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DV2008--AOS only

well i missed this because my lawyer was supposed to be in charge of all this. But then yesterday I called the KCC and they said I was supposed to have sent a check of 375, and that was the first time I was hearing of that. So I quickly mailed them a check via overnight delivery. But I just wanted to be sure that was right. Because I still can't beleive my lawyer missed this.

Wow..your lawyer should get fired! :eek:
But yes, you do have to pay for that so I hope your payment the other day settles it and no more problem from now on :)
hello people, ok so I think I screwed up big time. Is it true that every one who won the DV (AOS & CP) had to send $375 dollars to the department of state? I just found out about this. plz help

Thats aight. U'll be getting the receipt back in a wk or so. The adjudicating officer will ask for the receipt before ur case is approved. This will not affect ur case watsoever hopefully.
Some lawyers are paid for doing absolutely nothing and especially these so called immigration attorney's who know absolutely nothing about the ever changing US immigration laws
U'll have to send all ur I-20's if you haven't done that already. Did u do ur first OPT after ur bachelors and the other one in 2006 after ur Masters? Since 2006, what status have u been in?
Was the letter specific as to what period of time they wanted you to show proof of Status?

I had an OPT from 2003 to 2004, before I applied for Master's. I have my OPT that I received after my Master's and before my H1B. the only thing I'm missing is the OPT (my proof) with the 2003-2004 dates.
I called USCIS and was transfered to an officer who asked me to complete a G-639 Form explaining my situation. I had my receipt number (thank God) of my original OPT application; so he looked in the system and did see that a card was approved and issued with exact valid dates. he gave me those dates and asked me to complete the G639, include all I20s and a letter with explanation. He asked me to make copies of the entire packet and take it with me to the interview in case I don't hear anything back. He said I was fine and shouldn't worry about anything. He was VERY nice. I gave him my MSC number as well to see if anything is pending, he didn't want to say anything since my original call wasn't about DV, but did mention that I was FINE and I just needed to be truthful and calm down. Everything was going to work out!!! I did everything I was told, notarized the entire packet and will mail that copy to USCIS by the 13th. He also said not to wait until then, that I needed to have the entire packet on someone's desk by the 13th, that means everything needed to go out ASAP!!!!
I hope this is helping anyone in a similar situation...
I thank you
Did you sent them copies of your I-20s? Is the OPT card what they ask from you? I'm just wondering because what do they mean by "Proof that you were in legal status".

If they want the proof that you were in legal status when you were in school, the proof would be your I-20, F-1 visa, and school transcript that shows that you were taking full course. If they want proof that you were in legal status when you were under OPT, then it would be your I-20s, OPT card, and maybe some kind of employment letter when you were under OPT in 2003 (not sure about this).

With the SEVIS system today, they should have all the information in the system. I guess they want some kind of hard documents.

I sent them all of my I20 but my lawyer did not include the official transcripts that i gave him. I think they kept the I20s with one form (application) and not the other. everything they are asking for, including letter of employment, was sent. my lawyer might have sent it with i485 but not i765?
They are asking for my status since the last date stamped on my i94, which was July 15, 2002! they want everything from July 15, 2002 through July 1, 2008. they have not received any of my I20s as i suspect.
I sent them all of my I20 but my lawyer did not include the official transcripts that i gave him. I think they kept the I20s with one form (application) and not the other. everything they are asking for, including letter of employment, was sent. my lawyer might have sent it with i485 but not i765?
They are asking for my status since the last date stamped on my i94, which was July 15, 2002! they want everything from July 15, 2002 through July 1, 2008. they have not received any of my I20s as i suspect.

like i've always said, some of these lawyers just screw things up.
I sent them all of my I20 but my lawyer did not include the official transcripts that i gave him. I think they kept the I20s with one form (application) and not the other. everything they are asking for, including letter of employment, was sent. my lawyer might have sent it with i485 but not i765?
They are asking for my status since the last date stamped on my i94, which was July 15, 2002! they want everything from July 15, 2002 through July 1, 2008. they have not received any of my I20s as i suspect.

