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DV2014 with High Case Number be Happy

I think Raevsky should be un-banned because he done nothing wrong... in fact he tried to prevent from fraud happening on this forum.. I agree that he has used vulgar language in some places and a warning for that is fair, However there are other members who used much more vulgar tones against him and got nothing.
Does it matter if i did my interview in hell or heaven the game is the same. I submitted my DS230 form via email what do you know about DV2013 submission

Just to add... So this person who says he isnt fake... has submitted DS-230 via email??? And says Raevsky doesnt know what hes talking about?? I am pretty sure you can only Submit DS-122 and DS-230 via MAIL for DV2013 which he is.

What raevsky said about non-immigrant visa is completely true, if you dont succeed with GC and try to get non-immigrant visa you will most likely be denied...

This situation is ridiculous those guys clearly dont know what they are talking about.
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but why ravesky treat most of the people to be liar ?

not most... he got cornered by many people, no one supported him... Look at beginning of this thread, he got accused of putting people down and trolling by what 3-4 people??

When he said truthful information about the fact if you send your forms to KCC you will struggle to get non-immigrant visa.. he got jumped by other forum members for saying completely truthful information. The fact is Makiki is saying completely wrong information and yet he is being supported by other people... Clearly makes you think why a person who is wrong being supported by other people??

A bear that is cornered and attacked from all sides cant see difference from friend or foe...

Having read AOS threads, it really shocked me how Raevsky got completely trolled there by 4-5 people working together... I am pretty sure if he even said that 2+2=4 they would jump on him and start calling him a troll and that something is wrong with him... Truly disgusting behavior from forum members in AOS thread, People saw that Raevsky got accused and some decided to fuel the fire by blaming raevsky without even looking into the subject...

I thought we are grown men here, with our own opinions.... I thought.
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not most... he got cornered by many people, no one supported him... Look at beginning of this thread, he got accused of putting people down and trolling by what 3-4 people??


What is your problem ? What part of "he forged private messages in order to falsely accuse other users." don't you understand ??? It is not about usefulness of the "information" he put out there, it is not about the "vulgar" language, it is not about the "telling people not to send forms", it is not about "telling people having zero chances".

It is about "forging messages" and "threatening people".

And this is not an online gaming forum, or the comments section on HuffPo! Lies and deceptions should have a consequence.
Can we have proof of forging messages and threatening of people please? Can you actually prove he forged those messages? Is threatening to report people for scams can been seen as a bad threat?? I see it as a moral obligation to report scams

Pricedriss he said not send the forms, for 2 reasons either there was no need because of AOS or he warned that if you have ridiculously high CN, sending DS-230 to KCC for consular processing WILL reduce your chances of getting a non-immigrant visa because you have shown intent to immigrate... IT IS A FACT

You people seem to fail to give any valid reasons for his ban at all.. apart from him being "noisy" but you fail to realise he is probably best informed member of this forum, providing most accurate information, at the end of the day... I finished my DV2013 process so I dont care... its rest of you who will miss out on a person with great knowledge.

It is not a gaming forum, so I believe there should be consequences for heavy trolling, which Raevsky received in this thread and in many others especially the AOS, he supplied correct information such as 2+2=4 and got trolled the hell out of it. At least there is 100% evidence for trolling while near to 0 of his "threats" and "forging messages"
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u will always have a chance if u have a CN

There is a chance that the sun has blown up, we wont notice it for 8 minutes... its just that the sun has blown up is extremely small.. Raevsky theory on CN numbers has got a point... There is 102k winners selected and less than 50k of visas to be given out because of dependable... Even the 1NL states this information and that even though you got a number it doesnt mean you will get selected for further processing.

You pricendriss completely disprove aos post, which stated it has nothing to do with raevskys CN theory... You only voted against Raevsky because of his idea on the Case number matter, that is all. So much for freedom of speech and ideas...

All posts following aos post completely disprove your claim... that it is only about threats and forging of stuff... Blatantly there are personal issues involved on CN theory and him telling people that they have stupidly low chances of winning.

Finally aos read Monica`s post... He got banned not for threatening or forging evidence, your post is utter garbage. Like the rest of you who wanted to get rid of Raevsky, no evidence just pure trolling and numbers. that is all. Or evidence on level such as "Oh no I did not send that message" and because there is so many of you, you make this statement as if its 100% true.

Childish and pathetic all I can say... you people with shallow minds will struggle to live in this varied and diverse world, and I really hope you do... you deserve this.
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While I agree that the reason given for raevsky's ban from the forum seem frivolous, (I wish Monica had used a different choice of word), I really couldn't careless about all the raevsky 'lovers' and their opinions as to whether he deserved the ban he got or not. But as an avid contributor on the AOS thread, when I read statements such as this:

Having read AOS threads, it really shocked me how Raevsky got completely trolled there by 4-5 people working together... I am pretty sure if he even said that 2+2=4 they would jump on him and start calling him a troll and that something is wrong with him... Truly disgusting behavior from forum members in AOS thread, People saw that Raevsky got accused and some decided to fuel the fire by blaming raevsky without even looking into the subject...

then I feel a need to respond as appropriate. Raesvsky did not go through the DV AOS process, but he felt justified to call those of us who successfully went through the process 'fake', 'scammers' and liars when we told people they needed to send in DSP-122 form to KCC, and that is ok in your opinion?

Yes, he's made positive contributions to the forum, but that does not give him the right to start labeling others. The fact that he's entitled to his opinion of other people in the forum does not make it alright for him to start making unsubstantiated accusations against them or to start forging stuff to back up his erroneous claims!

