Employment based immigration backlog petition

Re: I will have Sharma ji do it.

Originally posted by operations
He was telling me we do not have to wait for the 501c3 status before we can start our activity. The incorporation in VA will take only 2-3 weeks.

I am thinking of incorporating ImmigrationPortal.ORG, Inc. as a non-profit. We own that URL. We could donate that to the community. No problem.

Thanks, Rajiv.

As mentioned earlier you can go ahead with incorporating ImmigrationPortal.ORG, Inc. as a non-profit organization.

We are in the process of finalizing the Core team to be part of this effort. We should have this in couple of days. Once we formalize this we can decide on procedures to collect fund and also other course of actions.
Re: Re: Done

Originally posted by cinta

I would like to make a recommendation. The basis is the actual establishment of a DIALOGUE, between US and the Ombudsman (one of the basic functions of his position), as well as US and the Honorable Director. This may give you valuable insight as to WHY we received no answer so far..none whatsoever.

Could you please call the Director and demand a status on our Petition? I think you are the perfect person to do that. Whether you want to mention any Lawsuit or not, is your choice.

The number (verified) is 202-514-4600.

Thanks again.

Remind me on Monday. I am traveling.
Re: Re: I will have Sharma ji do it.

Originally posted by Edison
Thanks, Rajiv.

As mentioned earlier you can go ahead with incorporating ImmigrationPortal.ORG, Inc. as a non-profit organization.

We are in the process of finalizing the Core team to be part of this effort. We should have this in couple of days. Once we formalize this we can decide on procedures to collect fund and also other course of actions.

OK. I will get us started on that. Monica, call Sharma ji. Tell him to get started on incorporating immigrationportal.org, inc. in VA. Tell him that this corporation will seek 501c3 status as we had discussed. Report status to this group.

I am planning to meet Senator Specter (state PA)to submit our petition I called Specter's office around 12:08PM. Office assistnat told me that "You need to send a letter why would like to meet and supporting documentation (if you have any) " then they will see what he can do. that's what she told me. So, I am posting (Certified mail)the letter to Specters office to Philly,PA
nothing strightforward here... -

Could you please prepare a cover letter for this petition. So, that it will look good.?
she specifically told me that sender should sign the letter.,

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Re: help

Hi, allsucks,

Here is karma_yoga's ¡ÈAction required¡É info of Project Ocean thread,
and you can find several examples.
Originally posted by allsucks
I am planning to meet Senator Specter (state PA)to submit our petition I called Specter's office around 12:08PM. Office assistnat told me that "You need to send a letter why would like to meet and supporting documentation (if you have any) " then they will see what he can do. that's what she told me. So, I am posting (Certified mail)the letter to Specters office to Philly,PA
nothing strightforward here... -

Could you please prepare a cover letter for this petition. So, that it will look good.?
she specifically told me that sender should sign the letter.,

Re: Re: Re: help

Originally posted by allsucks
Thankyou so much. I sent the letter(Certified mail) with petition to All 3 reps from my area.

Jim Gerlach (R) Congressman District 6 PA
Sen Specter (R)
Sen Santorum(R)

Great job allsucks. We have the same Congressman. PA 6.

USINPAC's mission is to impact policy on issues of concern to the Indian American community in the United States.

Guys please visit the above site and let them know our plight. Seems they are already spearheading H1B campaign, and is made up of US Citizens and green card holders. I wrote to them but if more people of Indian origin from this forum write to them they may start a "Take action" front for us on their site, as they are registered with Federal Election Commission and contributions to the political parties their voice will be noticed in political circles better.
Originally posted by khoula

Guys please visit the above site and let them know our plight. Seems they are already spearheading H1B campaign, and is made up of US Citizens and green card holders. I wrote to them but if more people of Indian origin from this forum write to them they may start a "Take action" front for us on their site, as they are registered with Federal Election Commission and contributions to the political parties their voice will be noticed in political circles better.


it is better to post your writing so other indians and everybody else can see, approve or not and take ideas. It is even better if you open a new thread as Indian American lobbies. This may be important as the majority of people facing the problem are indeed Indians.
Watch also the Louisiana Governor's race today. (Indian American
- www.bob-byjindal.com).
Look for the Indian American Leadership Initiative, also.
Look for the Indian American Center for Political Awareness (Chris Dumm - Executive director).
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I am a chinese, and I assume many other Chinese like me are suffering from this as well. Shall we spread our petition to/seek help from some Chinese American organizations ?
Originally posted by hidden_dragon
I am a chinese, and I assume many other Chinese like me are suffering from this as well. Shall we spread our petition to/seek help from some Chinese American organizations ?

