• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2024 AOS (Adjustment of Status) Process Only

Hi Mom,

My friend has agreed to file i134 form for me (benificiary). Quick questions from form i134:
1. In part 2 item 16 (Beneficiary's Assets), can I include my spouse's Bank account as assets?
2. If I am not filing form i134 on my own behalf, I should NOT sign the i134 but only the sponser, right?

Thanks a million!
1. Yes you can.
2. Correct
Hello mom
I was filling the I485 form and had a doubt regarding my name. I have a first,middle and last name (surname). I’m abbreviating my name as LLV.
My I 94 and I20 mentions my first name as LL and last name as V. My passport mentions first name as LLV with no surname. So in i485 they have asked additional names, should I mention the passport version as First name: LLV and Last name: FNU?
No, I wouldn’t do that.
Hi mom
Please, I have two questions for you:

The first is about the name, my wife's last name has a mistake on passport should be Afonso as it appears on the birth certificate, but it is written afanso) and we are already here in the United States, how can we resolve this situation? Will we have problems with the application?

The second question is about asylum, I won the lottery and I'm here in the US as an international student, but my wife is in the pending asylum process. Will there be a problem with applying for the DV lottery, what should I do?
The first is about the name, my wife's last name has a mistake on passport should be Afonso as it appears on the birth certificate, but it is written afanso) and we are already here in the United States, how can we resolve this situation? Will we have problems with the application?
I have a misspelled name on my passport as well. I just continued to use the misspelled name on my GC as well. I included my BC name spelling as other names for BG check.

The second question is about asylum, I won the lottery and I'm here in the US as an international student, but my wife is in the pending asylum process. Will there be a problem with applying for the DV lottery, what should I do?
Your own application would not be affected. Did she enter on an F2 visa?
Hi mom
Please, I have two questions for you:

The first is about the name, my wife's last name has a mistake on passport should be Afonso as it appears on the birth certificate, but it is written afanso) and we are already here in the United States, how can we resolve this situation? Will we have problems with the application?

The second question is about asylum, I won the lottery and I'm here in the US as an international student, but my wife is in the pending asylum process. Will there be a problem with applying for the DV lottery, what should I do?
1. Your wife should get the name corrected on her passport, unless she wishes to continue using the wrongly spelt name in which case she can do as @Blade_ did above.
2a. There should be no problem with your case as long as your F1 status is still valid (as I'm assuming you're listed as a derivative on your wife's pending asylum case). So are you still maintaining your F1 status?
2b. Does your wife also have a valid status, eg. as in F2 (your dependent), with the pending asylum case? If she does, then you both should be okay as long as you both continue to maintain your valid status.
Hi @Sm1smom ! I sent my application in last week, thank you so much for all your help through this process! you are so amazing!
Because I am the asylum pending case, I wanted to ask this, do you know if I get rejected, do I learn that before the interview or after? Just wanted to prepare myself timewise.
Thank you so much
Hi @Sm1smom ! I sent my application in last week, thank you so much for all your help through this process! you are so amazing!
Because I am the asylum pending case, I wanted to ask this, do you know if I get rejected, do I learn that before the interview or after? Just wanted to prepare myself timewise.
Thank you so much
Cases do not get rejected due to being out of status or being in asylum pending, such cases could be denied. There’s a difference between case rejection and case denial. The denial could happen with or without an interview, it all depends how the FO deals with all DV based cases in general and the IO assigned to the case.
1. Your wife should get the name corrected on her passport, unless she wishes to continue using the wrongly spelt name in which case she can do as @Blade_ did above.
2a. There should be no problem with your case as long as your F1 status is still valid (as I'm assuming you're listed as a derivative on your wife's pending asylum case). So are you still maintaining your F1 status?
2b. Does your wife also have a valid status, eg. as in F2 (your dependent), with the pending asylum case? If she does, then you both should be okay as long as you both continue to maintain your valid status.
thanks for replying mom

I'm not involved with her in the asylum process because we got married after she applied for asylum, she came with F1 and lost her student status, she's just pending the asylum process. I'm able to make the AOS. On the other hand, I want to know more about my wife's situation.
thanks for replying mom

I'm not involved with her in the asylum process because we got married after she applied for asylum, she came with F1 and lost her student status, she's just pending the asylum process. I'm able to make the AOS. On the other hand, I want to know more about my wife's situation.
The dice could roll either way for your wife, there's no guarantee as to what the outcome could be for her. There's only one way to find out, she goes ahead and apply for AOS with you (as your DV derivative) while you guys keep your fingers crossed for a positive outcome.

