Employment based immigration backlog petition

Originally posted by lbonneau
I agree with Rajiv.
Whatever our country of origin, we are in the same fight. We may loose impact if we split our energy to go with specific ethnic groups.

The idea I like best on this forum is to gather money and fund additional I-485 adjudicators in the different services centers.
I like it because it is positive and offers a solution, and also because it shows the government is not doing its job.
Also, this approach has worked in the past for a different subject, so there is a precedent : the drug companies were worried because the FDA was taking 2 years to approve new drugs, so they all chipped in so the FDA could have more reviewers, and the approval time has been reduced to 6 months.
Sounds familiar ??

If all 3000 persons who signed the petition gave $1000, that would pay for a reasonnable number of adjudicators (>10 per service center). BTW, do we know how many I-485 adjudicators are in each service center ? In a sense, it sounds like the $1000 for the faster processing of the H1B. So then I thought, why not just propose the USCIS to extend the additional $1000 for a 6 months processing of the I-485 ? But it all came back to me: because they would take the money and fund enforcement with it...
Seriously, I think we should propose to either collect money and have USCIS use it specifically to hire I-485 adjudicators, or propose them the extra $1000 for a 6 months processing of the I-485. The problem I see with the first solution is how to make it durable, as the I-485 petitioners will change (and hopefully more often than today).
Maybe this could be a transitionnal step until the USCIS is ready to implement the second solution, then we would not have to deal with collecting and all that anymore.

So in short I would propose to collect and fund the money ourselves as soon as we have the structure, to reduce the backlog NOW, and have USCIS implement the $1000 extra for a six month processing within a year.

If most of you guys think this could work, I think we would need to get AILA involved in making that suggestion.

Thanks for your comments on this.


We are not losing energy on contacting OUR different ethnic groups and lobbies. You may be taking Rajiv's comments out of context. Yes we are all a family here but we need to find solutions. Let me give you an example. Indians in the US are an estimated 1.7 million people and their immigration started mostly in the 80s and 90s. This is one reason you do not see a lot of them in Congress, the Senate, etc. In other words it is a developing lobby in every sense of the word. The hispanic lobby is stronger in numbers and power. the same stands for Jewish lobbies and others. If you examine the US Congress, you will see all these in the form of CAUCUSES. There is a Hispanic caucus, a black caucus, a Greek caucus and others...promoting the interests of the above. So there is absolutely no second thought in contacting all these groups. A hispanic is more prone to have hispanic friends along this ladder and the message is transmitted easier as opposed to sending e-mail to the President for example.
This translates into the ethnic media also.
With regards to financing USCIS, let us be serious. First of all it is not possible at least in the way it is suggested and all the laws that govern immigration. Besides the US government is not poor, it can afford BIG DEFICITS. Money is not the problem, the problem is that this is the way they want it and they would not second guess anything.
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Originally posted by cinta

We are not losing energy on contacting OUR different ethnic groups and lobbies. You may be taking Rajiv's comments out of context. Yes we are all a family here but we need to find solutions. Let me give you an example. Indians in the US are an estimated 1.7 million people and their immigration started mostly in the 80s and 90s. This is one reason you do not see a lot of them in Congress, the Senate, etc. In other words it is a developing lobby in every sense of the word. The hispanic lobby is stronger in numbers and power. the same stands for Jewish lobbies and others. If you examine the US Congress, you will see all these in the form of CAUCUSES. There is a Hispanic caucus, a black caucus, a Greek caucus and others...promoting the interests of the above. So there is absolutely no second thought in contacting all these groups. A hispanic is more prone to have hispanic friends along this ladder and the message is transmitted easier as opposed to sending e-mail to the President for example.
This translates into the ethnic media also.
With regards to financing USCIS, let us be serious. First of all it is not possible at least in the way it is suggested and all the laws that govern immigration. Besides the US government is not poor, it can afford BIG DEFICITS. Money is not the problem, the problem is that this is the way they want it and they would not second guess anything.


