Usually people get it in a month to 1.5 month. But if you dont get it in two months after the date of entry you need to call USCIS. Below is what USCIS say about the green card:
"If you were granted permanent resident status or entered the U.S. with an immigrant visa more than 60 days ago and have not received your first permanent resident card, please call 1-800-375-5283"
also there is a new thing I have seen on USCIS web site that is effective as some of the users here mentioned. Check it out for the details:
"If you were granted permanent resident status or entered the U.S. with an immigrant visa more than 60 days ago and have not received your first permanent resident card, please call 1-800-375-5283"
also there is a new thing I have seen on USCIS web site that is effective as some of the users here mentioned. Check it out for the details:
Diamond4u said:Dear Friends,
My daughter enterd JFK NewYork after successfull CF at Mumbai. She has inteviewed on March 1st, and got approved and she just entered two weeks ago. I want to know what to do next. How long it takes to get the card in mail ?? i got to know that some people are getting within one or two weeks times. Can i track the case with approved I-824 EAC #? or somthing else? Please share your exprience.