Dear Everybody!
I just received a mail from KCC that I should send the documents (CN: 36xxx, region: EU)
I mean, I did, just a couple of days ago again, cause thanks to @Britsimon I realized my case number should be with zeros. Long story short, I have 2 questions to make everything sure:
1. Is it true that police certificates are valid for 2 years? I have them from 2 countries and one of them is only valid for 3 months, which unfortunately expired in early July.
2. in my husband’s birth certificate was incorrectly written his mother’s country of birth. can this be a problem?
Thank you in advance!
Have a great day and
Thank you! I didn't find any other info on that page, so I am sending the expired one.
Yes, moreover I am in contact with a few people, and almost all of them got the request in a last 7-10 days (I'm talking about 5 people from EU)
Lucky you, I have lower CN than yours, also documents sent with leading zeros. Also part of a plaintiff. When did you sent ore re-sent your documents?