• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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Was thinking about the same thing,you might be forced to take private ones because most of the public ones from that route do not operate 24 hrs and it can be hard to get them early in the morning.
Ok, that means I may either find a nearby room in Gigiri or plan to take a private taxi, can I find a private one at that time? and from where exactly.Advice
Voullez vous avoir l'amabilite de me confier l'adresse du forum siteweb froncophone. Merci d'avance :)

salut!!est-ce que vous parlez anglais svp? toutes les personnes ici utilisent ce langue, parce-qu'il y'a les ugandans, les kenyannes, les tanzanians, aussi les burundiennes et perssones de rwanda. si ce ne pas possible, je peux traduit, (Attention Aimanda7 et Christabel..ahem ahem :) ) mais je ne comprend pas le francais tres tres courrament comme vous. J'ai l'etude a l'ecole secondaire, il y'a 9ans depuis. alors...:D

Ahem Ahem. English speakers. Thank me later...;)
Hey mates hope ya all doing great and preparing well for the interview for those who will be facing the CO soon, all the best in your preparations, be blessed

Today devotion
Deutronomy 31 : 6
Be strong and courageous do not be afraid or terrified because of them for the Lord your God goes with you he will never leave you nor forsake you

Remember God loves you be blessed

Amen...God be with you this day
Gud afternoon special forum mates and hope all is well by His Grace and success to those going for interview this week Gods favour is urs and ours.
Here is a recit from anoda forum but its in french except those who can read and understand french but the interview took place in english and french.

Bjr la famille, comme la tradition du forum le veut, voici donc le récit de mon entretien (désolé de vous avoir fait attendre :p ). Je vais vous racontez mon séjour a Yaoundé.

Lundi , 15h30 j’arrive a Yaoundé. Tout de suite je vais chez le Docteur Nguela récupérer les résultats de mes examens( pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, c’est au diviste d’aller chercher ses résultats pour les amener a son RDV, la clinique ne les envois pas a l’ambassade. Je le dis parce que j’ai vus deux personne dans cette situation a l’ambassade). Donc je récupère mes résultats, on me dit qu’il n’y a aucun problèmes, qu’ils sont OK pour la suite !j’en suis ravi.

Je prend une chambre au Diplomate, a 100f de l’ambassade. Donc âpres la nuit presque blanche que tous les dvistes connaissent, ou tu te réveille toute les 15mns pour regarder ta montre(loool), 06h du matin fini par arriver. Mes docs sont bien rangés depuis la veille. Je prend une douche, je m’habille et je revérifie encor mes docs, OK ! Une goutte de parfum et je suis parti !06h35 je suis devant l’ambassade, il ya juste un autre couple qui es déjà présent . ma copine m’appelle pour me réveiller pour aller a mon RDV, lool ma chérie je suis déjà sur place !07H20 on est une dizaines de personne déjà, l’agent de sécurité ouvre la porte, un autre mec viens se mettre devant moi et me dit qu’il est la avant moi(dans mon cœur je me dit, mon ami ya 50mil visa, on est pas a un rang près, vas y).

Vérification d’identité et du RDV, Dépôt de téléphone et autre appareils a la consigne, passage des sacs et effets au scanner, passage des personnes au détecteurs de métaux .

Ensuite on arrive dans la salle principale, vérification de la lettre de RDV et on nous donne des numéros , je suis le 3e !Parfait, comme ca je pourrais observer comment ca se passe avec les deux premiers . 10mns après, caisse Num 1 pour payer les frais :Il prend le passeport, la lettre de rdv et 165mil( un peut moins que ce que je pensais , ca commence bien).je retourne m’assoir.

