• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV2008--AOS only

congrats brothers....might take 10 days for ur GC to arrive..U sud be so happy now!:D
welcome letter is just the NOA stating ur approval. Dun forget to file a replacement Social Security application and register for selective services after u get ur GC. Best of luck

what's the replacement Social Security application and register for selective service?
where do ppl file thoes?
Will the health insurance pay for the Medicals?
If yes this will save me a lot of money, we are 4....

Also, how long does it take to get the fees reciept, it is now 4 weeks and didn't get any thing?
name check pending

This morning I went again to the local USCIS office to ask about the status of my case. My application is still pending the resolution of name check. But, what worries me so very much is this timeline of their answers about my name check :( :

1st inquiry (2/21): "cannot find name check", "submitting the name check right now"
2nd time (3/7): "cannot tell when it was submitted"
3rd visit (3/24): "name check submitted on january 31st"
4th infopass (5/1): "name check submitted on april 10th"

This time, the agent said that they cannot expedite the name check process (they don't talk to the fbi !). She said that they'll continue with my application after 6 months of name check pending (6 months from april 10th :(). During my last visits, I tried to tell them about the sept. 30th deadline, but both of them denied it. This time i even had with me one of the USCIS press release which says that they will expedite name checks for "applications affected by sunset provisions such as diversity visas", but her explanation was that the deadline is for me to send in my application, not for the resolution of the case.

Does anybody know what i should do next ? Lawyer ? CP ? Is there anybody else in a slightly similar situation ? Do you know of anybody who managed to get out from something like this? After 5 months of waiting for this application to go through, I'm starting to lose hope.

Thanks for your replies,
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You are not alone Fjelltronen, I'm waiting my namecheck too, will have infopass at Monday 5/5.
I don't know what to say about your case, it's pretty sad they submitted NC only recently, but probably you have a good chance to get it cleared soon - 90+% of NC cleared during first month.
I'd personally recommend find a good immigration lawyer and go to consultation.
You are not alone Fjelltronen, I'm waiting my namecheck too, will have infopass at Monday 5/5.
I don't know what to say about your case, it's pretty sad they submitted NC only recently, but probably you have a good chance to get it cleared soon - 90+% of NC cleared during first month.
I'd personally recommend find a good immigration lawyer and go to consultation.

Thanks, Mike !

I'll try to talk to a lawyer to see what they recommend. I called KCC and I can switch to CP with just an email. Then, I would have to call them in 2 weeks and they'll tell me when they scheduled the interview. That sounds so so good right now ...
what's the replacement Social Security application and register for selective service?
where do ppl file thoes?

I had "not valid for work without DHS authorization " written on my SS card, i filed an application for replacement of the card, so that i wont have that written in my new card. Also, i do not know much about selesctive service but if u are between age 18-25, you sud register after u get ur GC
I had "not valid for work without DHS authorization " written on my SS card, i filed an application for replacement of the card, so that i wont have that written in my new card. Also, i do not know much about selesctive service but if u are between age 18-25, you sud register after u get ur GC
I see. Thanks for the information. I was wondering where we should file those applications?
where did you file that application.
DS-230 for a child

Hi, 2008-ers! First I wanted to post to 2009 thread (that's my year), but then I decided to rather ask those who have already passed the stage of the first forms. My question is about DS-230 for an elementary school age child. I would appreciate any suggestions, but I prefer to hear from those who have themselves filled out this form for a kid, rather than from the field of theoretic assumptions. So here you go.
#9. Marital status. Can I leave all the boxes unchecked, or I must check "single (never married" and "have been married 0 times"?
#12. Present occupation. "Elementary school student" - OK?
#14. Name of spouse. There are many separate entries in this item (names, dates, occupation, and others). Do I put "n/a" everywhere? Leave blank?
#16,18 Since my wife and I are both with G-d's help alive, should we write "alive" or "n/a" in the box for the year of death if deceased?
#19-20 Children and Places since the age of 16. "N/A" on the first line? Then leave the other seven lines blank?
#21a. This entry is not for the parents' names, I assume. Only petitioner's DS-230 can have names here, correct?
#23. What could be a course of study at elementary school? And do I need to list Pre-K here?
Many thanks for everybody's time. I apologize if my questions have been answered at some point earlier, I couldn't find it through the search.

