Employment based immigration backlog petition

Rajiv,Thanks a lot for your time. I am sure every one will pray for you all the time as long as they are in US.
Re: I have read through the threads

Originally posted by operations
I have asked one of our colleagues to speak with Bar to see how we can ethically hold the money. I have also asked another lawyer in the firm to provide me an assessment of the legal feasibility of such a law suit.

Once all this is clearer, I will update you folks. I am not worried about the money part. We can file the suit and get paid whatever anyone gives. If we make money, great. If not, oh well. It would be an effort well worth the time.

The more important issue is the legal feasiblity.

Do not worry, we will also make this issue generally known in all forums once our path is clearer.

Thanks Mr. Rajiv,

I think thats the way to go, lets wait until Rajiv gets back to us regarding the feasibility. Pooling money is not a problem, the response is already good and once everybody knows about the the law suit, the money just pours in.

So, lets relax and keep our energies, once the task begins we cannot rest until we reach our goal.

good luck to us,
Originally posted by DaoMingTze
I'm in!!!

I don't mind contributing reasonable amount of time and money into tihs. I just think that it is time to get their attention.

Several questions:
1) Would a more specific class be able to make stronger case? (people whose cases pending >18 or 12 months for instance)

2) What would these 10-15 "committed people" need to do? Again, I might be interested in volunteering for this. Can we have more details?

I am too. I can spend up to $500 and adequate time if you guys make it general. I mean sue all the Service Centers. I file din TSC
RD 10/01/2001 ND 11/07/2001 3 rd EAD filed. FP on 02/12/2003.
We got to maintain this thread in I-485 general issues and we got send the petitions and signatures to all Appropriate senters to cover all Service Centers. We need to bring the Law suit agains all the Service Centers not just VSC or CSC.
Originally posted by YJay
OK, folks. We have to hold on our checks until Rajiv straightens this thing out. It may take a few days.

Alternately (may not be viable), a person on this board is willing to accept the checks and all members trust this person. This person would have to expose all his information (name, address, phone numbers).

Thats fine, We can hold lttile bit but we got to hurry up on things as the Holiday Season coming up. Meanwhile Can we move these thread into I-485 Common Issues, so that Everybody Can look into this and we can get more volunteers and Contributors(Money wise). Also We need post an agenda like the exact and Accurate points we are going to focus in the Class Action.

1. We got to sue all the Service Centers(TSC, VSC, NSC, CSC) or BCIS which should cover all the pending cases in all Service Centers.
2. Extra Attention to TSC as It is 1 year behind than other Service Centers.
3. Long delay in I-140(1 year) processing in VSC. Lot of concurrent filers can't take advantage of AC21 without I-140 approved eventhough EAD is approved within a month.
4. Long delays in processing AP in TSC.
Originally posted by YJay

Let's not set any minimum amount for now. I would say $100 is not too little, $10000 is not too much. There was a class action in Australia ten years ago. More than 4000 people contributed to the action, and over $1,000, 000 was rasied.

Let's hope we can get 10, 000 people participating.

Guys another suggestioni think of is

1. We need to identify about first 50 or 100 cases, 20 from each SC(TSC, VSC, NSC and CSC) which are oldest and we need to make a complete list of pending cases in all SC's order of ND(Sub sets like 24 months old cases, 18 months old, 12 months old and 6 months old)when we present the case to Judge. We got to put every effort to make sure they look at it as a generic problem.
I see lots of ethusiasim here! But shall we leave the details to the attorney? Anyone can make suggestions of course. Let's wait for his words first...Operations said he will make it a common thread onced formalized.
Ask your local Congressperson to support Congresswomen Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren

I have an important request about our petition to Congressional members
although the main stream here in this thread seems to be the lawsuit.

I live in California 14th District, and for a couple of months, I have been working with my representative Anna Eshoo for our petition, especially for sixth request of our petition to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) for Naturalization requirements.
But, one of our hardship is:
major part of Republican don't support it.
As you know, in California, both of Senators are Democratic, and most of Congresspersons in San Francisco Bay Area are also Democratic.

