Follow To Join....

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paras2 said:
Hello Folks,
My wife's I-824 has been approved on May 31, 2005 (got my GC in EB3 category with priority date of Aug 1999). I have been waiting ever since to hear from Chennai Consulate
and/or NVC. My attorney has mailed the Consulate but got no response. What is the
right approach for me? Should I keep mailing or calling the Chennai Consulate till I get
a response? Or should I send in DS-2001 and other relevant docs? Highly appreciate any responses.

I learned the most easy FTJ door is 'Chennai' even I learned from thread that Chennai do not need 824 at all according to their website.

Its good ur have 824 approval, All u need to send request along with doc to them to initiate FTJ case for ur spouse.

The most commom doc are: (if u send urself then notarized is good , if attorney send they don't need to Notarized)

1. Your 485 approval copy
2. Your I-140 approval copy
3. Your I-551 /GC card both side copy. if no card yet then send copy of passport stamped with I-551
4. Your Passpt all pages
5. Your spouse info on seperate page with her name,dob,addr,ph,email etc
6. Marriage certificate,

Optional doc u may send them,

Her Birth Cerft copy
Her Passpt copy

thats it , these above doc need to be send them so they create fTJ case for her.

Additional doc u may keep ready,
DS230 I and II
I-134 Affidavit
EVL, employment letter
1040, W2,
Bank certifiate, include A/c info , curent balance, 12 month total deposit , check I-I34 requirement.
Police certificate for her , all cities if she lived more than 6+ on any place/city.
Medical - they would send her instruction , how to complete medical.


Once they create case, they would send Packet 3/3.5 , ur spouse will complete and send back the forms/doc they asked,
When they receives back, they would issue intw letter.

Wish u Good Luck.
PrinceofJungle..Do we need Case # to send docs to Chennai?

thanks for the prompt & detailed responses. adopt the procedure
that you have listed, do we need a case number on hand, or will they create case
number once they receive these docs?

PrinceofJungle said:
I learned the most easy FTJ door is 'Chennai' even I learned from thread that Chennai do not need 824 at all according to their website.

Its good ur have 824 approval, All u need to send request along with doc to them to initiate FTJ case for ur spouse.

The most commom doc are: (if u send urself then notarized is good , if attorney send they don't need to Notarized)

1. Your 485 approval copy
2. Your I-140 approval copy
3. Your I-551 /GC card both side copy. if no card yet then send copy of passport stamped with I-551
4. Your Passpt all pages
5. Your spouse info on seperate page with her name,dob,addr,ph,email etc
6. Marriage certificate,

Optional doc u may send them,

Her Birth Cerft copy
Her Passpt copy

thats it , these above doc need to be send them so they create fTJ case for her.

Additional doc u may keep ready,
DS230 I and II
I-134 Affidavit
EVL, employment letter
1040, W2,
Bank certifiate, include A/c info , curent balance, 12 month total deposit , check I-I34 requirement.
Police certificate for her , all cities if she lived more than 6+ on any place/city.
Medical - they would send her instruction , how to complete medical.


Once they create case, they would send Packet 3/3.5 , ur spouse will complete and send back the forms/doc they asked,
When they receives back, they would issue intw letter.

Wish u Good Luck.
How to get info from Chennai Consulate

This may be a stupid question to ask, however I would like to know whether one ever
gets any response when calling Chennai Consulate regd information like "has my case
number been created?". Is email any better?
If both these options are unreliable, can someone (like spouse/parents) go there in
person and get info..I know the Consulate guys do not admit anyone (without
appointment) inside, but is there like a 3 pm to 3:30 pm window where people's enquiries
are entertained? Thanks for any input!!
paras2 said:
thanks for the prompt & detailed responses. adopt the procedure
that you have listed, do we need a case number on hand, or will they create case
number once they receive these docs?


the procedure was general procedure to create the case and start FTJ for her.

I believe u are little bit confused,

First thing is you need to send your doc to consulate with cover letter with subject "Request to initiate FTJ case for spouse". (u can find smaple cover leeter in prev replies, if u need smaple letter post it , I will post again)

the following doc u need to send them.

1. Your 485 approval copy
2. Your I-140 approval copy
3. Your I-551 /GC card both side copy. if no card yet then send copy of passport stamped with I-551
4. Your Passpt all pages
5. Your spouse info on seperate page with her name,dob,addr,ph,email etc
6. Marriage certificate,

When they would receive, they would create FTJ case and will generate the case #. and will give it to you , and then they will send Packet-3 to her,
in packet 3 there would be some forms like DS-230 part I and II, and I-134 affidavit, they also would be asking some more documents from her when she fill forms and collect all doc they are asking she would send them back.