04/23/08 - received NL
Hi, 2008-ers! First I wanted to post to 2009 thread (that's my year), but then I decided to rather ask those who have already passed the stage of the first forms. My question is about DS-230 for an elementary school age child. I would appreciate any suggestions, but I prefer to hear from those who have themselves filled out this form for a kid, rather than from the field of theoretic assumptions. So here you go.
#9. Marital status. Can I leave all the boxes unchecked, or I must check "single (never married" and "have been married 0 times"?
#12. Present occupation. "Elementary school student" - OK?
#14. Name of spouse. There are many separate entries in this item (names, dates, occupation, and others). Do I put "n/a" everywhere? Leave blank?
#16,18 Since my wife and I are both with G-d's help alive, should we write "alive" or "n/a" in the box for the year of death if deceased?
#19-20 Children and Places since the age of 16. "N/A" on the first line? Then leave the other seven lines blank?
#21a. This entry is not for the parents' names, I assume. Only petitioner's DS-230 can have names here, correct?
#23. What could be a course of study at elementary school? And do I need to list Pre-K here?
Many thanks for everybody's time. I apologize if my questions have been answered at some point earlier, I couldn't find it through the search.

04/23/08 - received NL

I'm a 2009 winner too, sent the forms 4 weeks ago,

Here is what I have done for my kids,

#12 N/A
#14 N/A
#19-20 N/A
#21a N/A
#23 write, "HIS SCHOOL NAME", since it is elementary, i left the course study blank, or you can wwrite N/A.
#16, 18 year of death if deceased (LEFT BLANK)
#23 write, "HIS SCHOOL NAME", since it is elementary, i left the course study blank, or you can write N/A.

Thanks, Alu4e, very much. I see you left some fields blank, won't it be against what is written at the beginning of the form, in the "instructions" section - "Please print or type your answers to all questions"?

04/23/08 - received NL
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Thanks, Alu4e, very much. I see you left some fields blank, won't it be against what is written at the beginning of the form, in the "instructions" section - "Please print or type your answers to all questions"?

04/23/08 - received NL
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So, do youthink it will disqualify me?
I can send it again we still have time.
As I already mentioned it will be a BIG BIG mistake to send DS-230 forms if you intend to do AOS. Could be a fatal one.
As I already mentioned it will be a BIG BIG mistake to send DS-230 forms if you intend to do AOS. Could be a fatal one.

So, I can not send another forms? is this correct?
Also, will they sent me a letter saying that, I'm disqualified?
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DS-230 is a valid step in CP process (but is not part of AOS process).
I-485 is a valid step in AOS process (but is not part of CP process).
Sending DS-230 means an intend to do CP vs AOS. Saying on DSP-122 you want AOS or sending I-485 means moving forward into AOS direction. Sending DS-230 means moving forward to CP direction. Doing both at the same time might disqualify your AOS case (but that will be harmless for CP). Especially if you send I-485 first, DS-230 after that or close to that date, that would most likely disqualify your AOS case if they decide to proceed with CP instead.
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You're mistaken according to the KCC letter standing right in front of me.

It says "All forms and correspondence must be sent to the KCC at the above address"

and then

"Please complete and return forms 230 Part I, 230 Part II, and DSP-122 for yourself and Forms 230 Part I, and 230 part II for all accompanying family members to the KCC"

If we were supposed to do in your way, they would've mentioned it. Wouldn't they?

And leaving some answers blank in forms is not a good idea.
The letter has an error, if it says that unconditionally. It could say that under condition of consular processing, though.

What are you talking about???????????
I am talking about AOS process for DV applicants. And AOS procedure differs a lot from CP procedure. Do not mix them. This thread is very specific to AOS applicants only. You need to have read the topic name beforehands.

It looks like there is a complete mess with thorough instructions. Just read those for example:

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Stressedstudent, Savy, Anyone,

I'm thinking of writing to the congressman and state representatives of the area where I live. I'll ask for their help in trying to figure out the actual status and future processing of my AOS application. Can you guys give me an idea on how to approach them , on what i should write (how much detail) , if i should assume they know about the sept. 30th deadline ? Do you have some sort of template that I can use to guide my letter to them?

Thanks in advance,