Employment based immigration backlog petition

Cinta said it very well.
Thanks for PISSEDOFI140 for sharing some of my views.

America is a country of immigrants. Some came 2 months back…some came 2 generations back. This is one of the thread where some motivated people are seen, discussing towards taking some ACTION.
FIGHT is the only way. And we need UNITY for fight. Nothing comes free. We need to shed all the fears and get ready for the fight. Please join Project “Symphony” at this thread.

Project “Symphony” Objective: To Organize employment based immigrant community all over USA for Political Awareness and Action.

This in not my personal project. It is OUR project. I am one of the humble volunteer here. This is OUR project. We need all of you, who thinks action/fight is better option than complaining.


Where are we?

AILA/AILF: AILA addressed some aspects of the problem,like the Customer support number, the Contracting of the IIO positions, the Driver Licenses issue and a way back with a letter/press release the Backlog issue but with NO SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO EMPLOYMENT BASED PETITIONS, rather references to family backlogs and reunifications..

We need to press and if necessary threaten them to be exposed as part of a silent conspiracy against Employment based immigration.

Suggestion: Find AILA's president e-mail and COMPLAIN for LACK OF SUPPORT. Verify that Palma Yanni is still the president."www.palma-yanni.com".

AILF: The same stands with AILF. This is an independent organisation from AILA, even though members are the same lawyers. they take donations also. For what??? Let us find the president's e-mail address and complain to them also.

CNN: Let us send complain letters/e-mails to LouDobbs for a distorted picture of who is an "AMERICAN", and the Export of American jobs. Lou never mentioned that the Immigration Policy of this country is non-existent, that ILLEGALS is not the only problem of Immigration and our problem.


Join forces. If the religious workers can do it, we can do it too. Believe it.

AILA has reported that the Senate passed this afternoon the bill which the House already passed. Accordingly, once this bill is signed by the President, it will become a law. Very good
news for religious worker immigrants!
The full text of the bill is as follows:
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to extend for an additional 5 years the special immigrant religious worker program.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. EXTENSION OF SPECIAL IMMIGRANT RELIGIOUS WORKER PROGRAM.:Section 101(a)(27)(C)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(27)(C)(ii)) is
amended by striking `2003,' each place it appears and inserting `2008,'.
SEC. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE.:The amendment made by section 1 shall take effect on October 1, 2003.
Passed the House of Representatives September 17, 2003.

I already wrote to AILA/AILF several times. Let me compile the list of e-mail and fax numbers and let's do it as a group this time.


Target Mr James Loy, in these times and through any confirmation hearings. USICS chief and Ombudsman report to him.

The President intends to nominate James M. Loy, of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, and intends to designate him Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. The
Director of Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services reports directly to the Deputy Secretary. The current Deputy Secretary will return to the U.S. Department of Navy and has remained in
the current position pending the President's designation of the new Deputy Secretary. Mr. Loy currently serves as the Administrator of Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
Cinta wrote:
CNN: Let us send complain letters/e-mails to LouDobbs for a distorted picture of who is an "AMERICAN", and the Export of American jobs. Lou never mentioned that the Immigration Policy of this country is non-existent, that ILLEGALS is not the only problem of Immigration and our problem.

So much talk there in CNN and media about outsourcing and loosing American Jobs. But what about the job lost by a hotel worker in a local restaurant in some part of India to a New Pizza shop or Mcdonald or? That poor fello even don't have internet to complain.Outsourcing is Boomrang. It will happen no matter what.

US government is not doing us favor by giving us GC. Compare the immigration trend and the liberalization trend in the immigrants's home country, it will go together. Atleast I know that lot of Indians started immigrating to US in mid 90's after the start of liberalization in early 90's in India. US economy will be in bad shape if lot of other developing and third world countries doesn't open up their economy. So our home country government also should get involved in lobbying Immigration issues. What is the purpose of having Embassy in US? Embassy is not travel agents, they have to represent our problems to US government.
Update from Rajiv

We have spoken with the Bar and CitiBank.

It may be very complicated for us to hold your money and then pay ourselves or other people involved. As I have said earlier, paying ourseleves is not an issue. But I may want to hire another law firm to go in with us. That will make our lives a bit easier and probably help get the class certified from Court.

I asked our CPA Mr. Viajy Sharma to help. He was a full time consultant for our firm and now does our consulting as well has his own practice. In my opinion he is an honest man.

Vijay has agreed to open an account and hold your money. We can allow him to take reimbursement for his time spent on the effort and he can manage the accounting and disbursement. The only problem is, whose directions should he obey? For instance, who has the authority to say, spend on this, not that etc..

A much better option is to organize a 501c3 (non-profit corporation). I would be happy to be on the Board of Directors.

Discuss these issues here please.

In the interim, I have a team member looking only at a cause of action on which we can sue.

I will be in Chicago over the weekend. By next week we should have a direction to proceed.

Originally posted by Edison
I already wrote to AILA/AILF several times. Let me compile the list of e-mail and fax numbers and let's do it as a group this time.

I think we have to ask our lawyers who are AILA members and can influence it to take some action in this regard. We are paying them throuh our nose for EB based Immigration, they better help. If not in future every one in this forum should boycot all AILA member attornies.

I strongly urgued with my atternoy and my company legal dept to find a way to solve the problem, they said looking into the matter and will getback to me (its already 4 months).

Yes the atternoys can help fight with BCIS.

I request all the I-485 waiter to strongly press their atternoys to fight for it to quickly reduce the backlogs at least in the stipulated time frame provided in the ND.

The atternoys not only look at the money but should help us when necessary...

Atternoy Sir and Madams please comeforward and help us...

Please see how Rajiv Sir came forward to help us!!!

It appears that forming a non-profit organization has becomes a necessity. Edison, or others, do you have experience in this. Or do we need Rajiv's help? Let's move quickly.
I will have Sharma ji do it.

Originally posted by YJay
It appears that forming a non-profit organization has becomes a necessity. Edison, or others, do you have experience in this. Or do we need Rajiv's help? Let's move quickly.

He was telling me we do not have to wait for the 501c3 status before we can start our activity. The incorporation in VA will take only 2-3 weeks.

I am thinking of incorporating ImmigrationPortal.ORG, Inc. as a non-profit. We own that URL. We could donate that to the community. No problem.
USCIS contacts


Thanks on behalf of everybody here.

By the way, you can check (have Monica or somebody else) this number: 202-514-4600. Eduardo Aguirre's number?

Is it useful to call??
PA senator

I would like to contact Arlen Spectar from PA . How do I get appointment? do I need to call his Philly office to get appointment? What do I tell his PA to get appointment?
Just shed some knowledge about this?
Re: PA senator

Originally posted by allsucks
I would like to contact Arlen Spectar from PA . How do I get appointment? do I need to call his Philly office to get appointment? What do I tell his PA to get appointment?
Just shed some knowledge about this?

Just call and say you are anxious for an appointment to discuss ... See my PA thread for contact information.
Re: Done

Originally posted by operations
Thanks for letting me know.


I would like to make a recommendation. The basis is the actual establishment of a DIALOGUE, between US and the Ombudsman (one of the basic functions of his position), as well as US and the Honorable Director. This may give you valuable insight as to WHY we received no answer so far..none whatsoever.

Could you please call the Director and demand a status on our Petition? I think you are the perfect person to do that. Whether you want to mention any Lawsuit or not, is your choice.

The number (verified) is 202-514-4600.

Thanks again.