When they receive the reply,filled forms, all doc they asked, then they willl issue intvw letter.

Do not get confuse with ppl who are sending many doc/forms together.
I tried to explain u in simple way.

many consulate don't like the practice for ppl who pre-send doc, that make consulate office life sometime difficult, becuase they need to confirm from thier file what they have what they need to ask, they have simple procedure call Packet-3. and everything is there inside.

Chennai and may be other consulate are good and give u favor to compare what doc they already have received and spouse don't need to send them back , however its good to send only the doc what is necessary to initiate the FTJ case, once case is generated, and spouse receive packet-3 , u follow the packet-3 instrucitons.

Clear or still ....?

Good LUck
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Procedure for Guangzhou

Dear Friends,

I sent our docs for my husband's follow to join case to guangzhou by Fedex. It is said that my mail was delivered on Aug. 5, 2005. But Guangzhou said they have not seen my documents yet on Aug. 16. They asked me to check again in another 3 weeks.
(1)Is it normal?
(2) who will get the case number, my husband or I?
(3) How will Guangzhou tell us the case number, by mail or some ways else?

>> Guangzhou said they have not seen my documents yet on Aug. 16.
(1)Is it normal?

>> Don't worry, becz nowdays situation around the world, and security, the are strick in mail room system /procedure. it may take atleast 3-4 weeks to get through ur doc to immg-division. be patient and wait.

>> (2) who will get the case number, my husband or I?

I believe they would send packet-3 directly to ur spouse.
may be they send u email, or when u call the let u know, few ppl shared their spouse received call from them and they let spouse know that they have sent packet-3 to them. no exact method is posted on anywebsite, these all ppl shared. relax and be patient. they would send.

>> (3) How will Guangzhou tell us the case number, by mail or some ways else?

A letter inside packet-3 will have the Case#.

Good Luck
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Guangzhou is slooowww

snowflake66 said:
Dear Friends,

I sent our docs for my husband's follow to join case to guangzhou by Fedex. It is said that my mail was delivered on Aug. 5, 2005. But Guangzhou said they have not seen my documents yet on Aug. 16. They asked me to check again in another 3 weeks.
(1)Is it normal?
(2) who will get the case number, my husband or I?
(3) How will Guangzhou tell us the case number, by mail or some ways else?


1) It's takes 2 weeks minimum for the mail-room to open
and process mail (from my own experience)
So you ought to hear something after August 19, 2005.

2) If you included your husband's local address in
China, then most likely he will get the case number
which starts with a GUZ

3) They use regular mail. Or you can email and ask
them for the number.
Ques regd attestation: PrinceofJungle & Others

I am sending in my docs to Chennai to get my wife's FTJ case created, and I have a question:

"Do I have to get ALL pages of my passport attested or will the main pages
be enough?"

Thanks for any responses!!

paras2 said:
thanks for the prompt & detailed responses. adopt the procedure
that you have listed, do we need a case number on hand, or will they create case
number once they receive these docs?
Send all the pages. That's what I did.

Don't give them any chance to further delay the process.

paras2 said:
I am sending in my docs to Chennai to get my wife's FTJ case created, and I have a question:

"Do I have to get ALL pages of my passport attested or will the main pages
be enough?"

Thanks for any responses!!
to usyncus and prince of the jungle


i have read in the column that one needs a PCC police clearance certificate. I already have police clearance from local police here in Iloilo Phil., but how about from the passport office? what else should i get there? is there a form on how to get a pcc at passport office?
I am documentarily qualified July 20, 2005 said the lady i called at the embassy, what would be the timeline for the sched of my interview and medical exam? thanks
mega007 said:
Hi ansi, rm and everybody,

My contract at work seems to get over by next week. I might have to move out of city if i dont find project in my same city .... looks like it is not easy...

What will be the impact if i change address and that too to different city .. i just sent all the docs to chennai on 10 aug. Also, i changed my address with uscis just a week before tht from different state ...?

please let me know if you got any similar experience and what u did.


Hi mega,

For follow to join cases, all the correspondance will be with ur wife only once u submitt all docs and have the case number.So u will not have any impact on ur address.When ur wife goes for interview,then she can update ur new address on applictaion form like DS 2301 an 23011.

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paras2 said:
thanks for the prompt & detailed responses. adopt the procedure
that you have listed, do we need a case number on hand, or will they create case
number once they receive these docs?

They will create case number only when u send all the intail docs as mentioned by price.Also,spouse date of birth and marraige certificate is must .
>> Knighthorse wrote:
>> i have read in the column that one needs a PCC police clearance
>> certificate. I already have police clearance from local police here in Iloilo
>> Phil.,

Knighhorse, plz always give some detail when asked,
Not sure what is "Iloilo Phil" is?.....

Do you mean "Philadelphia" or "Philippines" ?

Whose certificate you are talking about???? your or your spouse?

Okay here is somthing which should be clear. if u have any confusion.

You do not need your police report, (u already have ur 485 appvd, u all set)
Your spouse will need the police certificate from her home country and they all places she lived more than 6 months.

Is it clear,? once you have sent ur spouse doc to them and they create case and generate packet 3 and send to her, its mean she bcome applicant & benificiary. and you are out of pic (for simple understanding), now every communication /doc exchanged is between the consulate and your spouse. you just sit aside and watch :D .

She fill the all forms (u may help her/fill for her), and she collect all her doc,
and she also collects the documents she need from you like (I-134, your signed and notarized), ur Employment letter, your bank certificate your 1040 tax return, your W2 ,etc.

Doc from her sides, like Ds 230 Part I and II. marriage Certificate with english tranlation (if not in english), her birth certificate, her passport copy, her Police report, her medical.

She collect all doc and she send, not you. u just help. do not confuse consulate by sending documents from both sides, once they have generated case and now she has become applicant, and now u have no business with consulate unless u are asked.

I noticed the two country India and Pakistan both have some similar and some different story,

Similar is , They both accept FTJ case initiate before 824 apprv.

Different is, in india specialy in chennai ppl shared they can send DS230 forms 134 etc in advance,

But ppl shared that In Pakistan they don't appreciate that, their procedure is when you send initial basic doc to them they create case and they ignore if any additional doc u pre-send them, they ask to wait for packet 3 and follow the packet 3. no pre-send doc they accept/appreciate.

in Packet 3 (Pak) they includes some form ask the following doc from your spouse.

1. DS 230 Part I and II
2. Her Birth Certificate (Original)
3. Her Birth Certificate (Copy)
4 Her Birth Certificate English Translation(Original)
5. Her Birth Certificate English (Copy)
6. Marriage Certificate (Original)
7. Marriage Certificate (Copy)
8. Marriage Certificate English Tranlation (Original)
9. Marriage Certificate English Tranlation (Copy)
10. ....................... if divorce then
Divc certificate org + copyies

11. I-134 From filled, singed, and Notarized by her spouse(you)

................ I-134 Supporting doc from her spouse (you)
12 EVL (Employment Verification letter) / Self Empl proof.
13 Bank Certificate / Assist proof.
14 1040 Last year / self empl tax return

15. Passport - Valid upto 6-12 months (Her)
16. Police certificate (Her)
17. Medical (Her)

in Packet 3 they also includes instruction and procedure for Medical and list for physc near them.

The difference betwn two country consulate is not the doc , but processing method. I beleive the ppl from chennai are more lucky and chennai consulate is more flexable. in Pakistan they ask to complete all doc then send them back, even medical+police certf all org to just get qualify for intvw.
it sound they are strick even they ask org docs too before spouse qualify.

Other country consulate like china / Phillipines /Turkey/ Uk/Mexico ....
not sure about their procedure but few shared they had lot of difficilties in FTJ initiate case,

Even one of person form UK shared that they can't email neither make phone call,....... them....... they simply don't allow........

I believe the ppl from south-east country are more lucky than others. they have email and Ph system to contact (although long time to reply / and hold upto an hour get reply).

It really doesn't matter what country ppl from file FTJ they all face difficulties some get less some more,

We all pray to God (whatever u believes are, and you name him), for all ppl who families have been splited, and they are going through very painful situation and get tough time to get re-joined


Other country like china/philp/ and other I am not sure that they do accept FTJ before 824 approval, or not?.

>>but how about from the passport office? what else should i get there? is >>there a form on how to get a pcc at passport office?

Every country have their own procedure to issue police certificate,
I don't know which country u from. there will be some procedure, your spouse need to contact local police-station/police info center.

if Police certificate is issued by your passporf ottice in your country then u may contact them and she apply for Police-certificate for her.

>> I am documentarily qualified July 20, 2005 said the lady i called at the
>> embassy,
>>what would be the timeline for the sched of my interview and
>> medical exam?

Please refresh our memory which embassy?.

It depands on consulate to consualte,country to country, some are crowed some not. what consulate u sent?

In General, Many ppl from south east Asian country take 1-3 months, many are quick avg 4 weeks.

Good Luck,
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To PrinceofJungle and all others

Hi there,

My I-824 finally got approved last week by TSC after 20 months. I was happy with this approval and thought they will start my spouse application in Turkey very soon. I talked with my attorney, and he said it may take up to 3 months (sometime longer) for TSC to send the file to local consulate, and then they will start the case from then. I was really disappointed with this info. And I did remember someone in this thread told something very similar (long time delaying of deliver the approved I-824 to the consulate).
I really would like to know what I could do now to send this approval notice to Turkish consulate ASAP instead of just waiting. I remembered someone suggested "cable". Can you explain to me what it is and how it can be done? And any other suggestion can boost up my spouse case? Thanks a lot.
to:prince of the jungle


thanks a lot for the info. I am from the Philippines. Yes, your right. people from the embassy are very strict. they dont respond to emails.
the content of the packet 3 is only ds 230 part 1 and ds 2001 only that. and a letter stating the case number. they dont have any sched for interview or medical either. anyway thanks for the enlightenment.

god bless you. you are from what country?
paulbabu said:
How does the process work after filing the I-824 ?

824 form is also called "Further/more action on approved petition"
Once USCIS get 824 they review and after approve they notify through cable/alpha-post. to consulate, when consulate receives this info, they contact to spouse at home country. and send her/him Packet-3, in packet -3 they send forms and ask spouse to collect all doc (see above thread for doc detail) and send them back at consulate, when consulate receive spouse resposne they review and if all set they issue interview letter. :D . thats all common understanding.

Now here is ppl are doing some short cut, and some consulate allow/flexable with creating case while 824 pending, or sometime spouse come here in USA and 824 stilll in pending.... they don't care. becz principal submit enough proof that his status has been adjusted and his spouse is eligable to get FTJ benifits.

I know many ppl who wait for 824 approval as theri attorney advise, .... all I can say DO NOT WAIT ONE SINGLE DAY, and send all basic necessary FTJ doc to consulate and request them to initiate FTJ case for spouse. ALWAYS TRY ...AND TRY AND TRY..... DO NOT ASSUME THEY THEY WON'T EVEN U KNOW BY SOMEONE WHO WENT THROUGH OR SHARED....... YOU TRY...

Wish you Good Luck all.
yzhang1972 said:
Hi there,
I really would like to know what I could do now to send this approval notice to Turkish consulate ASAP instead of just waiting. I remembered someone suggested "cable". Can you explain to me what it is and how it can be done? And any other suggestion can boost up my spouse case? Thanks a lot.

My Friend what are you waiting for???? and draging more your painful moments ...... DO NOT WASTE A SINGLE DAY MORE ....
Gether all FTJ basic doc, and make 824 approval copy and Notarized it from your bank(free :D ). send them immidately with cover letter and this time not requesting but asking..... becz u already have 824 approval ....u are lucky.... :D ...

many country have FedEx authorized to send doc to consulate check ur consulate website....

Wish you Good LUck.
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Knighthorse1 said:

thanks a lot for the info. I am from the Philippines. Yes, your right. people from the embassy are very strict. they dont respond to emails.
the content of the packet 3 is only ds 230 part 1 and ds 2001 only that. and a letter stating the case number. they dont have any sched for interview or medical either. anyway thanks for the enlightenment.

god bless you. you are from what country?

As ppl shared and it is learned that all consulate from work thier own way..... they do ask all FTJ doc, some consulate ask step by step,

So Don't worry and follow the Packet 3 instrucitons, and send them what they are asking from your spouse.

Remeber whatever doc you send/receive to/from consulate always make copies for your record..... and ask your spouse to take with u at intvw time.

Wish you good luck ,,, keep us update. :D
Many Thanks. I will do it.

PrinceofJungle said:
My Friend what are you waiting for???? and draging more your painful moments ...... DO NOT WASTE A SINGLE DAY MORE ....
Gether all FTJ basic doc, and make 824 approval copy and Notarized it from your bank(free :D ). send them immidately with cover letter and this time not requesting but asking..... becz u already have 824 approval ....u are lucky.... :D ...

many country have FedEx authorized to send doc to consulate check ur consulate website....

Wish you Good LUck.
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