I am thrilled by the broader ethnic understanding of the group here. Yes, I agree that as a first generation immigrant, it is our common issue. People in this boat will understand us better than our own ethnic brother or sister. And we can always get some extra help from our ethnic lobby here.

BTW as an Indian origin, It is very shameful for me to see that Indians don’t have a single lobby with grass root presence. While India is the largest democracy, sharing the common social mindset with America. And I don’t know if they have any *real* one with top leaves access. Rajiv might throw some light here.May be Cinta’s comment of “Indian lobbies are in development stage” is comforting for me here.

Forget the ethnicity, I am here as a immigrant with everybody who wants to help us.

Indian lobby can't influence U.S. Congress. I've seen members of Indian Caucus commenting against India.

Hispanic lobby is influential one, but they are busy lobbying for illegals and another influential lobby Jewish lobby is busy with their own interest which is beyond the scope of immigration.
List of Volunteers: (list is compiled from various volunteers list)
V NJ 00 smita_goyle      
V ZZ 00 karns   
V VA 00 ramss         
N ZZ 00 shsa
N ZZ 00 curryus
N ZZ 00 andy2000
T ZZ 00 tr22    
T GA 04 taj72   
T ZZ 00 srvimmi 
T ZZ 00 allsucks

C CA 13 kadamtal
C CA 13 karma_yoga
C CA 14 140_takes_4ever
C CA 14 kashmir
C CA 15 c610
C CA 15 kuldeepc
C CA 16 rk4gc
C CA 24 westlakeuser
C CA 41 ganshm
C KS 03 srvimmi
N MI 11 GCJhalak
N MO 03 hidden_dragon
T TX 21 tr22
V MI 09 Edison
V NJ 06 rajum
V NJ 06 tamilpayyan
V PA 06 cinta
V PA 08 PhillyKP
Core Team

Core team list:

V MI 09 Edison    
V NJ 00 dsatish          
V VA 00 Yjay             
V MA 00 Raj Chandra      
V CO 00 sanju13          
V GA 00 frantic          
V CA 13 kash777          
C CA 14 Kashmir          
C CA 16 rk4gc            
C CA 13 karma_yoga       
C CA 14 140_takes_4ever  
T TX 00 tombaan           
T GA 05 ayansgp           
T VA 00 goastros         

Some prefer to involve only in activities related to Lobbying Congress.
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The following are most important process of establishing a nonprofit organization:

1. File the certificate of incorporation
2. Obtain an employer identification number (EIN) and File for federal tax exemption
3. Open a bank account and establish check signing procedures
4. Follow state and local nonprofit regulations
5. Select individuals to serve on the board of directors
6. Develop vision and mission statements
7. Establish bylaws and board policies
8. Develop an overall fundraising plan

Rajiv is working with Sharma ji to incorporate non-profit organization.

Core team is now established.

Let's discuss what we need to move forward with fundraising plan. It is better to start this process early, since contributors can get tax-exemption for year 2003.
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You mentioned that you/ your team is working on Advocacy tracking tool (Drupal or something similar). When are you planning to launch this new tool. I think it will be really helpful for us.
There are a lot of things to comment on

A lot of things to comment on.

1. Indian Lobbying: So far, my interaction with Indian lobbyists has been less than satisfying. While there appear to be a few people dedicated to causes, most folks use politics as a banner for personal advancement ONLY. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

2. We have started the work on incorpration of Immigrationportal.Org, Inc..

3. We have already reviewed several scores of cases on Administrative delays and their legal consequences. Not much there for us so far. Still seeking a way to make a legal argument.

4. Advocacy software was intended to be a long term plan (6 months to a year). I had posted the specs on it a few days ago. I am attaching them here as well. Let me know if there is anything I missed in the overview.
Originally posted by karma_yoga

I am thrilled by the broader ethnic understanding of the group here. Yes, I agree that as a first generation immigrant, it is our common issue. People in this boat will understand us better than our own ethnic brother or sister. And we can always get some extra help from our ethnic lobby here.

