• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2020 AOS Only

Hi again,

I really appreciated your help, because your answer are clear and strict to the point, so thank you to be so helpful!
I need your help to understand that my timing is completely fine.My number will be current next visa bulletin, so last week I start submit the ds260, I am waiting for the documents email (it is normal that I stir didn't get it, right?despite my entry dv lottery email is different from the one on my ds260 form)
anyway in the meanwhile I complete all the other form, I put together the documents , I just need the medical exams but I will wait a little before to do it.
am I in time? or because I am an AOS it is already too late?

There are people that told me that I start too late, is that true?

@Vale_29 no-one, whether CP or AoS, submitting now is too late. In your case definitely not, DS260 anyway is recommended but not necessary for AOS. The documents email is not applicable to AOSers.
Pfff! You make me calm!
So here a couple questions:if the ds260 is not required and documents email are not applicable to my case because I am an aos(so I don't have to send anything by email, right?) and I paid the 330$,last August What I have to do now? Just wait to be current, and wait that uscis is going to Contact me?
I have a little confusion about the timing of submission of the form: the i485, i131, i761 and i693 should I send them when I am current, or when they ask me for that?
And 220$?
Sorry I am really confused, and I am scared to make stupid timing mistakes!
Pfff! You make me calm!
So here a couple questions:if the ds260 is not required and documents email are not applicable to my case because I am an aos(so I don't have to send anything by email, right?) and I paid the 330$,last August What I have to do now? Just wait to be current, and wait that uscis is going to Contact me?
I have a little confusion about the timing of submission of the form: the i485, i131, i761 and i693 should I send them when I am current, or when they ask me for that?
And 220$?
Sorry I am really confused, and I am scared to make stupid timing mistakes!
All these questions can be answered by carefully reading the spreadsheet linked to in the first post on the first page of this thread. So read through that, and if there is anything you still don’t understand then come back and ask.
Pfff! You make me calm!
So here a couple questions:if the ds260 is not required and documents email are not applicable to my case because I am an aos(so I don't have to send anything by email, right?) and I paid the 330$,last August What I have to do now? Just wait to be current, and wait that uscis is going to Contact me?
I have a little confusion about the timing of submission of the form: the i485, i131, i761 and i693 should I send them when I am current, or when they ask me for that?
And 220$?
Sorry I am really confused, and I am scared to make stupid timing mistakes!

You’re confused because you haven’t bothered to go through the AOS process spreadsheet which I referred you to on Friday (two days ago to be precise). There are several tabs on that spreadsheet, carefully go through each one! Then return to post specific follow up questions if you stil have any.
Wow! So aggressive reply!!!! In reality i read the AOS spreadsheet that you sent me, I also printed it(making pics), but I still didn't understand the timing of the fee payment!
Maybe I am stupid! I won't ask anything more! Thanks anyway!
Wow! So aggressive reply!!!! In reality i read the AOS spreadsheet that you sent me, I also printed it(making pics), but I still didn't understand the timing of the fee payment!
Maybe I am stupid! I won't ask anything more! Thanks anyway!

You asking about document email from KCC, if USCIS will be contacting you, clarification on some $220 fee payment (?) leads me to conclude you didn’t go through the spreadsheet, and if you did, then you most likely didn’t pay the needed attention to what you read.

You take offense and consider my attempt at making you take ownership of what will result in a successful process an aggressive response. Considering you were previously using an attorney who obviously didn’t seem to have a good idea of what the DV based AOS process involves which is why you fired her. By all means, don’t post or ask any more questions here. I have absolutely nothing to gain or loose by whatever you decide to do.
I think that sometime this type of answers are not really appropriate, considering that first of all you don't know who there is to the other side.
Maybe yes, I didn't pay attention, it is not so easy for me single mom of 2baby boys, study your spread sheet at the end of the day, so because I am confused I believe that I could ask... But obviously it is not so! If you don't want to answer, just don't do it, but don't be mean, from my point of view!
I think that sometime this type of answers are not really appropriate, considering that first of all you don't know who there is to the other side.
Maybe yes, I didn't pay attention, it is not so easy for me single mom of 2baby boys, study your spread sheet at the end of the day, so because I am confused I believe that I could ask... But obviously it is not so! If you don't want to answer, just don't do it, but don't be mean, from my point of view!

And you don’t get to call or judge or someone trying to help you as being “mean” because you equally don’t know who is at the other end or why the person is spending countless number of hours/days year after year helping total strangers on the internet. Yes I can hold your hands and spoon feed you the answers you’re looking for or guide and teach you to be self reliant - I choose to do the latter! Too bad that’s not what you want.

And now, you’re a single mom? Really?
I paid the 330$ fee for me and my husband, but I don't have a real payment receipt
I think that sometime this type of answers are not really appropriate, considering that first of all you don't know who there is to the other side.
Maybe yes, I didn't pay attention, it is not so easy for me single mom of 2baby boys, study your spread sheet at the end of the day, so because I am confused I believe that I could ask... But obviously it is not so! If you don't want to answer, just don't do it, but don't be mean, from my point of view!

