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DV 2016 Oceania winners - Retired Thread

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Good luck everyone :) I'm Australian and have been since I was 5 years old. However, since I was born in Nepal, I had to apply through Nepal so therefore I fall into the Asian category. Hope all of you Aussies get it so we can all be Americans soon ;) Few more hours! Too excited to sleep!
Hi all - DV2015 OC winner here....Good luck everyone who entered DV2016...I have everything crossed for you...for those who get selected, the roller coaster ride really just gets started from today!!
Just arrived at work. How am I gonna concentrate for the next 3.5 hours? I feel a little sick actually....
Hmmmmm not many lambs at my disposal in my immediate environment. Lots of office supplies though. Anyone know how Cthulhu feels about office supplies?
Hmmmmm not many lambs at my disposal in my immediate environment. Lots of office supplies though. Anyone know how Cthulhu feels about office supplies?

I would say it's the thought that counts, but he has a reputation for being a bit of a curmudgeon. And I think throwing some interns into his toothy maw might negatively impact upon your performance review.
Not selected this year :(

I'm weirdly relieved in a way though - we were DV2014, with 23XX and we are part of DV2015, with 16XX - and I'm kind of over the whole process!

I'm fairly certain we won't see the numbers we need for this year, and in 3 months, I feel like I'll finally have some closure (at least until DV2017...)
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