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DV 2015 Winners Meet Here

And comes the 2nd problem guys,

This my reckless friend, who i now think shouldn't be lucky to win the lottery :(, has his name miss spelled. His name is Meron on all of his documents including his passport. But his name spelled Miron on the DV initial entry form. Now, he can correct his birth certificate and passport to Miron but not his educational certificate which is his base of qualification. What to do?:confused: Inform KCC about the error or what? Thank you.
And comes the 2nd problem guys,

This my reckless friend, who i now think shouldn't be lucky to win the lottery :(, has his name miss spelled. His name is Meron on all of his documents including his passport. But his name spelled Miron on the DV initial entry form. Now, he can correct his birth certificate and passport to Miron but not his educational certificate which is his base of qualification. What to do?:confused: Inform KCC about the error or what? Thank you.

Hmm! Now I'm highly suspicious of this friend of yours and the 'mistakes' on his eDV that are now surfacing.

I could be wrong but I'm willing to bet these were not quite errors on your friend's part. I think he was trying to play smart and trick the system during the application stage. I think he submitted more than one application and he tweaked some of his information to make it look like they weren't for the same person if the applications got scrutinized and at the same time the errors are minor enough for him to claim them as his. I mean how does one end up with a May Y as his birthday when May X is the correct date and at the same time first name is mistakenly spelt with an 'I' in place of 'E'. I'm sorry these mistakes look and sound a little bit too fishy for me to buy.
And comes the 2nd problem guys,

This my reckless friend, who i now think shouldn't be lucky to win the lottery :(, has his name miss spelled. His name is Meron on all of his documents including his passport. But his name spelled Miron on the DV initial entry form. Now, he can correct his birth certificate and passport to Miron but not his educational certificate which is his base of qualification. What to do?:confused: Inform KCC about the error or what? Thank you.
i think this is a minor problem he shouldnt change any thing let him fill the forms to match the pasport and the papers at the empasy they will fix this problem i have a freind with the same problem now he got the visa last month not a big deal cuz changing his name in passport will not make any difrence also he couldn't change his certificats its cool not a bid deal good luck to him
Hmm! Now I'm highly suspicious of this friend of yours and the 'mistakes' on his eDV that are now surfacing.

I could be wrong but I'm willing to bet these were not quite errors on your friend's part. I think he was trying to play smart and trick the system during the application stage. I think he submitted more than one application and he tweaked some of his information to make it look like they weren't for the same person if the applications got scrutinized and at the same time the errors are minor enough for him to claim them as his. I mean how does one end up with a May Y as his birthday when May X is the correct date and at the same time first name is mistakenly spelt with an 'I' in place of 'E'. I'm sorry these mistakes look and sound a little bit too fishy for me to buy.
it hapend to me i applyed my DOB wrongly it was 22 but i change it in the forms to 20 the correct 1 you think am busted Lol. . . . . . . . . .
And comes the 2nd problem guys,

This my reckless friend, who i now think shouldn't be lucky to win the lottery :(, has his name miss spelled. His name is Meron on all of his documents including his passport. But his name spelled Miron on the DV initial entry form. Now, he can correct his birth certificate and passport to Miron but not his educational certificate which is his base of qualification. What to do?:confused: Inform KCC about the error or what? Thank you.

But again, maybe I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Does your friend have a middle name and did he use the middle name on his application? Is every other thing correctly put in on the eDV application?

If yes, those errors can be charged to typographical errors. He should continue filling out his form with his correct information as shown on his passport and birth certificate. He can explain the errors away at the time of the interview if questioned about them. No need to contact KCC at this stage.
it hapend to me i applyed my DOB wrongly it was 22 but i change it in the forms to 20 the correct 1 you think am busted Lol. . . . . . . . . .

Your attempt at humor or sarcasm falls flat and short of their intended target, I'm afraid.
Dear vladek and other mates thank you a lot. You guys were right. My friend made a mistake while putting his DOB on the initial entry. On his passport it was May s and on the entry form it was May w. I tried from May 1, to May w and i got it.

Thank you all!
Hmm! Now I'm highly suspicious of this friend of yours and the 'mistakes' on his eDV that are now surfacing.

