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DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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Can you people stop calling suz watermelon ,Nairobba tell them what watermelon means in kenya hahaha!aimanda my stopovers have many hours too but what to do mhhh

Do you know in Naija you can actually call a lady any kind fruits name i.e water melon,tomatoes,potatoes,apple,sweet orange,sweet banana etc.Ridiculous but it's true.
Yes Susie, its true we have to change terminals and that is one of my biggest worries, we shall arrive at terminal 5 but we are to find our connection flight at terminal 3. I am not sure how I will move from Terminal 5 to terminal 3. Is it a walk able distance or I need to get on a train or bus, because O'Hare seems to be so big.

No, it's not a walk-able distance. O'Hare Aiport has a transit system called Airport Transit System (ATS) which connects all of it's five terminals. Stops are made at all the terminals as well as at the remote parking lot E. There is no charge for the use of the ATS.

Access within the airport complex can be accomplished using O'Hare's Airport Transit System (ATS), a 2.5 mi (4 km) long automated people mover system that operates 24 hours a day, connecting all four terminals and the remote parking lots.

Do you know in Naija you can actually call a lady any kind fruits name i.e water melon,tomatoes,potatoes,apple,sweet orange,sweet banana etc.Ridiculous but it's true.
Ridiculous indeed!you forgot to include pawpaw that's the one I hear most when watching Afro cinema(Nigerian movies)
hallo folks am seeing guys are really happy about their relocation am praying for them to have a safe journey may the almighty be with you as you relocate and in your new life God bless this thread and the members for sure i know it will be a great ride for the rest of us so we sholud be patience cause the lord has not finished his work remember God loves you thats why we were lucky to be picked for DV 2014


Todays devotion

2 Chronicles 20:17

You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.'"
Do you know in Naija you can actually call a lady any kind fruits name i.e water melon,tomatoes,potatoes,apple,sweet orange,sweet banana etc.Ridiculous but it's true.

I cant imagine being called a tomato, potato, etc... jeez! Maybe even cabbage! lol! maybe sweet banana. I could deal with that.
I cant imagine being called a tomato, potato, etc... jeez! Maybe even cabbage! lol! maybe sweet banana. I could deal with that.

Hahaha hahahha you re killing me KaiaUG , ahuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, let me call my wife sweet Tomato
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Dear experts, I have a Ugandan winner who was forwarded to me by Aimanda7, we met and he had this complication where we need to advice him together as a family.
When he was filling the initial DV application in Oct 2013, he was working in Rwanda but he had left the family (wife and 1kid ) in Kampala, so he says that he was unable to access them to get their photos so he filled the forms as a single. When he got selected, he filled the forms for himself , wife and Kid and sent them to KCC plus a letter explaining the situation of not being able to obtain the photos at the time of registration.
They did not reply the letter but on the Second NL, they included the Wife and the Kid. He is about to travel to NRB for medicals

Will that scenario cause him any problem/compromise the issuance of his visa.
He is about to travel to NRB for medicals so your real time responses are welcome and thanks in advance.
Failure to include family members in initial entry can lead you to a debial as you know!
In his case it is gonna be very risky i must say, but i would still give it a go... Because he needs to convince them that its real family he would need to do dna test for his child.
I have read a similar case in previous thread...
Its just my opinion family good luck to your friend :)
Dear experts, I have a Ugandan winner who was forwarded to me by Aimanda7, we met and he had this complication where we need to advice him together as a family.
When he was filling the initial DV application in Oct 2013, he was working in Rwanda but he had left the family (wife and 1kid ) in Kampala, so he says that he was unable to access them to get their photos so he filled the forms as a single. When he got selected, he filled the forms for himself , wife and Kid and sent them to KCC plus a letter explaining the situation of not being able to obtain the photos at the time of registration.
They did not reply the letter but on the Second NL, they included the Wife and the Kid. He is about to travel to NRB for medicals

Will that scenario cause him any problem/compromise the issuance of his visa.
He is about to travel to NRB for medicals so your real time responses are welcome and thanks in advance.

