EA premium processing, I got RFE, help please

It is a general stuff, you can do it.

GC_SEP2005 said:
1. Edvidence for Invited talks
2. Evidence for your Research Role that its leading and not support role
3. Evidence for Membership
4. Evidence for publications are more significant to your profession
5. Evidence for article in major media or trade publications
and last but not least
6. Evidence that you have judged or critiqued the work of others in your field.

I have to submit 3 of 6. Still have to talk to my attorney. Looks like general one.
HI GC_Sep2005,
I am sure this is a general stuff from TCS, I hope you can prove more than three.
Unfortunately we all got to clear this hurdle. Most of us have submitted more than 3 evidences in the original documents, but I think without seeing they just push the RFE. My attorney is working on my file now, I am getting 5 more ref letters, and some more documents from the journal editors and sci associations, if not they may put one more RFE, who knows!!!!
Do they look back the original on submission of RFE

Hi everyone,
My question is Once you submit RFE, do they look back the original application? Or is it like see the questions asked and RFE answers and approve?
We have seen people getting approvals immediately after submission of RFE, (for eg: employment letter).
RFE Concern

Hi All,

The company that wants to hire me is trying to get a Work Visa through a Premium Processing. The answered back with a RFE.

The lawyer said that since deadline has been extended until December, I am lawfully in the USA until the petition is approved or denied. The thing is that I am leaving next week and I am afraid what they are going to say at the airport when they see that my I98 has expired?? Will they let me go? and worse will they let me back in in January??

I dont have any documentation saying that I am lawfully in the USA until the petition is approved or denied...

Any advice would be excellent

Its my first RFE

Dear All,

This was my first RFE from TCS. I just gave the contents of the RFE as I got it only after a week. Agree that TCS and NSC is buying time here. Lets see what happens. I think they have their notes and dont look back to the original document. Most probably they approve it after RFE. Keep updated guys.

Help please

Hi All

Since, I am working on my RFE by myself; I need some of your help. Your suggestion will greatly help me. My RFE is as follow:
The documentation submitted with the petition indicates you are an accomplished researcher and the importance of the research in XXXXXXXXXXX is not in question. However, it is not apparent from the evidence that you have the level of acclaim required for this visa classification. Witness letters submitted with the petition will be given due consideration, but XXXX states “alien has sustained national or international acclaim and that his or her achievements have been recognized in the field of expertise.” The citation evidence you submitted is persuasive that your published articles are sufficiently recognized by others in the field to meet criterion.
Then, they request for additional evidence (all 1-10 evidences).

Thanks in advance.
EB10182006 said:
Hi All

Since, I am working on my RFE by myself; I need some of your help. Your suggestion will greatly help me. My RFE is as follow:
The documentation submitted with the petition indicates you are an accomplished researcher and the importance of the research in XXXXXXXXXXX is not in question. However, it is not apparent from the evidence that you have the level of acclaim required for this visa classification. Witness letters submitted with the petition will be given due consideration, but XXXX states “alien has sustained national or international acclaim and that his or her achievements have been recognized in the field of expertise.” The citation evidence you submitted is persuasive that your published articles are sufficiently recognized by others in the field to meet criterion.
Then, they request for additional evidence (all 1-10 evidences).

my RFE said the same thing!!!!! with the same words and everything!!! basically what my lawyer told me to do is to ge new letters counter syaing what the USCIS say, staying that i am in a high level, with status and with recognition" i know is very general..but we have to do it

Thanks in advance.
EB10182006's RFE

I am just thinking out loud, Do they want to see the awards you received as additional justification to say you are an “alien that has sustained national or international acclaim and that his or her achievements have been recognized in the field of expertise.” ?

It appears that in order to satisfy the above quoted statement, USCIS is considering
a) recommendation letters
b) citations of individuals research
c) awards ???
It appears from your statement that the witness letters are not strong enough.
The letters only tending to make the reviwer belive that you are really meet the requirements. My suggestion would be
1) Go through the letters again, think in terms of an immigration officer, this will let you see the faults in the letters, the statements should be more conclusive rather then a suggestion. Other way of doing this would be to provide supportive evidence, (if some one is saying that "he is an internationally known person in his area of research", then this statement should come from a person who does not reside in US, but rather an institution in another country which is known for that kind of research.If some one talks about the nobel prize, it would make a lot of diffrence if the words form karolinska, rather then maryland) so providing a word about the institute would make it more acceptable.
2) Supportive evidence can also be accumulated - like for example some one is using your technique or molecule to advance their research, then a statement from them would make the application more strong.
I hope these might be of some help to you
good luck and have a nice day

Thanks tipotodo, niwnow and rama_9193 for your suggestion. I am trying to get letter from a journal editor to show I reviewed papers for that journal; also I will get some more support letters (already I have submitted 16). Thanks for your wishes and good luck to all of you.

Hi all:

I also got an RFE (all 10 questions like many of you) FOR EB1-EA PP which was updated on 11/14.

sagn said:
Hi all:

I also got an RFE (all 10 questions like many of you) FOR EB1-EA PP which was updated on 11/14.


Hi Sagn:

Sorry to hear that.

Many of us are having similar situation with the attorneys themselves wondering on how to address such a general RFE. Only in the case of EB1-OR the RFEs are specific with employment issues in focus.

I have a general question, does anyone in this forum received any letter from other researchers who have cited our papers explaining the merits of our work? If you can share the general format for such a letter will be very useful for me and for others as well. Pls. post the general format if possible.

