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DV 2022 AOS (Adjustment of Status) Only

You can disable JavaScript (using the below steps) on the form in order to type "N/A" on it.
  1. Launch Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
  2. Select Edit>Preferences.
  3. Select the JavaScript Category.
  4. Uncheck the 'Enable Acrobat JavaScript' option.
  5. Click OK.
Alternatively you can leave the form as is, and hand-print "N/A" (using black ink) also.

Yes, I get that and can be creative. However, my concern is that officials there are constantly updating the form and spent time to configure that JS script. Why do you think we still need to put that N/A there? Is there any official directive for that? (I even googled but couldn't find anything)

Mind briefly answering these? I would greatly appreciate it!
Hello again, y'all. I'm halfway thru assembling the package and I wrote down several questions along the way. I'm sure some of them might have been answered already, although I couldn't crack the right combo of keywords. If you have a spare minute and know the answer to any of these, please consider answering. I'll keep searching, too, and update the post (and include your answers as well).

Here we go:

1. Are there any official guidelines for the AOS process? Aside from empirical data, what are the grounds for the spreadsheet?
3. I have a couple of documents that are available only as digital copies (i.e., the original document was either lost or thrown away). How problematic it can be (assuming the copies are legible)?
4. For education:
4.1. Ultimately, do we need “certificates” (a big fancy sheet with the name of the degree awarded) or “transcripts” (like, how well you performed in each class)?
4.2. Do we need enrollment verification for each institution or only the current/last one?
5. Same for employment – do we need employment verification for each employer or only the current/last one?
6. Visas are listed several times in the spreadsheet. Again, do we need to include photocopies of every one of them or only the last one (used for getting the most current I-94)?
7. With regard to I-495:
7.1. There is a question on whether one needs a new SSN card. Considering, that my current one has the “Valid with DHS authorization” endorsement, do I need to answer Yes to that question? Pros/cons?
7.2. Part 8 is fairly broad – what types of organizations an applicant should list?

Many thanks!

Thank you so much!

I'm going to file my I-485 with my current address but in the middle of the process I'm going to move, is the change of address from USCIS website reliable? Or, should I keep asking the next residents to let me know if they recieve any letters?

Are the diplomas for all degrees enough? Or should I also put each transcripts in the education documents?

To my understanding, DV does not strictly requires an I-134.
Also, there is no strict requirement about how many W-2 or Tax Returns to submit.

However, it helps, and it is in your best interest to submit substantial proof of self sufficiency, so to show that you won't likely become a public charge in the future.

As far as it goes for my case, I am not submitting an I-134, but I am including the past 3 years W-2s, IRS Tax Transcripts, a Bank official Statement, plus the Employment Contract signed.

@Sm1smom , a couple of questions about the tax returns:
1) Is there a preference, from USCIS between a Tax Transcript over the actual 1040?
2) I recently downloaded the Tax Transcripts, but I see my name, surname and address are all cutoff after 4 letters. On the IRS account instead, are all fully visible. Is that a normal thing? (I just recently got familiar with the format of the transcripts).
Appreciate your help.
For Question 2) - yes, mine transcripts are showing similarly, names, address cut off. It says on the IRS page that the IRS has recently in new version of its transcripts began the practice of concealing "masking" some personally identifiable information for privacy reasons. To shield against identity theft.
For the I-134, sponsor’s most recent W-2, most recent paystubs over the past 3 months, and a government issued ID are good enough. If your sponsor wants to throw in their tax transcripts in addition, that’s fine.
Thank you very much.
Appreciate your help.
For Question 2) - yes, mine transcripts are showing similarly, names, address cut off. It says on the IRS page that the IRS has recently in new version of its transcripts began the practice of concealing "masking" some personally identifiable information for privacy reasons. To shield against identity theft.
Yes, I've seen that right now.
It is a security feature to protect privacy.

Hopefully this will be ok for USCIS.
I was also reading on IRS website that, if you want the transcript to contain all these info "in clear", you need to request it (calling them or via the tax preparer) and they will send the transcripts via regular mail
Yes, I get that and can be creative. However, my concern is that officials there are constantly updating the form and spent time to configure that JS script. Why do you think we still need to put that N/A there? Is there any official directive for that? (I even googled but couldn't find anything)

Mind briefly answering these? I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you so much!
Ma bad in trying to make a suggestion on something you already know how to be creative about. I’m sorry I cannot briefly answer your questions nor provide you with an official directive for putting N/A there because I actually do mind having to do so. As such, kindly ignore my previous response recommending you disable the JavaScript on your form.