My suggestion, is definitely YES. Start a new thread for CHINESE lobbies in Congress and other places. Example: Secretary of labor, Elaine Chao.


I am a chinese, and I assume many other Chinese like me are suffering from this as well. Shall we spread our petition to/seek help from some Chinese American organizations ?


I am glad to know that our other friends ,chinese fellows are sharing their pain with us .
US greencard will be same for all other nationals like Chinese,India, Russia,Japan, etc. Our cause , pain and gain is same Every Citizen other than US will have same greencard and conditions. I mean you shud not wait ,go ahead and put whatever efforts you can to meet congreesman ,Senator , all lobbies from all sources/angles. Let us work on...absolutely . I strongly urge all other citizens who are on this board and going thru same pain to contribute what ever way they can..
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We share a common pain here though we belongs to different ethnicity.
The fact is once people moves to comfort zone (green card, citizenship) that makes them less concern and less active. So how much cooperation we will get from our ethnic group is to be seen.

I have mailed to US-India lobbies www.usindiapac.com with willingness to volunteer 3 weeks back and still waiting for reply.

I think we should gather as much as help from our ethnic lobbies. starting seperate threds also makes sense.
We should also try to establish personal connection with congressperson and his/her office.
This effort needs similar resources as needed to nurture a good friendship. But at the end you will have a valuable friend. That will be your personal asset. You can leverage it with our immigration issues now, other issues (relate to your country, other interest etc.) later if you wish.
Provided, you don’t get lazy in comfort zone. *smile*

Follow, following threads for more info.

What is happening latest at project symphony.

Also visit this relevent thread, 'who wants to be in action team" at VSC.


Just my opinion….
Talking to Prakash Khatri

Is there any way, we call Mr Khatri's office and ask them about the status of our petition ? How can they not reply to you ? His position does not make any sense if he does not listen to the grievances of the immigrants.
I agree with Rajiv.
Whatever our country of origin, we are in the same fight. We may loose impact if we split our energy to go with specific ethnic groups.

The idea I like best on this forum is to gather money and fund additional I-485 adjudicators in the different services centers.
I like it because it is positive and offers a solution, and also because it shows the government is not doing its job.
Also, this approach has worked in the past for a different subject, so there is a precedent : the drug companies were worried because the FDA was taking 2 years to approve new drugs, so they all chipped in so the FDA could have more reviewers, and the approval time has been reduced to 6 months.
Sounds familiar ??

If all 3000 persons who signed the petition gave $1000, that would pay for a reasonnable number of adjudicators (>10 per service center). BTW, do we know how many I-485 adjudicators are in each service center ? In a sense, it sounds like the $1000 for the faster processing of the H1B. So then I thought, why not just propose the USCIS to extend the additional $1000 for a 6 months processing of the I-485 ? But it all came back to me: because they would take the money and fund enforcement with it...
Seriously, I think we should propose to either collect money and have USCIS use it specifically to hire I-485 adjudicators, or propose them the extra $1000 for a 6 months processing of the I-485. The problem I see with the first solution is how to make it durable, as the I-485 petitioners will change (and hopefully more often than today).
Maybe this could be a transitionnal step until the USCIS is ready to implement the second solution, then we would not have to deal with collecting and all that anymore.

So in short I would propose to collect and fund the money ourselves as soon as we have the structure, to reduce the backlog NOW, and have USCIS implement the $1000 extra for a six month processing within a year.

If most of you guys think this could work, I think we would need to get AILA involved in making that suggestion.

Thanks for your comments on this.
I principle I think most people are willing pay an extra $1000 if the the process can really be sped up. I am not sure why it never get across the USCIS. Maybe they are afraid of certain liability (like sueezing money out of us), or they couldn't speed up even they have more money/staff. This is probably why poeple here are turning to spend these money to hire lawyer to file suit.
Re: Chniese, Europeans, anyone

Originally posted by operations
We are all the same community. That is the reason for this web site.


Thanks for your efforts and leadership. dsatish has a point in contacting the Ombudsman...the office was supposed to be user friendly with a phone number, an e-mail and means of communication. It is not.

Better, I remind you to contact the Director. I posted his number on this thread, lat week when you were traveling. Please do it for us and see what he says. I hope he doesn't say SECURITY as we are already here for too long and we are not hiding.

The ethnic threads was my idea to better explore different avenues. This by no means splits us but makes us more smart to fight. This may also attract more people hopefully to our cause..
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