I think Republican is stronger in the area covered by the VSC forum.
I'd like you to contact you local Congressperson to ask to support amendment of INA that Congresswoman Anna Eshoo is trying to introduce.

Could you please send our petition and your cover letter with your signature and residential address to your local Congressional office ?
A sample is following.

The lastest status at the CSC forum is here.
Best regards,

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

November 5, 2003

Congressman XXXXX XXXXX
XXX Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-XXXX
Fax: (202) 225-XXXX

RE: Amendment of INA - Congresswoman Anna Eshoo and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren

Dear Congressman XXXXX XXXXX;

I am one of Employment based I-485 applicants suffering from the current huge backlog at the USCIS, and also a member of one of the largest online immigrant community of legal workers -- ImmigrationPortal.Com. Attached is our petition consisting of six requests.

Now, our community members in California are working with Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) especially for sixth request of our petition.

Could you please support Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren to implement one of our requests in the petition ?

Best regards,
(your signature)
(your name)
(your address)

1) ImmigrationPortal.Com petition (8 pages)
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VSC Director

I encourage everyone to send e-mail to


Also,I encourage everyone to send snail mail to VSC CUSTOMER FEEDBACK.

CIS Customer Feedback:
We strive to provide quality service to our customers. If we have not lived up to this commitment, we would like to know. If we have met or exceeded your expectations, please let us know that as well. To comment on the services provided at this office, please write to the Center Director, at:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
P.O. Box 1000
Saint Albans, Vermont 05479.

Note in the heading of the letter and on the envelope: "FOR THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF THE DIRECTOR."

Whining in this forum won't help us, so act immediately and send mails. Also reply in this thread after forwarding mail, that will encourage everyone here.

Mailed our petition along with all the signatures to VSC director by Certified Priority mail and also forwarded our petition to DHS by Email.

I request everyone to write to VSC director.
Use EMAIL TO FAX or FREE FAX SERVICES to fax our Petition to Congressional office

Use EMAIL TO FAX or FREE FAX SERVICES to fax our Petition to Congressional office

Please fax the petition to your local Congressional office using free fax service mentioned below and also mail the petition along with all the signatures to your local Congressional office. Also plan to meet them in person to follow up on the same issue.

I forwarded the petition along with all the signatures (about 225 pages) to the below mentioned by Certified Priority mail and also sent a formal meeting request to discuss about the same:
1. The Honorable Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)
2. The Honorable Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
3. The Honorable Representative Joseph Knollenberg (R-MI 9th)
4. The Honorable Representative John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI 14th) - Immigration subcommittee member

Also, I forwarded the petition along with all the signatures (about 225 pages) to the below mentioned by Certified Priority mail :
1. The Honorable President George W. Bush
2. Ms. Nadine K. Wettstein, Director, Legal Action Center, AILF
3. White House Correspondents Association

Contact Information for The Honorable Senators and The Honorable House of Representatives.
1. Use AILA advocacy center to contact local elected official
2. US Senators contact information
3. US House of Representative contact information

Free Fax Service(especially Washington D.C area):
1. Send a fax by Email
2. Free faxing from the internet
Fax numbers of The Honorable Senators and The Honorable House of Representatives

I faxed the petition to all the House of Representatives and Senators from Michigan, Now I request some volunteers to FAX the petition to the Representatives and Senators of their state.
I understand that we are contemplating class action law suit against CIS but I prefer everyone to continue our Congressional campaign.
Please post your efforts here to gather more volunteers for our action team.
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* * * FAX petition to House Policy Committee & House Immigration Sub-committee * * *

* * * FAX petition to House Policy Committee & House Immigration Sub-committee * * *

To influence Republican and Democrat House of Representatives, we all should FAX our petition to House Policy Committee and House Immigration Sub-committee. Last few months we were contacting local Congressional offices. So now let us all focus on Congressional leadership offices.If they see lot of petitions regarding the same issue then there is fair enough chance that our petition will be considered and they might act immediately to reduce immigration benefits backlog and to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) for Naturalization requirements. So, Please FAX the petition immediately.