I'm going to file my I-485 with my current address but in the middle of the process I'm going to move, is the change of address from USCIS website reliable? Or, should I keep asking the next residents to let me know if they recieve any letters?

The reliability is 50-50. Is the new place you plan on moving to under the same FO jurisdiction as the one your current address is under?
Are the diplomas for all degrees enough? Or should I also put each transcripts in the education documents?

You can include your transcripts if you like. The spreadsheet wouldn’t have listed just the diplomas if they were not enough.
Ma bad in trying to make a suggestion on something you already know how to be creative about. I’m sorry I cannot briefly answer your questions nor provide you with an official directive for putting N/A there because I actually do mind having to do so. As such, kindly ignore my previous response recommending you disable the JavaScript on your form.

Well, I don't understand the reason you're being so defensive. You suggested something - I voiced my concern, just like in a normal conversation. If you don't know the answer (or, the official answer), just say that. If you don't want to answer, just say that. I understand that you're a volunteer and really appreciate all your help. Also, English is not my native language and if I wrote something that you read as offensive, just know that was unintentional. Ultimately, just like everyone else here I want to find the right answers to make things right. If you or anyone else feel like I crossed a line somewhere, just let me know, please.
Hello guys!

Does anybody know how relocation to another state may affect an AOS case? I'm especially curious about the timeline. I might need to move soon, but I already passed biometrics here almost a month ago (USCIS status is "fingerprints were taken", no interview notice yet).
Hello guys!

Does anybody know how relocation to another state may affect an AOS case? I'm especially curious about the timeline. I might need to move soon, but I already passed biometrics here almost a month ago (USCIS status is "fingerprints were taken", no interview notice yet).
Moving from the address used in filing for AOS to a new address which falls under the jurisdiction of another FO (after AOS application submission) will require the AOS application to be transferred from the initial FO with jurisdiction over the old address to another FO with jurisdiction over the new address.

No one can guesstimate what the timeline you’ll be facing in this scenario could potentially be. A lot will depend on the workload of the two FOs concerned such as when the first FO becomes aware they no longer have jurisdiction over the case, how soon they proceed with transferring the case file to the new FO with jurisdiction over the case, how busy the new FO is, their policy on how DV based AOS cases gets adjudicated, etc. Also, interview letter could still get sent to the old address (and subsequently gets lost) even after updating and providing USCIS with the new address.
Yes, the same FO. The same town, it's a small town.
That is one less issue to contend with in that case as in the AOS case file remains with the same FO in this case. You may decide to not initiate a change of address in that case if you feel the new tenants are reliable and trustworthy. The other potential risk with not doing a change of address with USCIS is the possibility of UPS returning the mail as undeliverable if they figure out you no longer reside at the old address.

In general, USCIS requires a non-immigrant informs them within 10 days of moving from one address to a new one. They do recommend doing so especially when one has a pending case with them to ensure proper delivery of correspondence. We’ve however heard of cases where USCIS ended sending such correspondence to an applicant’s old address after they had already been provided with the new address. So yeah, it is a conundrum in terms of what to do.
Yes, I get that and can be creative. However, my concern is that officials there are constantly updating the form and spent time to configure that JS script. Why do you think we still need to put that N/A there? Is there any official directive for that? (I even googled but couldn't find anything)
Per "How To Fill Out Form I-485" from official I-485 instruction [1], point 3:

3. Answer all questions fully and accurately. If a question does not apply to you (for example, if you have never been married and the question asks, “Provide the name of your current spouse”), type or print “N/A,” unless otherwise directed. If your answer to a question which requires a numeric response is zero or none (for example, “How many children do you have” or “How many times have you departed the United States”), type or print “None,” unless otherwise directed.

Please don't upset @Sm1smom. Appreciate that you're getting accurate and right answers every time. Asking her to explain "why?" for a question that's being asked multiple times in each and every AOS thread every year takes away time that she could spent on answering more pressing questions. BTW, google suggests that she answered this specific question roughly 183 times.

[1] https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-485instr.pdf
Oh, thank you! This is exactly what I needed. Still puzzled if JavaScript popups fall into "unless otherwise directed" bucket, but at least there is now an evidence to refer to if challenged by an officer.

I'm sorry if my questions upset anyone - again, that wasn't the intention. And of course I greatly appreciate each and everyone's help here. Stakes are high and I feel less anxious if I understand how things work. But 183 times... man... that's a lot. I will read the whole thread over the weekend, so I won't make such a mistake again.

Thanks again, y'all.