Please Read Carefully!
To qualify for the 2014 Diversity Visa, you
must meet the following requirements:

1. On your initial E-DV application, you
must have listed your spouse even if you
are currently separated from him/her,
unless you are legally separated. If you are
legally separated or divorced, you do not
need to list your former spouse.
2. On your initial E-DV application, you
must have listed ALL of your living children
who are unmarried and under 21 years old.
This includes your natural children, your
spouse’s children, or children you have
formally adopted in accordance with the
laws of your country. The only exception is
if your child is already a U.S. citizen or a
U.S. Legal Permanent Resident.
3. You must have entered the correct
photograph of each individual into the E-
DV system. Failure to do so may result in

Clearly according to what you wrote it seems He broke all those 3 rules for not listing his Spouse and the kid on his initial application which may lead to an outright denials for all of them.
Did the wife get the kid after or before October 2012. If she gave birth after Oct 2012 it may help because the could say that they married after the initial application.
Any correction on my logic explanation is welcomed.
Dear experts, I have a Ugandan winner who was forwarded to me by Aimanda7, we met and he had this complication where we need to advice him together as a family.
When he was filling the initial DV application in Oct 2013, he was working in Rwanda but he had left the family (wife and 1kid ) in Kampala, so he says that he was unable to access them to get their photos so he filled the forms as a single. When he got selected, he filled the forms for himself , wife and Kid and sent them to KCC plus a letter explaining the situation of not being able to obtain the photos at the time of registration.
They did not reply the letter but on the Second NL, they included the Wife and the Kid. He is about to travel to NRB for medicals

Will that scenario cause him any problem/compromise the issuance of his visa.
He is about to travel to NRB for medicals so your real time responses are welcome and thanks in advance.

This is a tricky one. Technically he should be disqualified but under the circumstances what I would suggest is that he call the embassy to ask their advice, there is a small possibility they may be lenient as you cannot submit forms without photos. But I would definitely try get an answer before spending all that money on medicals, transport and visa fees because that could be an expensive denial.
Hey DV2014 am seeing real good progress here…am wishing you all the best. A fr
the best thing is to request KNEC to send confidential results to the embassy, 2 weeks before your interviews, then hoping that the KCSE copy exists which can presented during interview. On top of that, its advisable to get a police letter then to reoprt to the KNEC and initiate a process for another copy. the police letter and any payment at the KNEC offices will help during interviews. The 2nd KCSE cert processed at the KNEC will help you in US in signing up for schooling. consular at the embassy is a human beings.
Clearly according to what you wrote it seems He broke all those 3 rules for not listing his Spouse and the kid on his initial application which may lead to an outright denials for all of them.
Did the wife get the kid after or before October 2012. If she gave birth after Oct 2012 it may help because the could say that they married after the initial application.
Any correction on my logic explanation is welcomed.

I would give 5% succes if he can come with a solid explanation to conce the CO.
But because its a life time chance i would still go for it although it cost hell lot of money.
Thanks mate for the spiritual fuel.....this will keep me going!!!

hallo folks am seeing guys are really happy about their relocation am praying for them to have a safe journey may the almighty be with you as you relocate and in your new life God bless this thread and the members for sure i know it will be a great ride for the rest of us so we sholud be patience cause the lord has not finished his work remember God loves you thats why we were lucky to be picked for DV 2014


Todays devotion

2 Chronicles 20:17

You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.'"
Dear experts, I have a Ugandan winner who was forwarded to me by Aimanda7, we met and he had this complication where we need to advice him together as a family.
When he was filling the initial DV application in Oct 2013, he was working in Rwanda but he had left the family (wife and 1kid ) in Kampala, so he says that he was unable to access them to get their photos so he filled the forms as a single. When he got selected, he filled the forms for himself , wife and Kid and sent them to KCC plus a letter explaining the situation of not being able to obtain the photos at the time of registration.
They did not reply the letter but on the Second NL, they included the Wife and the Kid. He is about to travel to NRB for medicals

Will that scenario cause him any problem/compromise the issuance of his visa.
He is about to travel to NRB for medicals so your real time responses are welcome and thanks in advance.

I think he should look for a way to contact the embassy before he appears for the interview/medicals... It's risky and a family of 3 will definitely cost him lots of money.
Hi Family2133 Let me congratulate your friend for the 2nd NL. As the wife and kid have already been included in the 2nd NL, I would say it’s a miracle as the person in KCC who handled his file already believes his story. He has one foot already in America he just needs to get the next foot in. Let him gather all the evidence to prove that he is indeed married to the wife and the baby is his. If he uses his passport to cross the UG/Rwanda boarder or some sort of document each time. Let him photocopy the pages of entry and exit stamps showing he was out of the country then. If he has a letter showing his employment in Rwanda and pay slips let him take them too. Any receipts from the landlord of rental payment in Rwanda let him get them. Tell him to collect anything that can prove he leaves in Rwanda. Tell him to do the same for the wife where she stays in Kampala.