I could be wrong but I'm willing to bet these were not quite errors on your friend's part. I think he was trying to play smart and trick the system during the application stage. I think he submitted more than one application and he tweaked some of his information to make it look like they weren't for the same person if the applications got scrutinized and at the same time the errors are minor enough for him to claim them as his. I mean how does one end up with a May Y as his birthday when May X is the correct date and at the same time first name is mistakenly spelt with an 'I' in place of 'E'. I'm sorry these mistakes look and sound a little bit too fishy for me to buy.

I have a similar suspicion to be honest. You may want to inform your friend that they run facial recognition software and if they pick up a duplicate entry he will be disqualified.

I'm sorry, but who gets their own name AND birthday wrong on the same form?
And comes the 2nd problem guys,

This my reckless friend, who i now think shouldn't be lucky to win the lottery :(, has his name miss spelled. His name is Meron on all of his documents including his passport. But his name spelled Miron on the DV initial entry form. Now, he can correct his birth certificate and passport to Miron but not his educational certificate which is his base of qualification. What to do?:confused: Inform KCC about the error or what? Thank you.
Like mom said, sound bit tricky !
Is your friend stating that's he filled-up the initial form correctly ?!
If and if so ! Let's says its a sofware bug like they announced on the dv page, lot of people have seen mistakes on their details when they logged in to check the result.
I still think something is fishy with his application, but I can be wrong so let's
Blame the software and send the correct infos when sending the the ds260 app...
The fact that ths guy/gal knows he misspelled the name on the initial DV is an obvious indication. Mst people can't remember what they put on the initial application, but most people would assume they put the correct spelling of their name, otherwise they would have changed it right before submitting it.
Oh! Come on guys!

Why i was mad at the mistakes my friend did was because i know him. He is not that silly and foolish to try and trick the U.S gov't. I am not having a good feeling the way Sm1mom tried to associate my friend and I to such nonsense stuff.

To be clear to all of you THERE IS NO SUCH TRICK THAT MY FRIEND TRIED TO WINN THE LOTTERY! can we stop talking about the scam and look for the solution as we all ways do? :( Please don't make me sear here.....

You guys should also know that most people fill their lottery applications from cyber cafe's with little comfort. And yest there is a big room for mistakes to happen when you are working in an under crowded room.

The error is only one vowel i instead of e!

Thank you SudMD.
As for the mistake of the DOB, in our country Ethiopia we use a Julian calendar mainly and Gregorian sometimes. Thus it will always create confusion for most my country men when answering such questions as date of birth, they have to change from Julian to Gregorian and it is not easy for most. Please once again my friends this is not an issue of forgery, it is an honest mistake. He only come to know of the problems after he saw the spellings on his congratulation message.

Thank you all for the effort.
Oh! Come on guys!

Why i was mad at the mistakes my friend did was because i know him. He is not that silly and foolish to try and trick the U.S gov't. I am not having a good feeling the way Sm1mom tried to associate my friend and I to such nonsense stuff.

To be clear to all of you THERE IS NO SUCH TRICK THAT MY FRIEND TRIED TO WINN THE LOTTERY! can we stop talking about the scam and look for the solution as we all ways do? :( Please don't make me sear here.....

You guys should also know that most people fill their lottery applications from cyber cafe's with little comfort. And yest there is a big room for mistakes to happen when you are working in an under crowded room.

The error is only one vowel i instead of e!

Thank you SudMD.
sure btw bleve me the CO is a human being not a machien he will figuar out by asking more and more if somting looks suce or scam then he will know but hey let him go throw he will get it
Oh! Come on guys!

Why i was mad at the mistakes my friend did was because i know him. He is not that silly and foolish to try and trick the U.S gov't. I am not having a good feeling the way Sm1mom tried to associate my friend and I to such nonsense stuff.

To be clear to all of you THERE IS NO SUCH TRICK THAT MY FRIEND TRIED TO WINN THE LOTTERY! can we stop talking about the scam and look for the solution as we all ways do? :( Please don't make me sear here.....

You guys should also know that most people fill their lottery applications from cyber cafe's with little comfort. And yest there is a big room for mistakes to happen when you are working in an under crowded room.

The error is only one vowel i instead of e!

Thank you SudMD.

I'm sorry my opinion rubs off on you the wrong way. However, you need to go back and read my comment again. I did not associate YOU with anything fishy, my comment was directed at you friend not unless you put in the application on his behalf then that's the only reason you can assume I was associating you with something I felt was fishy.

