• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.



Yes I do remember and even though we were prepared to add this argument , that was so fast and the officer did not even ask too much questions . Since My husband is the main applicant, he was also a bit panicking when he was questioned
The officer just told us that she did want to keep us there for the day and that they will email us back on the final decision.
For my educational records , I have them all but she did not keep them as I was not the main applicant
In that case what can you advise me to do while still processing ? Shall I submit my educational records ? Also I’m supposed to travel by end of the week for professional reason and need to ask them to give me back my passport ? Do you think they could stop the process knowing that my husband and daughter will not ask for his passport now ?
Thanks in advance for your proper advise
Unfortunately it seems despite mom having warned you what you’d need, you were not prepared for the interview. You should have expected to be challenged on this and rather than panicking your husband should have been prepared to talk about cross chargeability and hand your documents in. You will need to find out if your embassy will even accept unsolicited documents after an interview - many won’t. Your best chance right now is probably to hope that they request the documents from you, but if you are going to contact them anyway to ask for your passport then you should ask about this. As for ”stop the process” well it will definitely be paused, even if they accept that there is cross chargeability they will need to issue both visas at the same time.

Yes I do remember and even though we were prepared to add this argument , that was so fast and the officer did not even ask too much questions . Since My husband is the main applicant, he was also a bit panicking when he was questioned
The officer just told us that she did want to keep us there for the day and that they will email us back on the final decision.
For my educational records , I have them all but she did not keep them as I was not the main applicant
In that case what can you advise me to do while still processing ? Shall I submit my educational records ? Also I’m supposed to travel by end of the week for professional reason and need to ask them to give me back my passport ? Do you think they could stop the process knowing that my husband and daughter will not ask for his passport now ?
Thanks in advance for your proper advise
In addition to Susie's response above, I believe you should also have submitted your educational documents to KCC when you guys sent in your documents as a matter of fact. Then attend your interview fully prepared to support why your husband cross charged. This would have involved pointing out to the CO that cross chargeability is allowed, you would have presented the official documents that supports this once the CO brought up the issue of being wrongly charged.
Hello, My husband got selected on DV2021. We haven’t received any email from KCC to submit the supporting documents yet. Does that mean we probably won’t get appointment for an interview? I’d appreciate your thoughts on this. Our case number is 34032 we submitted DS260 in July. Thank you!
Hello, My husband got selected on DV2021. We haven’t received any email from KCC to submit the supporting documents yet. Does that mean we probably won’t get appointment for an interview? I’d appreciate your thoughts on this. Our case number is 34032 we submitted DS260 in July. Thank you!
I would send my docs NOW regardless of them asking for it., but there is very little chance of getting an interview now.
Hello, My husband got selected on DV2021. We haven’t received any email from KCC to submit the supporting documents yet. Does that mean we probably won’t get appointment for an interview? I’d appreciate your thoughts on this. Our case number is 34032 we submitted DS260 in July. Thank you!
Are you part of any lawsuit?

and send the documents asap.
If you have any ties to another country (like citizenship or residence), then you can request a transfer. Not guaranteed but since your embassy is not accepting DVs, it’s worth the shot!
Hello again! we are from Uzbekistan and by luck Romania accepted our transfer (no ties), they have processed our application from KCC and we got the 2NL. My concern now though is we recently have our new born, we filled in his DS260 as additional applicant and submitted his supporting documents as well to KCC.but in our 2NL his name is not mentioned. though as the main applicant I did not unlock my DS260 form and edit children as i thought it will not be possible after submission of the form. Should we take our new born with us to our Interview even if his name is not mentioned in 2NL ?will this be a possible problem ?
Hello again! we are from Uzbekistan and by luck Romania accepted our transfer (no ties), they have processed our application from KCC and we got the 2NL. My concern now though is we recently have our new born, we filled in his DS260 as additional applicant and submitted his supporting documents as well to KCC.but in our 2NL his name is not mentioned. though as the main applicant I did not unlock my DS260 form and edit children as i thought it will not be possible after submission of the form. Should we take our new born with us to our Interview even if his name is not mentioned in 2NL ?will this be a possible problem ?
Congrats on getting the case moved. You must take the newborn. Contact the embassy in advance so they know he is coming. The embassy will either unlock the DS for you or allow you to make the changes at the interview.
Congrats on getting the case moved. You must take the newborn. Contact the embassy in advance so they know he is coming. The embassy will either unlock the DS for you or allow you to make the changes at the interview.
thanks Susie, i’l email them then. and with the case move it means as well that we need to do our medical exam in Romania only right?
thanks Susie, i’l email them then. and with the case move it means as well that we need to do our medical exam in Romania only right?
I believe so yes - look also for the Romania specific instructions on the web page dealing with preparing for interview (there is s link to the list of consulates)
Hello again! we are from Uzbekistan and by luck Romania accepted our transfer (no ties), they have processed our application from KCC and we got the 2NL. My concern now though is we recently have our new born, we filled in his DS260 as additional applicant and submitted his supporting documents as well to KCC.but in our 2NL his name is not mentioned. though as the main applicant I did not unlock my DS260 form and edit children as i thought it will not be possible after submission of the form. Should we take our new born with us to our Interview even if his name is not mentioned in 2NL ?will this be a possible problem ?
#GOH update :

Final hearing date was moved from July 13th to July 19th 2021. I believe Goodluck and Flizapovich will also have hearings on the same day. However, Goh is the only case with summary judgement. The other 2 cases are on the preliminary injunctive track.

I wonder if this means that Goh will be the first to get a final order from Judge Mehta?
Hi Anyone
Got Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia US embassy scheduled interview?
Right now I only check 6 people and 1 person in OC at KLL so little.
Case around AS3300,I'm waiting for my case 9xxx plus to schedule at KLL so long.
Please advise me,should I go for a lawsuit and which lawyer is better as well?
#GOH update :

Final hearing date was moved from July 13th to July 19th 2021. I believe Goodluck and Flizapovich will also have hearings on the same day. However, Goh is the only case with summary judgement. The other 2 cases are on the preliminary injunctive track.

I wonder if this means that Goh will be the first to get a final order from Judge Mehta?
I would assume that Mehta is probably trying to decide on what to do for all 3 of them. Otherwise he wouldn't have pushed Goh to July 19th.

That's what Curtis said:

"It says the hearing is on all pending motions in all 3 of those referenced cases, so the answer is complicated. The Goh case is on summary judgment track instead of preliminary injunctive track, but the other 2 cases have motions for preliminary injunction pending."