Maybe all of you crying foul on his behalf should spend time on some of the other threads to get a clear picture of this guy and his conspiracy theories.

I don't really care if he would have named me a 'troll 'or a 'scammer'.... As long as you know you are not, who really cares?

I wonder if you wouldn't care either if forges your name to some spurious PM you're supposed to have sent. You may not care, but I certainly care if someone decides to play so dirt and sully my reputation through forgery and substantiated lies to make themselves look good.

Like you said this is "US" Raevsky has every right to express his opinion about certain people on this forum, this is no reason to ban a person...
Raevsky`s claim on people being "fake" can also be true... Because there is a website where you enter your case number and it shows all data about the process.. I plugged mine in, it showed how many people received GC,when,where and even the date of issue of those green cards... If people who Raevsky accuses of being "fake" give their full CN numbers and when you actually check it, it shows it doesnt exist at all... makes you wonder doesnt it.

He may have the right to express his opinion, he doesn't have the right to engage in forgery and get away with it! I opt to no longer display my CN in my signature, older posts of mine however still displays them, (for anyone who is interested in knowing my CN and wants to plug them into the stated website), and I have the right to not display my CN! Of course, I do not condone people displaying wrong CNs as it can be misleading, but it's everyone's prerogative to display whatever he/she likes without violating the tenets of this forum as put in place by the administrators.

He didn't threaten me. I didn't feel hurt by what he said.
And for the ones feeling hurt by his words, what really annoyed you? You could have explained him simply and calmly why you did not give your full CN, or an unregistered one. Isn't it that simple?

No, it's not that simple, you may want to check the following threads if you truly desire to have a better understanding of how far he stooped low:

On May 6th, this guy posted a PM I purportedly sent to him asking for his guidance:


On May 8th, he posts this same PM on another thread, however with my signature now omitted from the message:


The interesting thing regarding this 2nd posting is the fact that the "Join Date" of the sender of this email is May 2013, and the sender of the post has a total of "1 Post" as contained in what raevsky posted, so how could it have been from me or my account???

It's a good thing the administrators banned him because I was already in communication with my lawyer, exploring ways of hauling him before a judge for this defamation of character. The world wide web is not quite as fool-proof as people may think. You cannot hide behind the anonymity you think your computer provides and haul unsubstantiated accusations or resort to forgery to back up your spurious claims!!!
Can we have proof of forging messages and threatening of people please? Can you actually prove he forged those messages? Is threatening to report people for scams can been seen as a bad threat??

What do you think? Like admins are gullible enough to ban somebody because a few people didn't like him? As I said, give people *some* credit, including the admins in this forum.

apart from him being "noisy" but you fail to realise he is probably best informed member of this forum, providing most accurate information, at the end of the day... I finished my DV2013 process so I dont care... its rest of you who will miss out on a person with great knowledge.

I don't know anything about "accurate" information :rolleyes: but that was NOT the reason he was banned. As you said, we'd like to think we are responsible adults. If a person does have no problem whatsoever to blatantly lie to falsely accuse others; 1) that is not being responsible or adult, 2) he should have a "good" reason to do that, 3) why should you defend that action?

It is not a gaming forum, so I believe there should be consequences for heavy trolling, which Raevsky received in this thread and in many others especially the AOS, he supplied correct information such as 2+2=4 and got trolled the hell out of it. At least there is 100% evidence for trolling while near to 0 of his "threats" and "forging messages"

You seriously think some of us are trollers?? I'm not even sure you understand the concept, and obviously did not follow the "discussions", but here is a question: you made it clear that you don't believe the authenticity of some users, or of what they say; yet you have no problem whatsoever believing in a person who posted in an immigration forum for 6+ years on a daily basis? Who does that? Who posts in an immigration forum for 6+ years every day, somebody with no skin in the game?

I'm not telling he was suspicious, that's a different discussion. What I'm telling is you choose to believe in a person who wouldn't mind to lie and deceive to make a point whatever that point is; somebody who's telling people things that are, at best, not accurate. But you would not choose to believe in the authenticity of some of us who's been here only for a few months for an obvious reason, not making any outrageous claims?

I don't know what your personal beef is, but you seem to share the same kind of world view with him: "everybody out there is lying."
Can we have proof of forging messages and threatening of people please? Can you actually prove he forged those messages? Is threatening to report people for scams can been seen as a bad threat?? I see it as a moral obligation to report scams

How much more proof do you require? Read my last post on this thread. The following threads are not proof enough????


Again last 2 posts make great deal out of "forgery" while no proof has been shown... However it is clear that people got "personal beef" with raevsky because of his CN theory.. Pricendriss is a fine example of this. Administrators said that raevsky has been banned due to many requests to be banned... not a word on "forgery"

There are reports saying that AOS people got scammed by members while told to send forms to KCC... if you 2 are promoting to send forms to KCC he has full right to think of you as scammist and take full action. You are very recent members with lots of posts.. very suspicious.
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I see no proof here at all all I can see, is what i mentioned before

""Oh no I did not send that message" and because there is so many of you, you make this statement as if its 100% true."

Finally untill administrators admit that Raevsky has been banned on the grounds of "forgery" all your posts fall to complete shambles.
Again last 2 posts make great deal out of "forgery" while no proof has been shown... However it is clear that people got "personal beef" with raevsky because of his CN theory.. Pricendriss is a fine example of this. Administrators said that raevsky has been banned due to many requests to be banned... not a word on "forgery"

There are reports saying that AOS people got scammed by members while told to send forms to KCC... if you 2 are promoting to send forms to KCC he has full right to think of you as scammist and take full action.

I don't give a darn to his CN theory. But you know what I think? I think you sound a lot like him...