Employment based immigration backlog petition

Re: Re: Re: Re: Fund Collection

Originally posted by dsatish
I think that we should not waste any more time or momentum for collecting the funds. Lot of people have already expressed thier opinion and a vast majority of the people are willing to contribute.
There is no use do a survey to get an idea of how much we will collect because the survey results will be vastly different from the actual results. I am telling you based on the experience we havw with surveys for signature collection drive. We wasted 2 full weaks to collect the survey (only 130 people answered the survey where as more than 3000 people signed the petition). A lot of people will join only result oriented actions, not discussions.
My guess is we will be collecting between $25000 and $50000. You can assume that we will collect around $25K within 10 days and we may reach 40K or 50K after 1 month. Once we get the money, then we will decide what we can do with that. The amount of money collected will influence what we can do. So we can't really have hard plans now without having money in the kitty.
Can we start sending checks payable to "Law offices of Rajiv Khanna" ? please let us know.

PS : Edison and others . As soon as you hear "go ahead and send checks" from Rajiv, please create threads in all the 4 forums and ask people to start sending checks. Briefly explain that tis money will be utilised to pay for legal expenses and also for hiring some one who can help us in meeting the congress men and also influencing the prominent indian american organisations who will take up our cause with the congress men. We should aim at congressional indian caucus etc.

I strongly agree with this plan. I my self willing to pay up to $500 up front and may be more as we progress.
Dear Rajiv sir, Please go with it. Let us know If Law offices of Rajiv or 485 Class Action Trust Fund is OK with you.
I believe your administrative assistant got it first because she replied to my phone message.

I'll be in my office from approx. 8:30 am. Would you have time to talk to me? I left my phone number with your office.

I appreciate your carefulness about legality of holding funds. I don't think it should be a concern to setup a fund (open an account). It may only become a problem when we spend the money (inappropriately), which we need to be careful.

Please think of a fund name so that people can send checks in using that name.

Others, I need one more person to volunteer on the financial committee. You can also be treasurer/auditor. Dsatish and myself have volunteered.

Originally posted by operations
Hmmm. I have recived no email. But we are trying to figure out how we can hold the funds without ethical/legal complications. I will need to contact the VA/DC bars also. Stand by. It might take us a a few days to figure this out.
Please wait

Public money is a very serious matter. We have to make sure we do the job right.

Please do not send any checks now.
First of all thank you for everyone who are warming up all the dead souls. I was one of them, I always come here, read others messages and then leave.

Today I registerd myself here so atleast I can talk to folks. I agree to hire attorney or attornies to take this matter to the authorities.

Let do it so folks after us will remember our courage. I dont care we win or loose but atleast we are trying and if we care about money then no one from us can pay attorney's fee but together we can do it, cant we?

I am willing to contribute 500.00 Dollars as well.
OK, folks. We have to hold on our checks until Rajiv straightens this thing out. It may take a few days.

Alternately (may not be viable), a person on this board is willing to accept the checks and all members trust this person. This person would have to expose all his information (name, address, phone numbers).

Hello guys,
I am upgrading my home office with new computer and equipment and I lost some of the developments.
I would like to say that our minimum contribution would be $500.00 for a SINGLE applicant and $1000.00 for derivative and primary applicant. people with kids should contribute MORE, like $1500.00. The $100.00 contribution is ridiculous. It would not even buy a dinner for two. Cheers.

Let's not set any minimum amount for now. I would say $100 is not too little, $10000 is not too much. There was a class action in Australia ten years ago. More than 4000 people contributed to the action, and over $1,000, 000 was rasied.

Let's hope we can get 10, 000 people participating.
Originally posted by YJay

Let's not set any minimum amount for now. I would say $100 is not too little, $10000 is not too much. There was a class action in Australia ten years ago. More than 4000 people contributed to the action, and over $1,000, 000 was rasied.

Let's hope we can get 10, 000 people participating.


We should set a minimum amount for the participants. The money will be needed even if we collect a million dollars. An ad in the NY Times is somewhat $100,000 per page. Maybe more. Just an example.

Let's hold this minimum contribution level discussion for time being.

Eventhough there are thousands of EB applicants around but just few thousand signed the petition. So let's not scare everyone in the initial stage itself about minimum contribution.

Also we are not sure about the path we are going, so let's formalize the contibution level when the things materialize, so till then we can move ahead without setting any rules.

You are right but it is very difficult to convince non-active memebrs about that. We should revisit this discussion when the things materialize.
Originally posted by cinta

We should set a minimum amount for the participants. The money will be needed even if we collect a million dollars. An ad in the NY Times is somewhat $100,000 per page. Maybe more. Just an example.


We can set the minimum amount as $100. $500 may sound too much for lot of participants.


Let's wait until Rajiv comes back with an answer, instead of asking some other member to start accepting the checks.