BTW as an Indian origin, It is very shameful for me to see that Indians don’t have a single lobby with grass root presence. While India is the largest democracy, sharing the common social mindset with America. And I don’t know if they have any *real* one with top leaves access. Rajiv might throw some light here.May be Cinta’s comment of “Indian lobbies are in development stage” is comforting for me here.

Forget the ethnicity, I am here as a immigrant with everybody who wants to help us.


Certainly we can get help from anywhere, but for a grassroot campaign it makes sense to incorporate the Ethnic Lobbies, some strong, some weak..It also makes our group more inclusive no matter what the number are. I maybe the only Greek here but I can use a vast array of weapons here..I can contact Greek people and ask for help.NOT FOR MY CASE, I could do that too if need arises, BUT FOR ALL. This is the whole meaning behind the Ethnic lobbying.
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Thank you for your note, XXXX. AILA is very concerned regarding employment-based backlogs, which are absolutely unconscionable. We have many
public statements on this, and continue to press for funding for USCIS and other simpler reforms - like an end to re-adjudication of the same issues
which unnecessarily delays adjustments. I recently was on a panel with Director Aguirre at the Migration Policy Institute, and I addressed this issue with him.

Palma Yanni
President, American Immigration Lawyers Association
Originally posted by cinta
Certainly we can get help from anywhere, but for a grassroot campaign it makes sense to incorporate the Ethnic Lobbies, some strong, some weak..It also makes our group more inclusive no matter what the number are. I maybe the only Greek here but I can use a vast array of weapons here..I can contact Greek people and ask for help.NOT FOR MY CASE, I could do that too if need arises, BUT FOR ALL. This is the whole meaning behind the Ethnic lobbying.

I totally agree with cinta here.

It's not how strong or how weak you are, all it matterss is one's effort an dit can only be done if we all collectively do it. What ever contribution we make, it is going to add up and make whole thing bigger and more effective. Everyone can benifit from it.
Originally posted by khoula
I totally agree with cinta here.

It's not how strong or how weak you are, all it matterss is one's effort an dit can only be done if we all collectively do it. What ever contribution we make, it is going to add up and make whole thing bigger and more effective. Everyone can benifit from it.

I agree with cinta and khoula. We need all the help that we can get.

reply from Rick Santorum

Hi Cinta/all
I have received a response letter from Senator Rick Santorum(PA) . Not exciting it was pre-prepared letter just added my name on top that is it. Same story like "After 9/11 we have changed lot immigration laws blabla...." I did not see much importance in that letter. If you guys want to see I will scan and post it on the net...

Still waiting for response from Arlen Specter and Jim Gerlech

Our letter was published on Gim Gerlech Site Letters to readers .
I think somebody will read our problems.

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Re: reply from Rick Santorum

Originally posted by allsucks
Hi Cinta/all
I have received a response letter from Senator Rick Santorum(PA) . Not exciting it was pre-prepared letter just added my name on top that is it. Same story like "After 9/11 we have changed lot immigration laws blabla...." I did not see much importance in that letter. If you guys want to see I will scan and post it on the net...

Still waiting for response from Arlen Specter and Jim Gerlech

Our letter was published on Gim Gerlech Site Letters to readers .
I think somebody will read our problems.


Post it and answer back in a professional way.
Congress.org is NOT Gerlach's web site, but is good is there.
Originally posted by Edison
Probably some members would have noticed the response from USCIS, below mentioned link is provided for those who missed that.

It is tasteless standard reply but anyway enjoy reading.

Response received on the I-485 backlog petition


Actually there was no response to the original petition, right?
This was just the Tzikas business. Contrary, AILA's response to myself said more things..readjudications, etc. For more visit the Migration Policy Institute. Let us take it professionally with AILA and see..