I just wish people will pay a little bit more attention when reading. I pick my words with utmost care when posting, hence my going to great length to prefix that posting with the words "I could be wrong" before going to great details to list out what didn't seem right IMO!

Not only did I state that my assumption could be wrong, I actually put up another post almost immediately, (giving this friend the benefit of the doubt), indicating what could be a possible solution.

Oh goodness!!
As for the mistake of the DOB, in our country Ethiopia we use a Julian calendar mainly and Gregorian sometimes. Thus it will always create confusion for most my country men when answering such questions as date of birth, they have to change from Julian to Gregorian and it is not easy for most. Please once again my friends this is not an issue of forgery, it is an honest mistake. He only come to know of the problems after he saw the spellings on his congratulation message.

Thank you all for the effort.
Ormania my dear friend!
As I said its sounds fishy whish includes a doubt !
And I'm sure you would of had the same thought as well isn't it ?
Now we all said if its a mistake and nothing fraudulent let's us blame it on the software bugg!
Please don't get angry we here to help each other, you know how hard is this process and how painful is the waiting !
The fact that ths guy/gal knows he misspelled the name on the initial DV is an obvious indication. Mst people can't remember what they put on the initial application, but most people would assume they put the correct spelling of their name, otherwise they would have changed it right before submitting it.
Very good point.
Hi all

DV2015 selectee here... I don't want to say "Winner" just yet.

Some back story: I've been applying since 2005 (bar 1 year when I simply forgot somehow) and have become accustomed to being unsuccessful. On a whim this morning I decided to check to confirm for another year that I wasn't one of the lucky ones and lo and behold, I have "been selected for further processing". My head has been spinning all day.

As my username suggests, I'm an Aussie in London UK so I'd be going through the process here. My CN is 2015OC000021XX. After doing research all day, it appears this is one that could be termed a "high one".... so my elation has subsided somewhat.

I'm a little confused though. I've read a few times about cases where total visa numbers weren't exhausted, and just about every year for Oceania region all numbers become "current" around August (or a month either side). Does this mean that everybody who has not yet gotten a visa, but submitted their forms, is contacted to arrange an interview? If anybody could shed some light that'd be appreciated.

Basically, I need to get funds together if this all went through and I got a GC, which is going to mean changes (moving house, saving a lot and kissing goodbye to any kind of life!). Living in the US is a dream I've always held so I'm willing to do just about anything to attain it... but I don't know. With a high CN, what are my chances?
Hi all

DV2015 selectee here... I don't want to say "Winner" just yet.

Some back story: I've been applying since 2005 (bar 1 year when I simply forgot somehow) and have become accustomed to being unsuccessful. On a whim this morning I decided to check to confirm for another year that I wasn't one of the lucky ones and lo and behold, I have "been selected for further processing". My head has been spinning all day.

As my username suggests, I'm an Aussie in London UK so I'd be going through the process here. My CN is 2015OC000021XX. After doing research all day, it appears this is one that could be termed a "high one".... so my elation has subsided somewhat.

I'm a little confused though. I've read a few times about cases where total visa numbers weren't exhausted, and just about every year for Oceania region all numbers become "current" around August (or a month either side). Does this mean that everybody who has not yet gotten a visa, but submitted their forms, is contacted to arrange an interview? If anybody could shed some light that'd be appreciated.

Basically, I need to get funds together if this all went through and I got a GC, which is going to mean changes (moving house, saving a lot and kissing goodbye to any kind of life!). Living in the US is a dream I've always held so I'm willing to do just about anything to attain it... but I don't know. With a high CN, what are my chances?
I think in dv2014 2xxx will have a chance still !
So in dv2015 with less ''selectees'' (I also don't like the winner) you will probably have a chance.
I'm sorry my opinion rubs off on you the wrong way. However, you need to go back and read my comment again. I did not associate YOU with anything fishy, my comment was directed at you friend not unless you put in the application on his behalf then that's the only reason you can assume I was associating you with something I felt was fishy.

I just wish people will pay a little bit more attention when reading. I pick my words with utmost care when posting, hence my going to great length to prefix that posting with the words "I could be wrong" before going to great details to list out what didn't seem right IMO!

Not only did I state that my assumption could be wrong, I actually put up another post almost immediately, (giving this friend the benefit of the doubt), indicating what could be a possible solution.

Oh goodness!!

I rest my case, no hard feelings.