If the visa processing money will not leave him bankrupt. I would say its better going through with the GC than leaving with what if??? I have seen reality documentaries of illegal immigrants paying thousands of dollars to be smuggled through the boarders just to be caught at the boarder entry point. And they still try again and again. So if he has that dream burning inside let him go for it. The reason for saying this is because of my testimony.
Here it goes.

One day I needed to get a Schengen visa urgently. I had the option of sending my documents to the embassy or go in person. So I opted to send the documents as I did not have enough cash to travel all the way. A week later my documents were sent back with a denial. The embassy’s reason was I needed to give them enough time to process the visa. The date of travel was in two weeks’ time but they needed three weeks for processing. I went to the website and booked an appointment online, going in person to the embassy meant you left with the visa that same day. A few days later I went to the embassy.

My appointment was like 7 am. There were no buses or trains that could get me there on time. I was leaving 100's of miles away. I couldn't afford a hotel room as my cash was limited, so my option was to go all the way to the airport and spend a few hours there in the waiting room.

On the day of the interview I was there on time. The first lady to screen my documents at the embassy told me I didn't qualify for the visa. Her reason I had insufficient documentation and my visa in UK was running out in less than 3 months which disqualified me as well. The lady was very angry when I told her I wanted to continue the visa process knowing very well I was not qualified. She later told me to go home and to stop wasting their valuable time. I continued to pay the visa fees and sat down till I was called to another window. After being called to the second window the guy told me that he was sorry I had not qualified. Relentlessly I continued to the final window to face the CO. The Co checked my documents and said I was not qualified for the visa issuance. With an intervention from heaven I remember I spoke a sentence to the CO, something I had not thought of and I had no control off, Halleluyah!!! I left the embassy with the visa 3 hours later.

The only question I think he needs to ponder about is DV Lottery is an online affair, so the wife should had taken the photos in UG emailed them to him, for him to use in the application??? But if your friend has a mustard seed faith….and 0.005% chance with the Visa. I will join him in prayer…I have seen undeserving people walk away with visas including me..… he really needs the prayers!! With God all things are possible!!!!.....

Dear experts, I have a Ugandan winner who was forwarded to me by Aimanda7, we met and he had this complication where we need to advice him together as a family.
When he was filling the initial DV application in Oct 2013, he was working in Rwanda but he had left the family (wife and 1kid ) in Kampala, so he says that he was unable to access them to get their photos so he filled the forms as a single. When he got selected, he filled the forms for himself , wife and Kid and sent them to KCC plus a letter explaining the situation of not being able to obtain the photos at the time of registration.
They did not reply the letter but on the Second NL, they included the Wife and the Kid. He is about to travel to NRB for medicals

Will that scenario cause him any problem/compromise the issuance of his visa.
He is about to travel to NRB for medicals so your real time responses are welcome and thanks in advance.
Can you people stop calling suz watermelon ,Nairobba tell them what watermelon means in kenya hahaha!aimanda my stopovers have many hours too but what to do mhhh
;)I am starting a debate for to Hen' start calling you one if you knew what it means in Ug:D
Kaia you are killing me!!family you better compare photos of b4 and after travel heheh
Partitas , I am a professional M&E specialist, so if I carry out the Monitoring and Evaluation of the projects I work for , how can I fail to monitor and Evaluate my self/family. In monitoring we do the baseline assessment (the before) and the end line assessment (the after), so I have assessed myself/family before leaving for US (baseline assessment), then I will give it 5 years and carry out another assessment then I will sit down to compare, if the assessment results will indicate a decline, I will return to my mother land for sure.
NOTE; I have taken a family photo, I will take another one after 5 years and compare hahhahhaaa

Congrats 4turya and Family.....since both of you will connect via Doha......remember when you get to Doha airport and your connection flight is more than 4 hours apart ....I think you qualify for a free meal at the food court. I once had a connection flight of 4 hours at Doha a while back, I hope they still do it. As i recall i went to a customer service desk located between the food court and the resting place. I showed them my ticket and they handed me the food voucher. Then I went to the food court and i was served the meal... since you will have boys its worth inquiring about the free meal if they will be hungry. I can't remember if the food is served at specific hours.....you can ask when you land there.....All the best in your Relocation!!!
Thank you Utamaduni, We shall spend the night at Doha, the Hotel shuttle is supposed to pick us and take us to a hotel, which means they will need to stamp for us Qatar visas. Then it will bring us back in the morning and then set off for Chicago, all the hotel charges and the food is covered within the ticket fare.
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