You said, you have an infopass tomorrow. Concentrate on your i-485. Do you clearly know they need these documents for your i-485 or not? And, by this time your i-485 file should be in local office and they have full authority for everything on your case now. So, take all evidences that you have with you, talk to them and make sure you are talking to right person. You may ask clearly that you want to talk to a person who is working on your file because you have no time to waste. Most of local offices have very slow processing system to handle the mails. And, it is worse if they ask you to send to somewhere else. My suggestion is to mail the documents to the address that they requested and also hand in to the person who knows what is going on for your case in your local office. Tell them that you mailed the documents too.
Good luck
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You said, you have an infopass tomorrow. Concentrate on your i-485. Do you clearly know they need these documents for your i-485 or not? And, by this time your i-485 file should be in local office and they have full authority for everything on your case now. So, take all evidences that you have with you, talk to them and make sure you are talking to right person. You may ask clearly that you want to talk to a person who is working on your file because you have no time to waste. Most of local offices have very slow processing system to handle the mails. And, it is worse if they ask you to send to somewhere else. My suggestion is to mail the documents to the address that they requested and also hand in to the person who knows what is going on for your case in your local office. Tell them that you mailed the documents too.
Good luck

I have spent all of my day yesterday working on this thing. I made copies, wrote detailed documents about my legal status in the states since I last entered (2002) I even wrote post it notes on each I-20 to match the document. I prepared it so that a 3 year old could follow it and understand it. My only fear is the OPT card that I can't find. Hopefully, a smart person will look at my file and know that there would be no way a university would allow me to pursue a master's degree and issue an I-20 if I ever was out of status. and hopefully showing them that I'm following procedures by completing and mailing the G 639 with a letter explaining the situation, all my I-20s, the receipt notice of that application and the case status search, would be enough to prove that although I don't have the physical card it is clear that I had the card and was here in status.
I will hopefully get a chance to speak to an officer who is knowledgeable and willing to help!
I'll keep you posted! I thank you for all of your comments, this forum sure helped a lot. I wish I knew about it before, I would have probably contact The law offices of Rajiv Khanna, since I'm in the DC area :( Hopefully I will get the chance to do so when applying for my citizenship :D
Infopass was a waste of my time. I learned NOTHING! The lady said that she does not have access to anything that has to do with name checks and that I had to wait for my interview date to find out. She also said that it all depends on the officer who interviews me to determine whether or not all is accepted and can even bypass name check if need be (??? I know this is all wrong).
Anyways, I learned NOTHING!
Waiting after the interview (more than 4 weeks!)

Congratulations and wish you good luck:)

Hi Friends,

Does any one have any idea what is the average wait time after the interview for receiving the welcome letter or any other response.

Our successful interview was on June 26 and till today there is nothing in the mail. During the officer mentioned that name check is clear!

Checking our case on the website only shows an outdated fees accepted for fingerprints in March! :eek:

Any clues what to do?:confused::confused::confused:


NL 04/06/2007
AOS package mailed 02/20/2008
Fingerprints and biometrics in 04/01/2008
Interview 06/26/2008
Infopass was a waste of my time. I learned NOTHING! The lady said that she does not have access to anything that has to do with name checks and that I had to wait for my interview date to find out. She also said that it all depends on the officer who interviews me to determine whether or not all is accepted and can even bypass name check if need be (??? I know this is all wrong).
Anyways, I learned NOTHING!

Sorry abt that maconcita. You could schedule another infopass and hopefully meet someone who would be willing to help.
I still haven't received the interview letter. I don't know what is holding it up.
Sorry abt that maconcita. You could schedule another infopass and hopefully meet someone who would be willing to help.
I still haven't received the interview letter. I don't know what is holding it up.

thanks for the thought dv2008gh! I'm not going back, I'm just going to leave it up to God and start living my life. this thing is eating me up! I worry about you though. you had your FPs before me. you need to keep calling. if your file has been requested by your local office that means that the interview is coming. make sure it wasn't lost in the mail? call that number again and ask them if anything was mailed and if there was a way to speak to an officer in your field office due to the time sensitivity of this case, hopefully something will give.
I called them again today, the same number with the 1-1-3-1-6... and he gave me the DOS number: 202-663-1225, the DOS switchboard number: 202-647-4000 and the number to call to find out about name checks: 202-282-8000! I have not called any of those numbers yet since it's lunch time there but maybe you can get some type of help by calling them if you get nothing from the others.
Good luck, I hope you hear something very soon. It is amazing how CP is so much easier and faster. you would think that we have the advantage since we live here and pay taxes...
thanks for the thought dv2008gh! I'm not going back, I'm just going to leave it up to God and start living my life. this thing is eating me up! I worry about you though. you had your FPs before me. you need to keep calling. if your file has been requested by your local office that means that the interview is coming. make sure it wasn't lost in the mail? call that number again and ask them if anything was mailed and if there was a way to speak to an officer in your field office due to the time sensitivity of this case, hopefully something will give.
I called them again today, the same number with the 1-1-3-1-6... and he gave me the DOS number: 202-663-1225, the DOS switchboard number: 202-647-4000 and the number to call to find out about name checks: 202-282-8000! I have not called any of those numbers yet since it's lunch time there but maybe you can get some type of help by calling them if you get nothing from the others.
Good luck, I hope you hear something very soon. It is amazing how CP is so much easier and faster. you would think that we have the advantage since we live here and pay taxes...

