Faster Citizenship Law Passed in the Senate--potential good news

Don't be too excite. That bill should still be reconciled by the House, which is more consevative than the Senate. Maybe we should be calling the representatives in the area to support the bill.
will this citizenship amendment be attached to the immigration bill that is debated in the senate right now?or its separate bill by itself?
John Smith 1 said:
will this citizenship amendment be attached to the immigration bill that is debated in the senate right now?or its separate bill by itself?

It is very likely that this will go through. Reason I say this is because it looks like Congress is all set to do one thing and that is Secure the borders. Also to limit Illegal immigration, they want to make tougher for them..That will happen even if Guest worker is not introduced.

History has shown that anytime congress goes for harsher measures in Immigraiton laws, they tend to include some positives also. For instance 1996 Law that made illegal entry a base for denial of adjustment(the dreaded I-602 Waiver), it also gave all the stuck asylum cases the opening they were seeking and also 245(i) was passed which was an amnesty sort of.

Real Id Bill had everything negative about illegals and they can't renew a DL but it included provisions to remove asylee caps.

So I am hoping that congress doesn't go all positive. I am rooting for negative immigration bill because they have to counter that with something that doesn't hurt anyone even if they implemented LPR spouse can be in the country or USC in 4 years instead of 5..Like 1 year will be a big deal for most americans..

So optimism is high that this bill will be attached to ANY bill that Congress sets to pass this year. Even if ONLY includes border security and felony of illegal entry.
wantmygcnow said:

It is very likely that this will go through. Reason I say this is because it looks like Congress is all set to do one thing and that is Secure the borders. Also to limit Illegal immigration, they want to make tougher for them..That will happen even if Guest worker is not introduced.

History has shown that anytime congress goes for harsher measures in Immigraiton laws, they tend to include some positives also. For instance 1996 Law that made illegal entry a base for denial of adjustment(the dreaded I-602 Waiver), it also gave all the stuck asylum cases the opening they were seeking and also 245(i) was passed which was an amnesty sort of.

Real Id Bill had everything negative about illegals and they can't renew a DL but it included provisions to remove asylee caps.

So I am hoping that congress doesn't go all positive. I am rooting for negative immigration bill because they have to counter that with something that doesn't hurt anyone even if they implemented LPR spouse can be in the country or USC in 4 years instead of 5..Like 1 year will be a big deal for most americans..

So optimism is high that this bill will be attached to ANY bill that Congress sets to pass this year. Even if ONLY includes border security and felony of illegal entry.
Hi Wantmygcnow,

Just curious how do you know all this? Your signature says you are not a lawyer, but you are very informed for somebody who is not! Sorry for the personal question, but I was just amazed by the info you provide on this forum. By the way, we really do appreciate your infos :)
wantmygcnow said:

It is very likely that this will go through. Reason I say this is because it looks like Congress is all set to do one thing and that is Secure the borders. Also to limit Illegal immigration, they want to make tougher for them..That will happen even if Guest worker is not introduced.

History has shown that anytime congress goes for harsher measures in Immigraiton laws, they tend to include some positives also. For instance 1996 Law that made illegal entry a base for denial of adjustment(the dreaded I-602 Waiver), it also gave all the stuck asylum cases the opening they were seeking and also 245(i) was passed which was an amnesty sort of.

Real Id Bill had everything negative about illegals and they can't renew a DL but it included provisions to remove asylee caps.

So I am hoping that congress doesn't go all positive. I am rooting for negative immigration bill because they have to counter that with something that doesn't hurt anyone even if they implemented LPR spouse can be in the country or USC in 4 years instead of 5..Like 1 year will be a big deal for most americans..

So optimism is high that this bill will be attached to ANY bill that Congress sets to pass this year. Even if ONLY includes border security and felony of illegal entry.

Hello everyone.

Two Amendments had been passed couple days ago.

Good luck to others.
inbt said:
any update for the new immigration law?

The prospects do not look too good at this time. The House Republicans are refusing go along--read this weekend's New York Times.
thankful said:
The prospects do not look too good at this time. The House Republicans are refusing go along--read this weekend's New York Times.

Thankful, any hope to get this Law passed The Congress within a few years?
John Smith 1 said:
i was approved for green card on aug 16 2005, resident since aug 16 2004,

this mean i can apply for citizenship on may 16 2008, and if i got approved
on october 2008, i can vote for condaleeza rice or john macain

If you got your GC approved August 16, 2005, how it is that you are a resident on August 16,2004. The same thing happened to my wife, her resident date on her GC was one year prior to her approval date for the GC, we believe it was a typo error on CIS part as they told her the resident date is the approval date.
It is not an error. All green cards gotten through asylum are backdated 1 year that counts towards citizenship.. That's good news for you.
Thanks Don, but she got her green card based on Marriage to a US citizen. The CIS was no help when we called, they said whatever is on the card is correct.
United Press News on 2/22/07

It's still on air. As far as I heard there is some chance they'll pass it this summer.

"U.S. sen Ted Kennedy is finalizing immigration legislation that would make it easier for illegal aliens to gain citizenship, a Washington newspaper reported."
I also read on hispanic news that this bill will be introduce before march 22nd, and this reform " if this goes ok." will be ready for sign as an earliest next august 2007. But with those guys you never really know, they normally go where the winds goes..............................and we need to remember that there is also a big opposition to this reform. My personal believe is that if this bill passes, many of the important facts will be modyfied or retired from this reform, in special the one that will create a path for legalization of millions of illegals immigrants. But I still think that the fast citizenship (4 years) will be approve as a way to proof that they (politics and governants) care and work hard to help us (immigrants) to achieve our dream to be part of this great nation..................:mad: As they always said to the media and world.
It will be great if the whole reform pass, but I really doubt about it......................:(
Of course this is just a personal opinion, not legal not professional.......................
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hey guys,

ok so I know its been a while since someone posted something here but i thought i might just ask!

what happened to that bill that would cut down the citizenship residency period from 5 years to four years (i'm not talking about the 1 year backdate on asylum GC)? was it ever passed?

thanks y'all
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