10 mns après encore(décidément c’est très rapide), caisse num 3 et la, surprise, la femme nous redonne les formulaires DS 230 part 1 et part 2 a remplir :Donc fallait encore remplir ce formulaire sur place ?ces forms ke certaines personnes ont mis 3jours a remplir a la maison avant d’envoyer au KCC, maintenant faut le remplir en quelque mns ?!Mais comme je suis hyper prudent, J’avais amené avec moi un exemplaire des forms que j’avais envoyé au KCC, donc pendant que les autres prenaient leurs temps pour aller minutieusement, moi j’ai rempli en 05 mins. Un guard nous donne une liste de documents a fournir(ce qui me concernait était : une photo, une photocopie du passeport, acte de naissance plus deux photocopies, Bac plus deux photocopies, casier judiciaire, examens médicaux)

Je retourne a la caisse 3 remettre les forms et elle me demande aussi les documents, je les lui fournis, elle prend mes empruntes me demande mon CN, mon num de tel . Elle ouvre les résultats des exams médicaux , retire la radio du thorax qu’elle me rend en que disant que je vais voyager avec mais garde elle garde le reste. je retourne m’assoir.

Je me retrouve a aider un gars qui était totalement perdu avec ses forms, c’est comme si le gars n’avait jamais vu ces forms avant, a croire ke c’est quelqu’un d’autre qui a fait tout pour lui ! Ensemble on a tout rempli . A ce moment dans la salle ya environ 40personnes, toutes les chaises sont occupées, la salle est pleine. Heureusement que je suis venu très tôt !

Comme j’ai remis mes forms en premier , je suis le 1er a être appelé pour Interview . Caisse Num 4, mon num apparait, une très gentille dame blanche m’accueille:

OC : good morning ,Levez la main droite et jurez ke tous ce….

MOI : Je le Jure

OC : where are you going in USA?

MOI: at Miami

OC: do you have a relative there?

MOi: yes, an aunt.

elle lit le nom de ma tante et je confirme

OC: you got your Bac en 2006 right?


OC: in commercial Techniques?

MOI : YES techniques commercial ou marketing

OC :vous êtes francophone et je vois que vous avez fait 3ans a university of Buea

MOI : Oui, c’est grâce a ca que je parle anglais

OC : Ok ..ah..oK..your petition is approve, Congratulation ! You will come and find your VISA next week!

MOI: thank you Madame

Elle écrit la date sur le papier jaune, me le remet et me redit congrats !

8h45 j’avais déjà terminé. C’est la que je me rend compte que les anciens du forum ont raison, ya réellement pas de quoi stresser, c’était presque trop simple ! Tellement que j’ai même demander au l’agent de sécurité qui me rendait mes téléphones si c tout.. il me dit ke je peux déjà aller acheter mon billet si il y a aucun faut document dans mon dossier !

Voila c’est tout. 9h30 j’étais a mon hôtel, 11h jetais dans le bus assis a coté d’une ravissante fille, Eunice, rencontré dans l’agence! Mais ca, c’est une autre histoire …..Lool :D

Vous et bayar aiment ceci
Cesser d'aimer

CN 2014AF00007***cool.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gif(premier jeu=selection!! THANKS LORD!!!)
Entry Date : 2nd Nov, 2012
1st NL Checked :1st May, 2013
Sent Forms to KCC : 10th May, 2013
DHL Delivery Confirmation : 13th May, 2013
KCC Confirmation : 19th July, 2013
2nd NL : 13th September, 2013
Medicals : 02nd October 2013( results : 04th November, OK!!)
PCC : 29th October 2013
Interview : 05 November, 2013, PETITION APPROVED(sauce jaune) B)
Visa Picked-Up:??!!
P.O.E : Miami
GC Received :??!!
SSN Received :??!!

Hi Forum,

I used Google translate to translate Christabel's French interview...I hope it makes sense...enjoy:

Monday , 3:30 p.m. I arrived in Yaounde . Immediately I go to the doctor Nguela get the results of my tests ( for those who do not know, this is diviste to fetch its results to get them his appointment , the clinic does not have the shipments Embassy . I say this because I saw two people in this situation to the embassy ) . So I get my results , I was told that there are no problems, they are OK for now! I am delighted.