Now having said that, I can also tell you of two similar cases reported in this forum, 2022 and 2023 DV cases, the derivatives with the asylum pending cases got approved with the main selectee who still had a valid status. You can take a look at the DV Tracker - Unique Situations spreadsheet (you'll find the link in the signature section of any of my posts) to read more on these two cases and the outcome of other DV based AOS filings with asylum pending cases.
Hi, mom

I have applied for OPT before, and it has been approved, but I am not sure if I should mention it here.

屏幕截图 2024-01-09 134811.png
In the DV 2024 AOS sheet, I see allot of folks with Field office in Utah, Florida, Texas and North Carolina are submitting their AOS application in Chicago and Elgin Lockbox. They should be submitting in Dallas Lockbox right? Has something changed?
In the DV 2024 AOS sheet, I see allot of folks with Field office in Utah, Florida, Texas and North Carolina are submitting their AOS application in Chicago and Elgin Lockbox. They should be submitting in Dallas Lockbox right? Has something changed?
Nope! They should not be filing in Dallas, nothing has changed. They’re all correctly filed with the exception of the Dallas, TX FO listed case which was wrongly filed with the Chicago Lockbox when it ought to have been filed with the Dallas Lockbox.
Nope! They should not be filing in Dallas, nothing has changed. They’re all correctly filed with the exception of the Dallas, TX FO listed case which was wrongly filed with the Chicago Lockbox when it ought to have been filed with the Dallas Lockbox.
Thank you. Just realized the lockbox facility vary based on I-485 for Family vs. employment based.
Hello Mom,

I was pulled over twice by police officers for traffic infraction but both time I was given a verbal warning.
1. Should I answer Yes to Part 8 question 25 (about citation, detention, arrests)?
2. Do I need any supporting documents from law enforcement office?

Thank you.
Hello mom. I am assembling my document package and have a short question about Employment documents.

1-The spreadsheet says that I need to provide my SSN in it.
Do I just scan a copy of my SSN? Is it safe to share it?

2- Do I need to provide form I-134 (Declaration of fin support) if I am employed on campus and a student here?

Thank you in advance.
Hello mom. I am assembling my document package and have a short question about Employment documents.

1-The spreadsheet says that I need to provide my SSN in it.
Do I just scan a copy of my SSN? Is it safe to share it?

2- Do I need to provide form I-134 (Declaration of fin support) if I am employed on campus and a student here?

Thank you in advance.
Nope, the spreadsheet does not say anyone “needs” to submit anything. The spreadsheet has a list of recommended documents that can be included in the AOS package. So you do not “need” to include anything you do not feel like or feel comfortable including, and hope for the best.
1. The spreadsheet says “copy” as in photocopy. If it wasn’t safe to do so, it wouldn’t have been recommended.
2. You may not need an I-134 if you have some other means of demonstrating self-sufficiency - this is for demonstrating you’re unlikely to become a public charge as a LPR.
Hello Mom,

I was pulled over twice by police officers for traffic infraction but both time I was given a verbal warning.
1. Should I answer Yes to Part 8 question 25 (about citation, detention, arrests)?
2. Do I need any supporting documents from law enforcement office?

Thank you.
1. I would answer YES. Being pulled over for a traffic infraction equates to being “detained” IMO.
2. No.
Nope, the spreadsheet does not say anyone “needs” to submit anything. The spreadsheet has a list of recommended documents that can be included in the AOS package. So you do not “need” to include anything you do not feel like or feel comfortable including, and hope for the best.
1. The spreadsheet says “copy” as in photocopy. If it wasn’t safe to do so, it wouldn’t have been recommended.
2. You may not need an I-134 if you have some other means of demonstrating self-sufficiency - this is for demonstrating you’re unlikely to become a public charge as a LPR.
Ok, thank you, good to know that it's just recommended.

I also wanted to ask about this then. On the US Department of state website there is a message.

"Do not submit to the KCC any other required supporting documents. Rather, all supporting documents for DV-2024 selectees will be collected and evaluated in connection with the interview at the embassy or consulate where the visa application is made."

Does that mean that it's better to not attach more supporting documents?