limit and that is why TX is transffering to VT. WHich really makes me wonder as to what TSC is doing nowadays??:confused: