thanks for this info about Schedule A Quota, i've been reading about it for quite some time and here are my insights and some info i gathered:
a.) there's an on-going bill (Senate’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill-S. 2611) that calls for Shedule A/EX Visa to be open/current till the year 2014-17. - hope this bill pass!
b.) if the US stops hiring foreign nurses, US healthcare will greatly suffer and the Americans(citizens) will knock on the heads of their senators and congressmen if this bill did not pass.
c.) if the bill do not pass before november(election time), re-electionist will have problem for re-election... - debate
d.) a predicted nursing shortage of more than 275,000 RNs by the year 2010(fact) in the US.
there are future jobs for foreigners in the US, read this>
http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2004/02/art5full.pdf it will be a good investment for our children(their future jobs).
hope our prayers will be granted...