I took a room at the Diplomat has 100f the embassy. So fierce almost sleepless night all dvistes know, or you wake up the whole 15mins to watch your shows ( loool ) 06h the morning finally arrived . My files are stored from the previous day. I take a shower , get dressed and I recheck encor my docs , OK ! A drop of perfume and I left ! 6:35 I am in front of the embassy , there is just another couple who are already present. my girlfriend called me to wake me up to go to my appointment , my darling lool I'm already there! 7:20 there is a dozen people already , the security guard opens the door , another guy just get in front of me and I said he is before me (in my heart I said , my friend is 50mil visa, is not nearly has a rank , go ahead ) .

Identification and verification of appointment , deposit and other phone devices at the point , passing bags and scanner effects , people passing metal detectors.

Then we get into the main room , checking the appointment letter and we are given numbers , I'm the third ! Perfect, like that I could see how it goes with the first two. 10mins later, Num 1 cash to pay for : It takes the passport , the letter of appointment and 165mil ( a bit less than what I thought, it starts well ) I sit back . .

10 mins after another (really it's very fast ) , case number 3 and , surprise, the woman gives us the form DS 230 part 1 and part 2 onc still needed to fill this form there? These forms ke some people have 3 days to complete at home before sending the KCC must now fill in a Million ? But I 'm really careful, I brought with me a copy of the forms that I had sent to KCC , so while others took their time to go thoroughly , I have filled in 05 mins. A guard gives us a list of documents required ( which concerned me was a photo, a photocopy of your passport , birth certificate plus two copies , plus two photocopies Bac , criminal records, medical examinations )

I go to checkout 3 put the forms and documents as asked , I provided him , she takes my footprints CN asks me , like my num . It opens the results of medical exams , removes the chest X-ray that makes me say that I 'm going to travel with but keeps it keeps the rest . I sit back .

I found I was helping a guy who was totally lost with its forms , it is as if the guy had never seen these forms before , ke to believe it is someone else who has done it all! Overall everything was completed . At this point in the room is about 40personnes , all chairs are occupied , the room is full . Luckily I came early !

As I handed my forms first, I am the first to be called for Interview. Case Num 4 my num appears, a very nice white lady greets me :

OC : good morning , raise your right hand and swear that all ke ....

ME : I Swear

OC : where are you going in USA?

ME : at Miami

OC : do you have a relative there?

MOi : yes , an aunt .

it reads the name of my aunt and I confirm

OC : you got your BA in 2006 right ?


OC : Techniques in Business ?

ME : YES or technical business marketing

OC : You are speaking and I see that you have done a 3yrs university of Buea

ME : Yes, with a ca I speak English

OC : Ok .. ah .. ok .. your petition is approve , Congratulation! You will come and find your VISA next week !

ME : thank you Mrs.

She wrote the date on the yellow paper , my hands and told me again congrats!

8:45 I had finished. That's when I realize that the old forum are right, there really is nothing to stress , it was almost too easy! So much so that I even ask the security guard that made me all my phones if c .. he told me ke I can already go buy my ticket if there is no need to document in my file !

That's it . 9:30 I was in my hotel , 11h threw the bus sitting next to a beautiful daughter , Eunice , met in the office ! But it is another story ..... Lool
I agree with u Nairoba, It s better to use only English on this forum, even if there are some who used to speak other languages like french, me among them. Please my friends , don't use french anymore. for those from french speaking countries, I realized that this is a good opportunity to learn English bcs I earned so many vocabularies while reading or commenting threads. Kiswahili was no problem(for those from Rwanda and Burundi) but some people from Uganda like Family they don't speak it.
salut!!est-ce que vous parlez anglais svp? toutes les personnes ici utilisent ce langue, parce-qu'il y'a les ugandans, les kenyannes, les tanzanians, aussi les burundiennes et perssones de rwanda. si ce ne pas possible, je peux traduit, (Attention Aimanda7 et Christabel..ahem ahem :) ) mais je ne comprend pas le francais tres tres courrament comme vous. J'ai l'etude a l'ecole secondaire, il y'a 9ans depuis. alors...:D

Ahem Ahem. English speakers. Thank me later...;)
Thank you so much Guriix, this one is more understandable because I know where the Somalia support center is , that's where we passed on our way to Village market when we were going to take photographs. Do you think that I will get taxis to Gigiri from Odeon at 5:30 in the morning?