Have you heard anything about the name check yet?
Have you heard anything about the name check yet?

No! I called one of the numbers, it rang for about 3 minutes. I'm giving up! I'm not going to call anymore. I don't want to stir up anything anymore; if it's meant to be, it will be! My interview is on the 18th. I'm mailing all the evidence they're asking for, then whatever happens will happen ;)
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No! I called one of the numbers, it rang for about 3 minutes. I'm giving up! I'm not going to call anymore. I don't want to stir up anything anymore; if it meant to be, it will be! My interview is on the 18th. I'm mailing all the evidence they're asking for, then whatever happens will happen ;)

Yep, thats what I was thinking too-just let it be--your interview is coming up too anyway, about 1.5 weeks after me. I dont want to stress myself out a week before interview!
Hi all,

Should I be concerned about this- in my interview letter it is in bold that I have to bring all certified court dispositions and evidence that I am married and living together. Is that the kind of letter everyone receives? I'm not married.
Hi Friends,

Does any one have any idea what is the average wait time after the interview for receiving the welcome letter or any other response.

Our successful interview was on June 26 and till today there is nothing in the mail. During the officer mentioned that name check is clear!

Checking our case on the website only shows an outdated fees accepted for fingerprints in March! :eek:

Any clues what to do?:confused::confused::confused:


NL 04/06/2007
AOS package mailed 02/20/2008
Fingerprints and biometrics in 04/01/2008
Interview 06/26/2008

Have ur status online changed? If your case was approved, u should have received welcome letter by now (maybe some computer glitch as always). I got mine 3 days later after interview.
Hi all,

Should I be concerned about this- in my interview letter it is in bold that I have to bring all certified court dispositions and evidence that I am married and living together. Is that the kind of letter everyone receives? I'm not married.

Is it advisable to contact them during the interview or I should make an infopass and correct that before the interview?
No! I called one of the numbers, it rang for about 3 minutes. I'm giving up! I'm not going to call anymore. I don't want to stir up anything anymore; if it meant to be, it will be! My interview is on the 18th. I'm mailing all the evidence they're asking for, then whatever happens will happen ;)

FBI shut down all name check phone numbers and emails for customers few years back. USCIS knows that FBI does not respond to end customer. Even USCIS should contact them by official means. But, do not give up because this is what USCIS receptionists want in order to reduce their jobs.
Be aware that normally in large USCIS offices infopass receptionists are not IO (Immigration Officer). Some of them work the same way that USCIS customer service 1-800 hotline works. My suggestion for you is to setup another infopass and do the following;

Ask your lawyer to come with you to infopass. USCIS staff prefer to talk to an attorney than us. Plus, your attorney can simply ask to talk to an IO or office-in-charge. Note, that your attorney must have the official form (I think G-28) signed by you to represent you.

In case you want to go alone again do the following and do not afraid it will not harm your case at all. And it may help a lot.
Show them the “FBI expedite memo from USCIS” that you have and ask them that you need to know your FBI status and if your name check is not back you want to request for FBI expeditious process (I am sure that you know how to act professionally and do not argue with them at all).
They may tell you the same thing that they said last time or say that only your adjudicator can request that. If this happen again, smile and tell the receptionists that you need to have a second opinion so you need to talk to an IO. Most probably the receptionist say “ I am an IO” if He/She is an IO an if not He/She will tell you that you can talk to an IO or not. Do not argue if the answer is negative.
Do the next step if you didn’t get any result and ask the same way that you need to talk to “office supervisor”. Again smile if they reject and do not argue.
Last step is to ask the name and mail address of “office director”.
In this way, they know that you know the rules. But talk professional at all the time and
Do not argue even if they reject all of you request and ask the name of receptionist who you talk to.
Then you may make an official report of what happened by submitting DHS-7001
To Ombudsman. And, report the story to your congressman, senator and first lady.

Personally, I do not think that they reject all your requests because they are aware of USCIS rules and DHS-7001.

Good luck and do not give up.