Georgia SESA Tracker

Good news for people waiting in January

Good news for people waiting in January, you all thought I must be in Fed DOL, but I just wanted to pass this information to people who are still waiting.
One more case filed in GA SESA from our office got moved today to ATL DOL

Applied 18th JAN 2002 Moved Sometime 15th March 2003

Good Luck all

thanks aryfly for the information... it is really appreciable to post us the news inspite of ur LCA being moved to DOL....

ATL03 u should be giving us the good news soon.. as the ur case is prior to the one aryfly just told us..... all the best

here is the updated list....

mhsoor : NOV 29 2001 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-03-2003
singh244 : Nov 28 2001 -- mostly forwarded to ATL DOL
aryfly : DEC 19 2001 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-11-2003
ATL03: Jan 17 2002 -
ARYFLY's office.. Jan 18 2002 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-15-2003
oops123 : JAN 25 2002 substitute LC
Friend: Jan 27 2002
atl_pdfeb02: Feb 1st Week, 2002
scbatl : March 11 2002
aksmks: March 26 2002
hyaqoob : April 24 2002
gcsucks: June 18 2002
Satishshetty6 : Jul 30 2002
Atl6e : Sept 20 2002 EB2/RIR
Congratulations aryfly...........
Good Luck with ATL DOL and thanks for update.
I hope ATL DOL will also take some cue from Georgia SESA and move faster. All the best Guys.............:)
aryfly as you menstioned there was one more case from your office which was filed in January and moved in to ATL DOL today i.e. 03/19/2003. Can you please let us know the date it was filled in GA SESA?

aksmks i think u got it wrong what aryfly was mentioning..
actually if u see the posts ARYFLY Case has already been sent to ATL DOL...

he just came back to the forum to give us info about one more case which was filed in GA SESA on Jan 18th 2002 . This case is the one whcih got GA SESA approval and moved to ATL DOL on March 15th 2003 {or a near date..}
Hi Guys its official now GA SESA is processing cases of Jan 2002. Department of labor has updated their website.

good to see update in the DOL site..

ATL03 u should be giving the good news to the forum... Also aksmks kindly enquire ur friend about the status of his case....

thanks guys for posting the updates to this forum... it is really helpful
Awaiting my case


My application has been filed on 18th March, 2002. Add my name to the list.

Hope it processes fast now.

- Yogin
Updated List...

Hey guys,
Here is the updated list. I added mine to it.

here is the updated list....

mhsoor : NOV 29 2001 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-03-2003
singh244 : Nov 28 2001 -- mostly forwarded to ATL DOL
aryfly : DEC 19 2001 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-11-2003
ATL03: Jan 17 2002 -
ARYFLY's office.. Jan 18 2002 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-15-2003
oops123 : JAN 25 2002 substitute LC
Friend: Jan 27 2002
atl_pdfeb02: Feb 1st Week, 2002
scbatl : March 11 2002
yoginm : March 18 2002 EB2/RIR
aksmks: March 26 2002
hyaqoob : April 24 2002
gcsucks: June 18 2002
Satishshetty6 : Jul 30 2002
Atl6e : Sept 20 2002 EB2/RIR
I just checked my date and it is Feb-14, '02. Hope it moves to federal in another week. How do I check my status? I have the Case number but the auto voice response says that the case is not found. I checked my colleague's case number whose PD was May-07, '01 but it gives me some other status for that case number which was approved in '97.

How many digits is the Case Number? My Case number is like
GA 0XXXXX. What should I punch in in the AVM as my Case number?

Any help is appreciated.
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Updating the list.
aryfly : DEC 19 2001 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-11-2003
ATL03: Jan 17 2002 -
ARYFLY's office.. Jan 18 2002 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-15-2003
oops123 : JAN 25 2002 substitute LC
Friend: Jan 27 2002
atl_pdfeb02: Feb 14 2002
scbatl : March 11 2002
yoginm : March 18 2002 EB2/RIR
aksmks: March 26 2002
hyaqoob : April 24 2002
gcsucks: June 18 2002
satishshetty5 : Jul 30 2002
Atl6e : Sept 20 2002 EB2/RIR
hi atl_pdfeb02..

i think the best way to find out the status of ur LCA filed in GEORGIA SESA is through ur lawyer who filed the case or through ur HR... because Lawyer would be getting information about the case being moved to Regional DOL [ATLANTA] ... THe automatic system to my knowledge will not give u any information regarding ur LCA.....
hope this helps....
Please do update the status of ur LCA as soon as u know as it would help us track down which cases the SESA is processing currently... ALL THE BEST....
hi aksmks

Did ur friends LCA from Georgia SESA filed on January 27 2002 got approved?.. kindly update the forum if u have any status related to it...

good news...

HI guys

My Labour at Georgia SESA has been approved and moved to Regional Level on MARCH 24th 2003. My priority date is March 11th 2002.

This forum has been really helpful and it has given a lot of good information.. please keep updating the forum and itis really helpful to every one waiting in the line...

All the best to every one and catch u all in the ATLANTA DOL tracking...

with best wishes
Updating the list.
aryfly : DEC 19 2001 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-11-2003
ATL03: Jan 17 2002 -
ARYFLY's office.. Jan 18 2002 - Forwarded ATL DOL 03-15-2003
oops123 : JAN 25 2002 substitute LC
Friend: Jan 27 2002
atl_pdfeb02: Feb 14 2002
scbatl : March 11 2002 --Forwarded ATL DOL MARCH 24th 2003
yoginm : March 18 2002 EB2/RIR
aksmks: March 26 2002
hyaqoob : April 24 2002
gcsucks: June 18 2002
satishshetty5 : Jul 30 2002
Atl6e : Sept 20 2002 EB2/RIR
Congratulations scbatl !!!
Thanks for sharing the good news.

My filling date is April 24, 2002 and I still haven't received my acknowledgment notice. Is this normal or does it usually take that long?

hi hyaqoob

I got the information from my lawyer... and infact my lawyer has sent me the ackowledgement letter recieved from Regional DOL.

DOL has acknowledged on March 24th 2003.. my case was actually got cleared i think on March 20th 2003... {this information was there on the acknowledgement }.

So hopefully u will be soon getting the acknowledgement...

I donot know what happened to the other guys cases... hopefully it would be good if they update the that the guys next can have an understanding of the processing...

All the best...
Congratulations scbatl !!!

I spoke to my friend and his Labour at Georgia SESA has been approved and moved to Regional Level. He does not know the exact date of approval.
