• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV winners, please read this first ! General Info

Hi all,
I feel so good you can not imagine. Today we recieved second letter from KCC and they arrange an appointment for interview on 09 December, 2008. (my wife is a winner of DV Lottery, we have 4 years old daughter) We have to collect all documents and translate them into English. Do you know what kind of questions will they ask us? Please share your experience, describe the situation what happens in ambessy. Any help will be appriciated.
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special case?

If wife is principal applicant (GC winner), how is this AFTER activation trip?

I mean this:
We are winners as a family.
So we will normally activate our GC together. Then we, for example, realise that it would be better if wife and kids (or me and kids) will go back home for some time.
Are the rules applied separately for every member of the family? We do have to activate aour GC together, but do we have to live permanently together in US? What if one spouse lives and works in US and other is with the kids back home? Do they have to apply for erentry permit anyway?
I mean, is it possible for one spouse lost GC, if they are still married? Just curious.
If wife is principal applicant (GC winner), how is this AFTER activation trip?

I mean this:
We are winners as a family.
So we will normally activate our GC together. Then we, for example, realise that it would be better if wife and kids (or me and kids) will go back home for some time.
Are the rules applied separately for every member of the family? We do have to activate aour GC together, but do we have to live permanently together in US? What if one spouse lives and works in US and other is with the kids back home? Do they have to apply for erentry permit anyway?
I mean, is it possible for one spouse lost GC, if they are still married? Just curious.
After the activation, each greencard is a separate greencard. Meaning: Each person needs to make sure not to be out of the US for too long, it doesn't matter whether one family member is permanently living in the US or not (btw: the greencard is meant for permanent residency!)
After the activation, each greencard is a separate greencard. Meaning: Each person needs to make sure not to be out of the US for too long, it doesn't matter whether one family member is permanently living in the US or not (btw: the greencard is meant for permanent residency!)

Sure.. My question may be not logical, but just wanted to know. Thanks.
hi is there any thread where I can get some instruction regarding filling up form DS-230.
or I can post here? plz help me.
Catseyes if you see this post plz reply? I am from France and have some France specific questions. Thanks
Form DSP -122


I have a question in regards to form DSP-122.
4. Name the US Consular Office where you would like to Process your Application

I'm In the US already and Im on status. I was selected for DV 2010 and I would like to go through CP. What should I write down for number 4?
BCIS sau the name of a consular office?


I have a question in regards to form DSP-122.
4. Name the US Consular Office where you would like to Process your Application

I'm In the US already and Im on status. I was selected for DV 2010 and I would like to go through CP. What should I write down for number 4?
BCIS sau the name of a consular office?


The consulate where you will like to have your interview. Mostly your home country or a country where you reside. In your case, since you live in the US, this might be the capital city of your country of origin.
The consulate where you will like to have your interview. Mostly your home country or a country where you reside. In your case, since you live in the US, this might be the capital city of your country of origin.

I understand that if you are already in the US, you can also do it in the US... but check this! Good luck:)
I am a DV 2009 Winner and I have been scheduled an interview end on August 2009. and also I have recived my secoond Nl letter.

I have a problem, When I first responded to KCC , I indicated a address of a relative but recently they migrated back to their home contry.

I have another address. Should I inform KCC or go for the interview and inform at the pont of entry?
Please I am a dv lottery winner with my spouse and I will like to know what kind of questions likely to be asked at the interview. Thanks
Please I am a dv lottery winner with my spouse and I will like to know what kind of questions likely to be asked at the interview. Thanks

There is a another forum where people are telling how their interview went...it is on this website underneath DV lotery.
I have another question: Is it mandatory for the winner of DV lottery to go to his or her home country to to the processing (medical exams, interview etc). Can you equally process the visa in whiles studying for instance in another country?