House Policy Committee

Postal Mail:
House Policy Committee
2471 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-225-6168
E-Mail: policy@mail.house.gov

Fax: 202-225-0931

House Immigration Sub-committee

Postal Mail:
Immigration, Border Security, and Claims Subcommittee(Judiciary)
Washington, DC 20515-6217

Majority (Republicans) Committee FAX: 202-225-3672
Minority (Democrats) Committee FAX: 202-225-1845

Free Fax Service:
1. Send a fax by Email
2. Free faxing from the internet
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Yes, let us concentrate on the fight. However, along this journey we need to join forces with a wider audience. We need to persuade people on this forum and other forums to join. We are trying to do it by example. It is very obvious to see who is leading the efforts (Edison, kashmir, kash, Yjay, etc). We need more people to follow the example and participate. The participation can be in a thousand ways. The primary pre-requisite is to get the fears out and fight in an open and honest way.
Dialogue, petitions, press, congress correspondence and all we are doing are all AMERICAN constitutional rights and methods. They are all LEGAL as we are. take example from the ILLEGALS; they certainly have less fear and more power to fight for their cause. The silence and the hide behind a forum nickname is not supporting our cause. We should make it more trivial and see exactly where the problem is. It is unacceptable to see how only the few have really contributed. If people have fear to even sign a petition that affects their lives, then we have a problem. We need to address it.
America is big in a lot of ways and can accept and eventually assimilate all different cultures. That is why is called a melting pot. However, the degree to which this is happening varies accordingly. The GC does not provide automatic assimilation into the society by itself. This is up to the individual as to how he will do it. Some cultures assimilate easier than others. Some to a big extent never really achieve it. Assimilation translates to power also. Without naming specific ones, anybody can find out who is powerful in the different layers of society, including Government, Lobbies, Special Interests and the like. Some are really obsessed with their GC only and that is their one and only goal but they refuse to even sign a petition! They expect the others to do the job that will eventually benefit all. This is unamerican by itself. We are not here just to have a job and make money. We are here because we like the freedom and the way of life that this country offers. Jobs or no jobs. I went through three recessions and several layoffs but I always liked the free air, the struggle to find the next job, often in another state..Money is just a small portion of the equation. today you have it and tomorrow you may lose it (stock market collapse, for example), next day you can start making it again. Just get all your fears out, breath free and join what is the most American gift of all: FIGHT - is legal in this country.
Still Brainstorming...Baklog Balckhole!!

Dear Friends,

I could not stop brainstorming about our backlog problems.

So here are some more points from myside

1)Since Last monday I personally spoke with 8 persons who are waiting for I-485 and they are willing to pay as much as possible but may not devote the lot of time for this activity. Also they said they know a lot other friends/collegues who are in similar situation and will be ready to pay. So money is not a problem at this moment.

2) As you all know Rajiv Sir is working on the issue of whehter we can file Law suit against the USCIS/BCIS and is it Legal to File etc...

The outcome will be (By thinking in boolean logic) YES or NO.

3) If YES then no problem we can follow whatever the path suggested by Rajiv Sir and other Senior Members.

4) If NOT then what our alternatives will be( Excluding whatever we are doing now) ?

5)Lot of Members put status inquiry at USCIS and got the reply that the USCIS does not have enough manpower and funds who can deal with the lengty Security Checks. I think if its true(lets beleve for the time being), BCIS/USCIS may lie but may not lie in writing...

6) Will it be possible to pay some funds(what we collect among ourselves) to the BCIS who can use the funds especially for temporary hiring or at least an overtime pay for the existing emplyees so that security checks will not be as bottlnecs in processing the cases or at least processing pace improves.

7) I am personally trying to contact the senetor in New Jersey and tell him/her that the problem facing by BCIS and regarding fund contribution to them. If he can arrange some kind of deal with legally validity.

