• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV winners, please read this first ! General Info

Good evening Catseye,

I have an issue with one of the documents for the interview.
Military Records???

This is for people who is or was military??
Or is like in my case in Venezuela, when we get the 18 years old we have to "subscribe" obligatorily to a kind of military record. this is only to notify that you are able to be part of our military service.
I never registered.

SO. this document for the interview applys for military or someone who was ilitary, or my case? did this apply to your interview?

Tengo una pregunta super importante. la parte que dice MIliatry Records;?? en los requisitos de la cita

Eso es para la gente que es militar??
o es que hay que presentar el registro en el servicio militar obligatorio de cuando uno cumple 18años en micaso en Vzla¿¿¿

Dear Catseyes,

I have been participating for quite a while and I learned a lot from this forum. I read your previous posts and I tought you may help me with the following:

I did not have that much knowledge about Immigrant and Non Immigrant visa and I applied for a Non Immigrant visa after I completed and send back the DV forms. I really never thought that applying for a non immigrant visa while having pending immigrant case would have a problem. Then I learned from this forum that this is not good - it'll result in an automatic rejection of the request and it might also jeopardize the DV process.

The process for requesting a non immigrant visa in my country is as follows:

Fill the online application, make a print out, fix online interview appointment, sign and send the printout copy of the application up on payment of the required fees, appear for the interview.

Accordingly I filled out the online application form and took an appointment for interview for sometime towards the end of August. I can drop the application. Although there is no way of canceling application online, I may not appear for the interview so that the embassy may drop my application.

My Questions:

1/ If I drop the application now, will there be a problem with my DV processing? If so what should I do to tackle the problem? There is one question in the non immigrant visa form that says: 'Has anyone ever filed an immigrant visa petition on your behalf?' and I replied No. This was not for the sake of lying but as I mentioned above it was because I did not have that much knowledge before and I didn't know that filling and sending the DV forms is requesting for an immigrant visa.

2/ I learned from this forum that once you filled and sent back the DV forms, you're showing your INTENT to immigrate and requesting for a non immigrant visa then after will be difficult. What if my CN never becomes current and after the end of the DV period if I request for a non immigrant visa?

Thank you and God Bless
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Hi there. please I need help with the Affidavit I -134, I have a friend here in Venezuela who is USA citizen, If he fills the Affidavit letter, what do i have to do after this?
Hi there. please I need help with the Affidavit I -134, I have a friend here in Venezuela who is USA citizen, If he fills the Affidavit letter, what do i have to do after this?

Hi there, I think you just have to keep the filled I-134 form and show it on the day of the interview as a proof of support.

However, I am not sure if your US friend in Venezuela can fill the form for you since he his not residing in the USA. You may have to ask other members of this forum for some clarifications.

All the best
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Hi there, I think you just have to keep the filled I-134 form and show it on the day of the interview as a proof of support.

However, I do not sure if your US friend in Venezuela can fill the form for you since he his not residing in the USA. You may have to ask other members of this forum for some clarifications.

All the best
Hi thanks for your coment, he came here for visit, he lives in ohio.Yes I will have to wait for more opinions.
thank you Abizibey
You will be fine if your friend resides in the States. As i said earlier, you have to keep the I 134 form and show it during the interview. You may also ask him to get some tax return forms for you.

All the best
You will be fine if your friend resides in the States. As i said earlier, you have to keep the I 134 form and show it during the interview. You may also ask him to get some tax return forms for you.

All the best

Thanks Abizibey, i appreciate you help.
Would someone help me in getting to know I-131 Form?

Lucklily, I have received the immigrant visa (DV2008) through CP procesures in April, Tokyo, Japan. Though my visa will be expired in early October, I may not be able to go to the US as my father's illness (cancer) was found last week. He may have a major operation in mid September.... So, I am not sure if I can extend the experation date of my visa. Please tell me what to do in this case.
A lot of people seem to ask important questions covered in this thread. Just trying to keep it on top of the list.
It's after middle of September now, so I hope your father's operation went well...
If you have not received a reasonable advice yet, you can try the following:
Just go to the some U.S. POE for some days, to get your GC "activated" and initiate all the paperwork. Then get a re-entry permit and return to Japan for no more than 6 months. Explain to the officer that your father got sick and you will need some months to take care of him. Get some proofs of this, like a diagnosis in English, or a latter from the doctor. I think they will understand your situation, everyone has parents.
My friend had a similar case. He got a good job offer in Tokyo after interview and approval of his GC. He decided to stay for a while in Japan, so he visited US twice, each half a year and explained that he has to finish the job. After a year he quit the job and left to U.S. for good. I think your situation will be easier to understand.
You may try Hawaii, for a couple of days visit or so, to make things cheaper and faster. Also, as there are a lot of Japanese local staff there, it might be easier for mutual understanding.
Good luck.

P.S. I am neither a lawyer nor an expert in these matters. Whatever I advise, comes from my personal experience and I sincerely believe it can work for someone else. So, please cross-check with official sources before taking any action!
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Edit registered EDV 2010 information

I have registered in EDV 2010 . I have confirmation Number .
Can i edit some thing ?
If i can , how ? Please kindly send me link for edit .
King Regards
Hi All, I back again, though it was difficult for people like us who won the lottery but couldn't attend the interview because they did not get to our case number. Any such is life, that is why is not good to rely on some thing. I want to thank every one of you that has been a great contributor to this forum and I pray as you help others may God send helper to you. In this line I will like all that have been great contributor to please show great concerns towards other things pertaining to our country. In this view I will want this great mind to please visit this nigeria forum and post new advice to others.
The new site is www.gumnigerians.com. This is great site to discuss about what is going on in our country both at the federal level and local level. I believe together we can make nigeria proud. ("www.gumnigerians.com" click on the forum to add new post.")A
evidence of support

For DV 2009, it is not clear if evidence of support is needed.

Evidence of support :
* affidavit of support ( I134 ) ( by a USC or LPR )
* job offer in the US
* money or assets on your name

This is NOT listed in first, nor in second letter from KCC. I sent email to embassy (Prague), if there exists some other list of required documents. I have no answer yet. But why would they withhold it, if it is so important? Is it kind of secret? I think no.
Evidence of support is needed, it was listed in my second notification letter in france and they asked for bank statement or any other evidence of support at the interview.
Hope that helps.
I also wanted to say that i long hesitated between AOS and CP knowing that my cn would be current in October. When i read that people who did AOS are waiting for biometric letters only, i feel blessed for choosing CP and i would recommend it to anybody who have the opportunity to fly to their home country for interview. Cp process is so much smoother and faster and i got back in the States as a resident in no time.
Good luck to everybody with upcoming interviews.
Evidence of support is needed, it was listed in my second notification letter in france and they asked for bank statement or any other evidence of support at the interview.
Hope that helps.

Very interesting. It is not listed in my second notification. I am going to obtain affidavid, and I will prepare it in separate envelope just for sure.
The 3 possibilities for "evidence of support" were given to me by the immigration lawyer I had hired back then.
(btw: this is definitely not needed if your case is straightforward and you are able to do some research yourself on the internet to be prepared).
So I had prepared for that long before I received the 2nd letter: I was a graduate student graduating exactlky when I had my interview, so I had been looking for a job months before, I had asked the letter from my bank before to have it notarized too. I didn' bring a I134 because my job offer, the one from my husband and our finanacial assets were more than enough.
You will need to prove that you will be able to support yourself and any family member coming with you. This is the evidence of support.
How would you prove you can support yourself (regardless of DV)? Having a job and assets, having friends/ family able to suppport you (to legally confirm that it the I134 for DV).