I-485 for Special Registration Countries?

Any Update

Any Update...

Are we going to hear the good news or should we start packing...

Would not be surprised if BCIS says that they will not issue green cards to Special Registration Countries.

Anyone any idea what to do?

... it won't be as drastic as that. yes certainly we are going to be discriminated against. but i don't think they are going to start denying green cards, although i suppose some of them would dearly like to. i am hoping that some of them do realize that, of the billion or so people that make up the population of SR countries, not all of them like blowing things up.
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I think it is going to be a long long wait for us if at all we receive approvals.
Pessimistic or pragmatic ?
I-485 and AP for Special Registration Countries

I came back in USA in January 2002 on AP. I need to go back again. Because of the war I am thinking twice before going back again. Has any body come back in USA after war has broken out or do you guys know anything about us port of entry at this time?
Has anybody received...

Has anybody from SR countries with a
pending I-485, I-131, or I-765 application actually received an RFE for proof of
special registration? I have seen guesses
and analyses from people, and in one instance,
a quote from an attorney who thought this
would be the case, but I am curious as to
whether an actual one has occured.

Many people with pending I-485 may have
used AP to last enter the U.S. in which
case they are not subject to SR anyway.
No Updates Yet

Still waiting for an approval message from a person who went through special registration.
Friend of mine, who is from one of the special registration countries, got his approval on last Thursday (4/3) from a local BCIS center. His RD is 8/01.

That is a big news: a good news of course. Can you tell us the country your friend is from and what was the service center? We all have been waiting to hear this kind of news for a long time.

Lets hope that BCIS has started approving the cases from the special registration countries.

Hi, since my friend has not revealed the information to anyone at work yet and I am posting this without asking him for his permission at first, I only can tell you (without feeling irresponsible) that it was the st. paul local office.

You can rest assured that this is authentic information because I am also from one of the special registration countries and am deeply concerned about this issue.

Hi, since my friend has not revealed the information to anyone at work yet and I am posting this without asking him for his permission at first, I only can tell you (without feeling irresponsible) that it was the st. paul local office.

You can rest assured that this is authentic information because I am also from one of the special registration countries and am deeply concerned about this issue.

this is good news, but it might raise another question...

... hbt2002, maybe i am jumping the gun here, as you have not posted too many details, but could you answer the question as to why, to the best of his/your knowledge, was your friend's case transferred to a local office?

was it one of the more "traditional" reasons, i.e. recent marriage etc.?

i have been speculating lately that many special registrants might see their cases transferred to local offices, because, after all the security and background checks are done, they might still want to give their field officers another chance to assess an individual applicant to see who they are letting in in their midst on permanent basis, if you get my drift...

... or maybe i am just being paranoid. any thoughts, anyone?
I haven't really asked him about the reasons lately. He did not know last time I asked which was about a month ago. His country is in group 4, and his case was transferred before his country was added to the list. So, I think it's likely that it has anything to do with the special registration. Moreover, he did get married around the time of 485 application.

Personally, I don't think that we are likely to get transferred just because of sp, especially since we already have gone through the registration process and they already know everthing there is to know about us (that should even reduce the chances of a local transter, shouldn't it?). However, that's just pure speculation on my part.
Big news guys
a friend of mine from bangladesh special registration done last month applied through his wife in 2001 May finally got his interview letter for Mid APril.
His finger print was completed around August 2002
SO, woohoo seems like the freeze is over
He applied in Houston
It sounds like a local case because normally local cases get interviews! Different local offices operate in different manner, like some local office will issue EAD but some will not. If it is from Nebraska, then it is indeed very good news!

Do you know if there case has been moved to local INS office or not?

I don't want to scare you off or spread any disappointment but I also belong to Group 3 for Special Registration Countries and still waiting for my appoval. The notification date is October 2000 (Ohhh Yeah) and there is no light at the end of tunnel yet, so far!!!. During the past 'couple of years' I've recieved 4 RFE's and 2 finger printing notices, the latest one was filed on October 2002.

My lawyer has no clue about this slow (not an appropriate word) adjudication and so has the Congresman office that I've been trying to get some help from. The latest news (as per the congressman office) that 'my case is still pending for background security' check, though I had completed my registration in Feb 2003. I believe that this may be the case with most of the folks that belong to Special registration countries and its not limited to NSC. I've friends who filed their cases in VSC and TSC during Sept2001-Oct 2001 but still see their cases pending while people from NON-Special registration countries getting their approvals. This trend is pretty much evident at Rupnet.

I'm keeping my hope alive and my fingers crossed.
I see one approval in Rupnet from PAK

I see one approval in Rupnet from PAK for Today for EAC.
This might give us some hope.

only time will tell...

the reason i say this is, rupnet data does not help much in determining what, if any, bearing being an SR country national has on i485 cases.

there are only 9 reported cases in rupnet from pakistan in the august - december 2001 RD month range for NSC; and as far as i could see, none were approved. particularly interesting is october 2001 RD month, which is being quite heavily focussed on by NSC. this month had the most reported cases from pakistan (5), including yours, AU1, if i am not mistaken. and i could seen in a sea of green (approved cases), the cases from pakistan were at the most RFE'd. while there are still some cases from the big 2, india and china, that are also pending, the majority seems approved. it would be interesting to watch this month to see which approvals come last...

let's keep an eye on oct. 01.