Mom has spent who knows how many hours first drawing up and then updating when necessary, that spreadsheet so that most all questions are answered - that's hardly mean (and also so that she doesn’t have to spend endless hours answering the same questions over and over again in forum posts - have you noticed she is the main one who knows this stuff? She doesn’t need to come on here and help. “Mean” is hardly a word that applies to mom. She appears however to be human and so gets exasperated on occasion...)

The answers to all your questions really are in there - that’s why I pointed you there as well. Hundreds if not thousands of people have successfully used that spreadsheet. Take a deep breath and start again, looking carefully at the tabs. Example AOS process sheet shows you the order of what to do and when. AOS package tells you what forms need to go in it. Etc. all the questions you asked, are answered there.

By the way the only $220 fee I am aware of is the uscis immigrant fee paid by those entering on immigrant visas. It’s not on the spreadsheet because it’s not relevant to AOS.
Mom has spent who knows how many hours first drawing up and then updating when necessary, that spreadsheet so that most all questions are answered - that's hardly mean (and also so that she doesn’t have to spend endless hours answering the same questions over and over again in forum posts - have you noticed she is the main one who knows this stuff? She doesn’t need to come on here and help. “Mean” is hardly a word that applies to mom. She appears however to be human and so gets exasperated on occasion...)

The answers to all your questions really are in there - that’s why I pointed you there as well. Hundreds if not thousands of people have successfully used that spreadsheet. Take a deep breath and start again, looking carefully at the tabs. Example AOS process sheet shows you the order of what to do and when. AOS package tells you what forms need to go in it. Etc. all the questions you asked, are answered there.

By the way the only $220 fee I am aware of is the uscis immigrant fee paid by those entering on immigrant visas. It’s not on the spreadsheet because it’s not relevant to AOS.

Trust me I really appreciated her job, but I don't appreciate her tone!
Again it is a blog, if you don't want to reply just don't do it!
See, you say the same of her but in a different way, and I am completely fine with that!

BTW thanks for the clarification of the 220$.

And just to be clear:my husband live in another city for job, he come back once a month, so at the end of the day I am a single mom!
And my babies are American for this reason i never mentioned them, because I don't need to include them in the process.
hello everyone,
I just checked someone from the same FO as mine who did his/her bio 2 weeks after me have received their interview letter. As much as I understand every case is different, is there any way to find out why is it taking so long in my case from the same FO.
must appreciate responses.

Thank you,
hello everyone,
I just checked someone from the same FO as mine who did his/her bio 2 weeks after me have received their interview letter. As much as I understand every case is different, is there any way to find out why is it taking so long in my case from the same FO.
must appreciate responses.

Thank you,

You can initiate a congressional inquiry if you believe your case is now outside of the average processing time frame for your FO, and not just because one person from your FO whose bio was two weeks after yours.
Hi, Does anyone know about I-944?? Pepole who will submit AOS package AFTER Feb24 2020, seem to need to submit I-944 Form...Now I’m collecting documents for I-134 but they don’t need I-134 after Feb 24 2020?
Hi, Does anyone know about I-944?? Pepole who will submit AOS package AFTER Feb24 2020, seem to need to submit I-944 Form...Now I’m collecting documents for I-134 but they don’t need I-134 after Feb 24 2020?
If you send you AOS package on or after Feb 24th you need to include I-944 with you AOS package. if you go back to few pages back on this tread you can find more information.
You can initiate a congressional inquiry if you believe your case is now outside of the average processing time frame for your FO, and not just because one person from your FO whose bio was two weeks after yours.
thank you for your response mom,
Can I do that and how can one do so?. Its been 7 weeks I did my bio, as per my last conversation with USCIS rep, the avg time is 4-6 months but idk if that applies on DV based petition/application too.
I know you had urs thru SF FO too, and yours took time too, can you please suggest how do I get uscis attention on this file.

Thank you,
thank you for your response mom,
Can I do that and how can one do so?. Its been 7 weeks I did my bio, as per my last conversation with USCIS rep, the avg time is 4-6 months but idk if that applies on DV based petition/application too.
I know you had urs thru SF FO too, and yours took time too, can you please suggest how do I get uscis attention on this file.

Thank you,

1. No, that wasn’t my experience. I didn’t go through SF FO for my process.
2. The 4-6 average time from the USCIS is not applicable to DV based AOS petitions.
3. You have access to both the old and current DV based timeline spreadsheets - use those to figure out the average processing time for your FO. Based on that, not just a single case, you should be able to figure out if your case is outside of the average processing time.
4. If you’re still within the processing time for your FO, trying to “get USCIS’s attention to your case is a waste of time.
5. I already provided you with guidance on how to follow up/get direct update from your FO - which is via congressional inquiry. You’ll need to contact your House of Rep and request they follow up with your FO on your case for status update because you believe your case is already outside the applicable processing time. I caution against utilizing this option if you’re still with the processing time frame.
EU29XXX most probably will become current in May 2020. So,
Two questions:

1. Anyone from 2020 DV who have submitted AOS package using early filing already, know of filing being rejected due to early filing?
2. If an early filling gets rejected then is the attached fee non-refundable or I just cancel those money orders and use new ones?