My 2 cents.
This Thread

Hi guys,
Let us use this thread only for our communication with Rajiv / Operations. For our internal discussions, let us use the 'who want to be in action team' thread. That way Rajiv will not lose his focus in this thread. He don't need to look into all the hundred messages to look for which one he has to answer.
Let us discuss the minimum contribution issue in our discussion thread.
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Re: This Thread

Originally posted by dsatish
Hi guys,
Let us use this thread only for our communication with Rajiv / Operations. For our internal discussions, let us use the 'who want to be in action team' thread. That way Rajiv will not lose his focus in this thread. He don't need to look into all the hundred messages to look for which one he has to answer.
Let us discuss the minimum contribution issue in our discussion thread.

For one of your similar message sometime back, Rajiv replied that he has time.

The discussion what Cinta/YJay started was about contribution level which is more relevant to current action (law suit).

P.S: To stay focussed, If you delete your message, I'll delete this unwanted message or Moderator can delete both these unwanted message to keep the thread clean.
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Re: Re: This Thread

Originally posted by Edison
For one of your similar message sometime back, Rajiv replied that he has time.

The discussion what Cinta/YJay started was about contribution level which is more relevant to current action (law suit).

P.S: To stay focussed, If you delete your message, I'll delete this unwanted message or Moderator can delete both these unwanted message to keep the thread clean.
I very well remember that Rajiv said that he has time but that is what every humble person says. I haven't criticized yjay or cinta. I just advised every one to keep out (from this thread) things that are not related to Rajiv or operations. Rajiv has surely nothing to do with our minimum amount discussion. I definitely do not like the idea of taking too much of Rajiv's time for all our trivial issues.
PS : What i say is just my suggestion. Take it or dump it at your own discretion. I am not going to repeat any suggestion very often.
Re: Re: Re: This Thread

Originally posted by dsatish
I very well remember that Rajiv said that he has time but that is what every humble person says. I haven't criticized yjay or cinta. I just advised every one to keep out (from this thread) things that are not related to Rajiv or operations. Rajiv has surely nothing to do with our minimum amount discussion. I definitely do not like the idea of taking too much of Rajiv's time for all our trivial issues.
PS : What i say is just my suggestion. Take it or dump it at your own discretion. I am not going to repeat any suggestion very often.

This is my second unwanted message.

I would just stay away from the discussion that I don't like rather than suggesting others what they have to do.

Let's hold this minimum contribution level discussion for time being.

Eventhough there are thousands of EB applicants around but just few thousand signed the petition. So let's not scare everyone in the initial stage itself about minimum contribution.

Also we are not sure about the path we are going, so let's formalize the contibution level when the things materialize, so till then we can move ahead without setting any rules.

You are right but it is very difficult to convince non-active memebrs about that. We should revisit this discussion when the things materialize.

you are right $100 might be acceptable for lot of people here. But the minimum can be set when we hear form Rajiv about the quotes he requested.
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I agree with edison. Let's wait for Rajiv's response to our fund initiative. Once we start the fund initiative, then let's decide in our team meeting, about the minimum amount.
Good idea to delete all the unrelated threads but contributions are an essential part of the equation.

My 0.02 $ on the issue is to wait for a few more days to give Rajiv some time to get back to us with a bigger and clearer picture. It is essential to know approximately how much this is going to cost before starting a fund raiser. If enough people contribute 100 $ could be enough, if they don't then those of us who feel enough for the situation might have to cough up 1,000 $'s.

One of the ways to do this is to ask people to pledge, after getting an idea of how much money we need. After the pledging is complete we will have a better idea of how much money we need to hit our goal, or to what extent we have surpassed it. Based upon which we can re-pledge.

If the group consensus is to move these contribution threads out of here then I will gladly delete this post!
I would like to participate/contribute for the lawsuit here.

My ND is WAC02107

I think we need to have a cutoff notice date to avoid frivolous cases here though...Is 18 months a reasonable amount of processing time before eligible to file the suit or is it 1 year or 6 months (as some have suggested)?

Could somebody not directly involved in the lawsuit contribute? Since they might benefit indirectly from the publicity of this issue...

What do you guys think?
Originally posted by operations
1. Yes. The cases that have been pending longest are the best plaintiffs/petitioners.

2. Not much. Just provide documents, affidavits and support as needed. These folks have to be fired up and not just be dead weght for other to carry.

I am from TSC forum and to log into this thread, I have to get into Edisons thread http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=100884 in TSC forum as Iknew about this discussion going on here. I believe there may be many folks out there who dosen't even know about it. So far many Ideas floated around for short while in one or two forums and died down, TRU's efforts in TSC forum are like that and We don't hear from TRU anymore. Only I 485 backlog pitition survived I think since april/may of this year because Operations made it acommon posting on all forums. Any one can notice the response to voting threads(5475 views) as they are posted as common threads. So I think to keep this thread alive untill some action takes place Operations should make it a general thread for all forums. I am already seeing people getting on each others nerves and this may lead to senior and active members may disappear like TRU did.
I have read through the threads

I have asked one of our colleagues to speak with Bar to see how we can ethically hold the money. I have also asked another lawyer in the firm to provide me an assessment of the legal feasibility of such a law suit.

Once all this is clearer, I will update you folks. I am not worried about the money part. We can file the suit and get paid whatever anyone gives. If we make money, great. If not, oh well. It would be an effort well worth the time.

The more important issue is the legal feasiblity.

Do not worry, we will also make this issue generally known in all forums once our path is clearer.