Hello Mom!
Currently i'm waiting for my biometrics letter in the mail and I had a few quick questions.
1. Since my son is 2 and under the age of 13 does he not have to go to the biometrics appointment at all or will he still have to go and take a picture with me?
2. What questions should I ask the FO when I go to my biometrics appointment? I know this was talked about in the forum, but I can't seem to find the post so maybe someone can link the post number?
3. Should I ask the FO if they can expedite my case? Since its getting close to end?
4. If I end up getting an interview after August 23 my son will be due for his next immunization round of Hep B (the last dose). On his immunization record the doctor noted that there was insufficient time. Should I in that case just bring a new immunization record with me to the interview or should I contact the doctor that conducted our medical exam and have her update his medical exam?
Thanks in advance!