Morning Family2133,

as you consider where to stay when in Kenya, do consider the security of your family as well. Remember the interview could be 06:30am meaning you will have to move rather early. So get a room in an area which is safe and at the same time convenient as you get to the embassy. Our Kenya friends can help you out on that.
its been long time friends, its just because am getting busy with my final year university project. i fill my info on the spread sheet, its nice work you guys done, thank you! good luck!
I have put you in the right position at the spread sheet. Thanks
Ok, that means I may either find a nearby room in Gigiri or plan to take a private taxi, can I find a private one at that time? and from where exactly.Advice
Getting a room near gigiri ain't a good idea,get a private one just opposite crown bus where I saw you off they are cheap early morning since there is no traffic then get back to the hotel using the public ones.
family a room in gigiri area will be too much expensive i suggest tha u use a cab or if ur appointment is around 7am u can still use the psv there is no much traffic in that route
Thanks Aleki, my appointment is at 6:30am, but from some Ugandan experience who has just done in Oct(Not on this forum) she said that she was there by 5:30am but the line was almost touching the road, so much as my appointment is at 6:30, I would like to be there by 5:30am. I think I will take a cab from Odeon let me hope that they are there at that time, and if am to be at the embassy by 5:30 then I need to leave Odeon at 5:15am
salut!!est-ce que vous parlez anglais svp? toutes les personnes ici utilisent ce langue, parce-qu'il y'a les ugandans, les kenyannes, les tanzanians, aussi les burundiennes et perssones de rwanda. si ce ne pas possible, je peux traduit, (Attention Aimanda7 et Christabel..ahem ahem :) ) mais je ne comprend pas le francais tres tres courrament comme vous. J'ai l'etude a l'ecole secondaire, il y'a 9ans depuis. alors...:D

Ahem Ahem. English speakers. Thank me later...;)
People let us switch back to English(Kingereza), because if JONGE, KaiaUG and I switch to Luganda it is going to be terrible. Heeheehee
Hi Forum,

I used Google translate to translate Christabel's French interview...I hope it makes sense...enjoy:

Monday , 3:30 p.m. I arrived in Yaounde . Immediately I go to the doctor Nguela get the results of my tests ( for those who do not know, this is diviste to fetch its results to get them his appointment , the clinic does not have the shipments Embassy . I say this because I saw two people in this situation to the embassy ) . So I get my results , I was told that there are no problems, they are OK for now! I am delighted.

I took a room at the Diplomat has 100f the embassy. So fierce almost sleepless night all dvistes know, or you wake up the whole 15mins to watch your shows ( loool ) 06h the morning finally arrived . My files are stored from the previous day. I take a shower , get dressed and I recheck encor my docs , OK ! A drop of perfume and I left ! 6:35 I am in front of the embassy , there is just another couple who are already present. my girlfriend called me to wake me up to go to my appointment , my darling lool I'm already there! 7:20 there is a dozen people already , the security guard opens the door , another guy just get in front of me and I said he is before me (in my heart I said , my friend is 50mil visa, is not nearly has a rank , go ahead ) .

Identification and verification of appointment , deposit and other phone devices at the point , passing bags and scanner effects , people passing metal detectors.

Then we get into the main room , checking the appointment letter and we are given numbers , I'm the third ! Perfect, like that I could see how it goes with the first two. 10mins later, Num 1 cash to pay for : It takes the passport , the letter of appointment and 165mil ( a bit less than what I thought, it starts well ) I sit back . .

