How long to change job after GC

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This is my question/comment:
Let's say you got approved on date x after using already ac-21.At the moment of approval you have been already offered another job and signed for it to start at a date y, after the approval date ,with the intent to use ac-21 again.
Did you commit fraud and invalidated your GC?-Base on JoeF it is fraud since you already planned to leave before your GC got approved,i.e not to work pemanently.
My opinion is this is not fraud since one can't anticipate approval date.Your intention was to use ac-21 again and work permanently for the third job.The approval came as a surprise since USCIS approvals do not follow a precise timeline which would allow you planning your life/intentions so not to commit fraud based the Immigration Law.
My opinion:ac-21 nulifies any timeframe but I think it is fraud if one can prove that you started looking for a job right after your GC was approved.
What if you quit after approval because you need a long vacation ,on your own money, because you are mentally exhausted (due to dealing with USCIS between other things) or because you haven't had a true vacation in a long time?
Great! We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view :- We now seek your departure - The sooner you're gone, the better.
I have yet to see someone defend a lost agenda so shamelessly. Did you seek Ms. Murthy's permission before dragging her reputation down with your sorry a**.

JoeF said:
You obviously mean this link:
There aren't many lawyers more neutral than Ms. Murthy.
For somebody who doesn't understand the English language (hint: look up neutral) you are quite bold. But here you have tried to bite off more than you can chew.
You don't have the moral right to spread your bad and dangerous "advice." You are morally bankrupt.
Your try to label any lawyer who doesn't agree with your flawed "advice" as not neutral. That alone shows your moral bankruptcy.

You are a troll, and a quite bad one at that.
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JoeF said:
They are gone, I'm still here. That's not a surprise, since I know what I'm saying, and you obviously not.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Confession of an egomaniac - who wants to put the last post.
Good for you.
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unitednations said:
joef, I know it is in your nature to respond to most posts. However, I don't think there is anything more to be said. You have given very clear logic and reasons.

In the accounting world what we would characterize this discussion as is "opinion shopping". That is when you don't like the answer you receive you keep asking it in different ways and to different people until you get an answer that you want to hear.

Best thing is for everyone to let this discussion go.

Well said. Lots of people come here to know the "exact" laws. But on the other hand, lots of people come here to find "workaround" of a laws, considering the fact that many people are not in "perfect" shape - about immigration status, employment situation or the way they got their GCs. So, just informing the laws or insisting your own point of views that contradicts their expectation are pretty much useless.
Does any one lost his/her GC status after changing job in he life history of INS if you guy do not have any proof that one has to continue job for 6-1yr fter getting GC.
JoeF said:
Are you yet another troll???
As I said, I am just the messenger. But unlike you trolls, I inform myself before posting.
Now, provide something substantial, or get lost.

its good to see that you are now back to your usual cantankerous self now that dsfgh is banned/gone....

This is an argument you will never win, notwithstanding your numerous posts of Ms. Murthy. She is not an uber-lawyer. She is well-respected and is taking a conservative view of this murky situation.

It all boils down to an individual's tolerance of risk vs. reward.

Since there is no explicit law, it is open to interpretation (again, irrespective of what one lawyer or another might believe).


It is wise and prudent to do so, of course, BUT NOT A LEGAL REQUIREMENT TO MAINTAINING YOUR GC.

I'm sure you will have the last say on this post (like on numerous others), but you will NEVER convince everyone on this board that you are right and they are wrong. But kudos to you for your perseverence.

So, before questioning someone else's moral fiber, I suggest you question your own motivation on always having the last say. Being right or wrong doesn't seem to matter much to you. You might agree with numerous posters on this thread, but you still want to have the last say.

You have provided me with some useful information in the past on this newsgroup, but your repeated attempts to badger others to accept your conservation interpretation of immigration views has convinced me to ignore your opinions on this and other matters altogether.

JoeF said:
People who have that problem most likely have other, more important things to do than posting on some forum.

If you do not have any example of deportation due to changing employers, just say plainly "I don't have any example." Using the above funny argument again and again to cover your ass will just make you more annoying.
JoeF said:
Are you yet another troll???
As I said, I am just the messenger. But unlike you trolls, I inform myself before posting.
Now, provide something substantial, or get lost.

There was nothing substaintial in the lines I quoted from your posting. When you trumpet your own drum, be prepared to get some stone. You wrote about yourself, I commented. And, I don't see any reason why I should get lost.

BTW, just referring "troll" to everybody who talks against you is not very good way to prove that you do not post craps, but only substaintial stuffs (there is nothing substaintial abouy your reference). I think you cannot fathom the fact there are some people can exists in the who who can contradict you. I don't support some people who posted bad comment against you, but same time I do not support who return mud just to menifest his/her egomaniac attitude.
How about this after getting GC ( in software)
Can I Switch to different career,... open a Subway instead software
sairam123 said:
How about this after getting GC ( in software)
Can I Switch to different career,... open a Subway instead software

if you go to any business school, and ask how many GC holders there got their GCs as a CEO, you will know the answer to your question.
Everybody has expressed their opinions on this one and this discussion is leading us nowhere. JoeF is taking a more conservative approach which I think is too conservative. If someone leaves a job right after 485 approval, how still INS can provide that he did not have an intent to continue with the same employer ? Intent can not be proved or disproved and so can not be challenged. On the contrary, if someone continues his job for 1 year how does it prove the intent ? Somebody can continue a job even without an intent to continue...right ?

I am yet to see a single individual who changed the job right after 485 approval and had a problem to his GC due to this. I have not heard of it and not even read any post here.
sairam123 said:
not clear

I personally know many people who went to pursue an MBA right after GC (their professions range from IT to biology, from mathematics to physics, from chemistry to history ...)
some of them had a plan to go to business school even before they start their green card application (they are committing an immigration fraud according to JoeF, of course).

buddy, let me tell you sth., with more than 3 millions illegal aliens entering this country every year, the CIS has "more pressing issues to do than catching GC holders who changed jobs/professions".
JoeF said:
I am sorry, but if people attack me personally, I fire back. That's just self defense. And, you have to watch out here as well. I am defending myself, and that has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of "egomaniac attitude." It has everything to do with basic self respect.
So, if you don't want the mud slinging, don't sling mud at me... If people sling mud at me, I fire back. It is as simple as that.

Don't draw the logic of "self defence" because it does not fit here. If you really want to defend, then you should just defend yourself or your argument - not firing back. If you fire back, then you should be banned very same way other people were banned. It really does not matter who started flames or who followed.
This is just my personal viewpoint.
Got laid off just before I-485 and got approved, what's next

Got lay off letter today from the sponsoring employer and I-485 got approved yesterday. What is my situation? If I find new job, would it go against me at the time of filing for citizenship. Please Help!
no140 said:
Got lay off letter today from the sponsoring employer and I-485 got approved yesterday. What is my situation? If I find new job, would it go against me at the time of filing for citizenship. Please Help!

Here is JoeF's theory: at the time that I-485 is approved the employee should have the intent to work for the sponsoring employer indefinitely, and the employer should have the intent to hire the employee indefinitely. In your situation, CIS can argue that the sponsoring employer does not have the intent to hire you at the time that the I-485 is approved. Thus you are already committing an immigration fraud according to JoeF's theory unless you give up your green card.

My theory: Say bye-bye to your old employer. Find a new job. Enjoy your green card just like all the other fools who never realized that the "intent" thing is an issue.
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