Also, I wrote to many editors of the journals asking for a letter stating that I had been a referee for one or more of their manuscript. Unfortunately, only a few are responding. Is there any other better way to deal this? I suppose these kinds of letters might lead to some conclusions for this RFE issue.

Any suggestions in this regard...
Hi Sagn,
I thought you probably will get it, so delaying to the last date has no meaning or the LUD's.

I just got full membership in sigmaXi, takes ($82), is it worth? USCIS will count it or not?

one of my RFE question was, how many categories of membership, how many are selected in a year, how many rejected, give all the statistical data. are they going to do a data base of scientific societies? It is so difficult to get data for this things, Did any one get RFE question like this?
I think I have a letter like that, I will post it when I get home.
The issue I have encountered with the review of manuscript is most of these editors do not have a copy of the reviewed paper, hence they usually neglect to respond. If you have the date and title of the paper you have reviewed (do not put in all of the title though) they usually come back and say that they can give you a letter stating that you have reviwed that paper.
You can also call up the editor and explain your situation, it is but natural to have some professioanl favours, especially when you have done a review for them.
I might be wrong, but SigmaXi is more like a general society for sciences and engineering, my understanding is that in this application process one has to prove that the candidate had grown to an extarordinary level in his SPECIFIC AREA of research, to make it clear if you are biochemist, to get into ASBMB regualr membership you need to have certain number of publications and also be nominated by another member. In other words, ASBMB had set a criteria for selection and this in some terms matches with the USCIS criteria, it may not be in all aspects, but to certain level. Again it will NOT hurt your application if you have this, you never know, if an immigration officer likes your package then he can,Yes!
This is just my openion.
RFE: Proof of judging others work

Hi Friends,
Many of you are discussing about the general RFE. Evidence of judging other people's work. Didn't you attach a proof showing correspondence with the editor about reviewing the paper. Evenafter seeing that they are sending RFEs. Disgusting


Ofcourse I sent several of my peer review invitations from editors. But the problem here is not with the documents, particularly for the currents situations. I think its something different. Probably they want to see our applications next year??


moden said:
Hi Friends,
Many of you are discussing about the general RFE. Evidence of judging other people's work. Didn't you attach a proof showing correspondence with the editor about reviewing the paper. Evenafter seeing that they are sending RFEs. Disgusting

rama_9193 said:
I think I have a letter like that, I will post it when I get home.
The issue I have encountered with the review of manuscript is most of these editors do not have a copy of the reviewed paper, hence they usually neglect to respond. If you have the date and title of the paper you have reviewed (do not put in all of the title though) they usually come back and say that they can give you a letter stating that you have reviwed that paper.
You can also call up the editor and explain your situation, it is but natural to have some professioanl favours, especially when you have done a review for them.
I might be wrong, but SigmaXi is more like a general society for sciences and engineering, my understanding is that in this application process one has to prove that the candidate had grown to an extarordinary level in his SPECIFIC AREA of research, to make it clear if you are biochemist, to get into ASBMB regualr membership you need to have certain number of publications and also be nominated by another member. In other words, ASBMB had set a criteria for selection and this in some terms matches with the USCIS criteria, it may not be in all aspects, but to certain level. Again it will NOT hurt your application if you have this, you never know, if an immigration officer likes your package then he can,Yes!
This is just my openion.
Hi rama_9193:

Please post that when you have time.

Regarding the letter from the editor you are right. They may not have a copy. So what I am planning to try is ask them the letter from the mail they sent us with the reviewer invitation. Lets see whether it works. I got from two journal editors, you know what they are from Asia.. US and Europe are tight lipped. Lets see.....


I was able to locate the letter on my home computer, I am not posting all of the letter but just the lines that were delt with my contribution and how one of them used to explain his studies...
XXXX discovery was the key aspect that was missing in the signaling pathway, XXXXX contribution was not only novel but was essential at this particular time of research development, of the many beneficial aspects of XXXXX research, I would not hesitate to say that my lab at XXXXXXX benefited the most. XXXXXX contributions not only gave us novel explanations and help us to publish our results but we were able to secure a very high competitive NIH RO1 grant for four years. I wish to collaborate with him in the future as his expertise in this area of research can not be substituted. …XXXXXXXXXXXX
I hope this is sufficient,
good luck
Rama :)
rama_9193 said:

I was able to locate the letter on my home computer, I am not posting all of the letter but just the lines that were delt with my contribution and how one of them used to explain his studies...
XXXX discovery was the key aspect that was missing in the signaling pathway, XXXXX contribution was not only novel but was essential at this particular time of research development, of the many beneficial aspects of XXXXX research, I would not hesitate to say that my lab at XXXXXXX benefited the most. XXXXXX contributions not only gave us novel explanations and help us to publish our results but we were able to secure a very high competitive NIH RO1 grant for four years. I wish to collaborate with him in the future as his expertise in this area of research can not be substituted. …XXXXXXXXXXXX
I hope this is sufficient,
good luck
Rama :)

Hi rama_9193:

Thanks, I will bulid the letter based on this one.

a quiet week

I did not see much activity of our members, I hope all are busy preparing for the RFE. Good luck to all.
good_y said:
I did not see much activity of our members, I hope all are busy preparing for the RFE. Good luck to all.

Yes it is a quite week. do you have any idea about what this quote means

Witness letters submitted with this petition will be given due consideration, but 8 CFR. & 204.5(h) states “ [a] petition for an alien of extraordinary ability must be accompanied by evidence that the alien has sustained national or international acclaim and that his or her achievements have been recognized in the field of expertise”

I found this in my RFE apart from all 10 criteria lined up.

appreciate your feed back