February New Delhi Interview Thread/ Tracker

what number do people call at new delhi embassy?

I can never get 419-8062. I have tried starting from 10:00am IST to 4:00am IST. On 4 different nights. But no luck. The phone rings lot of times but no one answers.

My pkt. 3 was received by them in the first week of Dec so I think I should defn. get a Feb interview.
Re: Harry001

I tried a number of times but didn\'t get through. It seems Mumbai dates for Feb are out. Check out WantAGc\'s post. He got a date for Feb 1st!! I can hardly wait man...

I agree with Harry001. The number is correct. It is difficult to get thru. Start dialing at 11:25 PM EST.

Glad to know Mumbai dates are out for Feb. CPtracker mmano got email confirmation for Feb interview(2/2/2002) from Chennai. We should also be getting our dates soon.
Good Luck.
AC 140 ## Does Pkt 3 requires the Marriage Certificate aswell

I received my case number from Mr. Swamy in December but I am not sure if he would be sending me another DS 230 form to fill, which I have already sent him with my AC 140 documents.... Could someone update me if the marriage certificate is also required in Pkt-3, apart from the DS 230 form & I-134 of my wife or would I need to fill them all over again.
When did your Pkt 3 reach the consulate?

Mine reached (according to Fedex) on Dec 14th. Wanted to estimate the interview date.
No Title

Sorry for the late posting. I called last night US Embassy New Delhi. I asked about my case. She verified my name but then she said call in Jan last week or Feb first week to get the interview date. Now I am asuming that I am not in Feb list. As she told me that Feb interviews already assigned. MY P-3 entered in to their system on Dec 26.
Thanks and Good Luck
Talked to NWD consulate last night

Congrats gcinfeb!!!
Could you please let us know when was your P3 entered into the system? I also talked to the Consulate last night and they told me my interview would be scheduled very soon and would be in the first week of Feb (I am guessing between Feb 4-8). Asked me to check back in around 2oth of Jan. My P3 was enetered in the system on Dec 3.
Re: Talked to NWD consulate last night.

I also did. My interview date has been assigned for Feb. The person I spoke to didn\'t sound ambiguous at all. Verified all my information and gave me the date with the year. I believe my P3 was in by the first week of December.
ITIN Applied for my WIFE not yet received . What if don\' get it

before i go for the interview .any piece of advise
Expecting the interview around last week of Feb.I Still have time as its 4 weeks past the application date. anyone in the same boat.
No Title

I got through last night around 10.05 am India time. The # was +91-11-419-8062. It was not Swamy but some other gentleman\'s voice as I recognize Swamy\'s voice very well.
I was out with family on vacation

So far so good. I just reviewed the messages. Appears we are getting close. We need to make a core group in order to help each other. My email address is internet11@hotmail.com. I am sending my brother on wed to inquire about int date. Entered in system on Dec 12. Do we need to pay Rs.2300/ for medical. Can we get it from any MD in Delhi or it has to be Embassy appointed.
It is ChuckwantsGC@hotmail.com

Also please feel free to post your email addresses.
Thanks and lets keep thread active