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DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.


So that's that for me then. I have 2014 Euro 51,XXX. Dream over.

I knew even when I got selected that there was a chance things wouldn't work out, but I didn't know it was that bad.

I could say more, about this or that, what's fair what's not, but honestly I am too crushed to speak right now.

What makes you think you do not have any chance?
You think all winners will qualify? I'm sure they have a statistic!
What about EU 55xxx or the Romanian with 59 xxx?

The wind decides, to where the leaves fall!
Good evening Raevsky,

My case number is between 1400 and 1500 for South America, according to your messages I could see that I am borderline. What would be the estimated month to receive the notification for the appointment and the actual interview in the scenario my number will get current?

Thank you very much
Yes, you have good chances. Your number is not high enough.

Good evening Raevsky,

My case number is between 1400 and 1500 for South America, according to your messages I could see that I am borderline. What would be the estimated month to receive the notification for the appointment and the actual interview in the scenario my number will get current?

Thank you very much
Good evening Raevsky,

My case number is between 1400 and 1500 for South America, according to your messages I could see that I am borderline. What would be the estimated month to receive the notification for the appointment and the actual interview in the scenario my number will get current?

Thank you very much
What do you feel Raevsky attached? It is that the State Department? Dude comes to troll.
I think your interview will be in May or June, but I could be wrong.
Help meh!
KCC reply is ,Your forms have been received and pending further embassy review for the continuation of your visa processing. *KCC is currently scheduling visa numbers for your region for the month of December. *Please refer to the visa bulletin at www.travel.state.gov *to locate the current numbers being processed. This bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month...what does it means??
Help meh!
KCC reply is ,Your forms have been received and pending further embassy review for the continuation of your visa processing. *KCC is currently scheduling visa numbers for your region for the month of December. *Please refer to the visa bulletin at www.travel.state.gov *to locate the current numbers being processed. This bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month...what does it means??

This is just a standard reply. You obviously asked for confirmation that they received the forms and that is all that reply confirms. Then they say to check the visa bulletin because that is how interviews are scheduled.
Guys, i try to trust in theory of sloner, this guy makes us feel better, i think there is a cause , why USA government Department had raised the cases. We all have chances,so be patient and wait. Sloner, thank you for your participation in hot discussion and that you make people to believe, it is really important for many winners this year. I want to know where are you living and have you participate in lottery any year? If I will win i wanna to see you drinking with me a beer for my winning, so if you want you are welcome. My case is 40***, wish me a luck! Sloner, you are good man, thanks!
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Guys, i try to trust in theory of sloner, this guy makes us feel better, i think there is a cause , why USA government Department had raised the cases. We all have chances,so be patient and wait. Sloner, thank you for your participation in hot discussion and that you make people to believe, it is really important for many winners this year. I want to know where are you living and have you participate in lottery any year? If I will win i wanna to see you drinking with me a beer for my winning, so if you want you are welcome. Sloner, you are good man, thanks!
Thank you. I'm on there is a reason. If it were not for them, I would not be here. I live in Siberia. Earth is round, anything can happen.)))
What do you feel Raevsky attached? It is that the State Department? Dude comes to troll.
I think your interview will be in May or June, but I could be wrong.

Thanks for your reply Sloner. May I ask how do you calculate or estimate the appointment? Do you consider it is actually a high number? Thanks again
Public health warning. Sloner is basing his theories on DV2012 which means his understanding is totally incorrect.
you give me nothing is proved or refuted. Call and ask KCC quota, then I'll believe you.

Numri madh apo numri vogel nuk ka shume rendesi, pasi personat mbushin format paraprake aty vendoset a ecet para apo nuk ecet ne aplikim. sepse shume njerez bejne gabime ne forma dhe ata i eliminojne direkt, nukmri yt eshte normal dhe po qe se format jane mbushur me korrektesi nuk shof ndonje problem, sa per 2003 ka pas shume arsye pasi atehere letrat dergoheshin me post dhe ndoshta ka humbur ose eshte shitur sepse dokumentat shteterore ishin kollaj te fallcifikoheshin,


My name is Aldo and I'm from Albania. I applied for DV-2003, I can't remember, I won with a Case Number of 28xxx but I didn't have the chance to go to USA. :(
My father asked me to take the chance and apply again and my family won the DV-2014 lottery. My Case Number now is 2014EU00029xxx. Do I have any chance of goinge on USA or I'm going to be dissapointed again?
Please help me. I just need your suggestions.

Thank You very much in advance.
Numri madh apo numri vogel nuk ka shume rendesi, pasi personat mbushin format paraprake aty vendoset a ecet para apo nuk ecet ne aplikim. sepse shume njerez bejne gabime ne forma dhe ata i eliminojne direkt, nukmri yt eshte normal dhe po qe se format jane mbushur me korrektesi nuk shof ndonje problem, sa per 2003 ka pas shume arsye pasi atehere letrat dergoheshin me post dhe ndoshta ka humbur ose eshte shitur sepse dokumentat shteterore ishin kollaj te fallcifikoheshin,

The language of communication here is English please!
Backthen I was 10 years old, but my fathersaid that it didn't came the second letter from KCC. I don't know what it is. I think that was the problem.
But that's why it is called LOTTERY, it's just luck thing. :/

Europe cut off at 39100 in DV2003 so if you have the original CN number correct at 28xxx, it's odd the 2NL didn't arrive. However KCC did report a lot of problems back then with the mailed letters, for example them getting intercepted and stolen, so that is a possible reason.