8) I would like to know whether I/we can meet any person at BCIS or at least related to BCIS who may be willing to discuss regarding the funds. I would be happy if they are AILA/AILF but seems they are afraid and not comming forward at all.

Most important is whatever awerness we make or let the higher authority know..The things will be back to square one which is SECURITY CHECKS and let me tell you no body will compromise on that in the present moment and our petition may fail(if at all) only on this clause.

Lots of senetors even one of my chinese collegue spoke directly to Hilary Clington for the delay in security checks.. she blantly refused by saying I donot want to do anything or press anybody which is related to security checks.

Well friends...Can we come from this backlog blackhole...I am still brainstorming...

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Fax to immigration sub-comitte

just to let you know I faxed the petition to the House Policy committe and the Immigration sub-committee (both Rep and Dem), and strongly encourage everyone to do so as well.
Thanks for your actions and suggestions on this thread. I'll be happy to join a class action law suite or other action you propose.
The idea of sending money to BCIS to hire adjudication officers is an interesting one : it is also a slap in the face of BCIS, showing they cannot do their job. I won't mind doing that either, although we would need to be sure the money is not used for law enforcement again !!
As for the excuse of the backgroung checks, I don't buy. Just imagine they arrest a terrorist suspect tomorrow : do you really think they need over 2 years to find out if that person is a terrorist or not ?
Thanks again, and let's continue to fight this insanity !

Here's my 2 cents

Many people in this forum may know me from the brickbats
they showered on me for proposing what we are doing now,
almost a year back.

1) Am ready to pay $1000-$2000, depending on how many
people I see participating.

2) Let's propose yearly help to BCIS to hire people in terms
of money to get job done.

3) Let's donate money to Prez Bush's campaign, as a group.

4) Plzz advise what I need to do with my local Congressman
and Senator. I haven't yet seen definitive directions to
that effect.

Yes, I am one of those, who's not relying at all on any
Senator's or Congressman's pity or good senses. The only
thing I can rely on is $, $$ & $$$. So let's raise $$$$ and go ahead.

Here is some news:

Eight illegals, involved in the recent Immigration raids on Walmart are SUIING Walmart for back pay, benefits and I guess 25% employee discount (this is mine)!
next they will sue the Federal Government for the lack of sensible immigration policy.

Shall we take a lesson from them?
Security Check is really the matter ?

Here is the latest report of NATURALIZATION BENEFITS by USCIS.
The number of pending cases decreased 11 percent compared to one year ago.
Is there no security check for Naturalization ?

Not only Naturalization, among the major application types at the service centers, only EB I-485 backlog has been significantly growing.

I think such a priority by the USCIS must be illegal.
It is the discrimination by the U.S. Goverment against EB I-485 applicants, legal workers and their dependents.

I strongly believe it is not a matter of security check,
but simply a matter of headcount of adjudicators dedicated to EB I-485 at each service center.
AILA/AILF liaison

If economy is the real issue then US government has to control Chain immigration (family based immigration) or they have to introduce labor certification for family based immigration. Anyway it is beyond the scope of our discussion.

We all clearly understand it is not security issue. So this backlog issue can be easily handled by AILA/AILF liaison with USCIS. Why AILA never addressed this issue or why are they ignoring this?????

What should we do so that AILA/AILF liaison takes up this issue (backlog of EB I-485 applications) with USCIS in their next meeting?
AILA inaction

I agree. I sent an e-mail to AILA last week asking them what they are doing about this issue, and I did not get a reply.
It is like everyone not directly impacted thinks it is normal and that we should just wait quitely.
Like all of you guys I strongly disagree and my life is a nightmare, and I would like it to stop NOW, not in one or two years from now; I will have lost my sanity by then !
When we applied for I-485 a year ago, my husband asked me how long it would take. I said a little over a year. Now, a year later, the answer is still the same !!
Maybe Rajiv can let us know how to get AILA involved in this.
Or maybe, if lots of us send e-mails to AILA they will get the hint that they need to work to stop that nonsense too !

Thanks !!