10 mins after another (really it's very fast ) , case number 3 and , surprise, the woman gives us the form DS 230 part 1 and part 2 onc still needed to fill this form there? These forms ke some people have 3 days to complete at home before sending the KCC must now fill in a Million ? But I 'm really careful, I brought with me a copy of the forms that I had sent to KCC , so while others took their time to go thoroughly , I have filled in 05 mins. A guard gives us a list of documents required ( which concerned me was a photo, a photocopy of your passport , birth certificate plus two copies , plus two photocopies Bac , criminal records, medical examinations )

I go to checkout 3 put the forms and documents as asked , I provided him , she takes my footprints CN asks me , like my num . It opens the results of medical exams , removes the chest X-ray that makes me say that I 'm going to travel with but keeps it keeps the rest . I sit back .

I found I was helping a guy who was totally lost with its forms , it is as if the guy had never seen these forms before , ke to believe it is someone else who has done it all! Overall everything was completed . At this point in the room is about 40personnes , all chairs are occupied , the room is full . Luckily I came early !

As I handed my forms first, I am the first to be called for Interview. Case Num 4 my num appears, a very nice white lady greets me :

OC : good morning , raise your right hand and swear that all ke ....

ME : I Swear

OC : where are you going in USA?

ME : at Miami

OC : do you have a relative there?

MOi : yes , an aunt .

it reads the name of my aunt and I confirm

OC : you got your BA in 2006 right ?


OC : Techniques in Business ?

ME : YES or technical business marketing

OC : You are speaking and I see that you have done a 3yrs university of Buea

ME : Yes, with a ca I speak English

OC : Ok .. ah .. ok .. your petition is approve , Congratulation! You will come and find your VISA next week !

ME : thank you Mrs.

She wrote the date on the yellow paper , my hands and told me again congrats!

8:45 I had finished. That's when I realize that the old forum are right, there really is nothing to stress , it was almost too easy! So much so that I even ask the security guard that made me all my phones if c .. he told me ke I can already go buy my ticket if there is no need to document in my file !

That's it . 9:30 I was in my hotel , 11h threw the bus sitting next to a beautiful daughter , Eunice , met in the office ! But it is another story ..... Lool
Wow, you have made my day. at least now I can understand something.
Getting a room near gigiri ain't a good idea,get a private one just opposite crown bus where I saw you off they are cheap early morning since there is no traffic then get back to the hotel using the public ones.

Hehehe Partitas, do you think that I can go to crown, I used a bodaboda to get there so, I need help here.
Thank you so much Guriix, this one is more understandable because I know where the Somalia support center is , that's where we passed on our way to Village market when we were going to take photographs. Do you think that I will get taxis to Gigiri from Odeon at 5:30 in the morning?

What time is your reporting time at the embassy? 5.30 is too early to go to the embassy. Leaving town at 6 or 6.15 is better. The taxis are there from 5-ish
Morning Family2133,

as you consider where to stay when in Kenya, do consider the security of your family as well. Remember the interview could be 06:30am meaning you will have to move rather early. So get a room in an area which is safe and at the same time convenient as you get to the embassy. Our Kenya friends can help you out on that.
I will consider using a private cab in the morning
Hehehe Partitas, do you think that I can go to crown, I used a bodaboda to get there so, I need help here.

Hey you forgot that the crown where I saw you off is 2 min from mid view lol!not where you first booked,I suppose you are going to get here earlier so that I get yo remind you exactly where.
Family 2133 it will be good if you get there early enough to avoid wasting you whole day there because there people who get there at 5:30 and find a long line,try to get there by 5:30,it's only for one day anyway and remember to have clothings they say its really cold.
I will consider using a private cab in the morning

I have been to the US embassy early morning and the earliest they let people in is about 6.15-6.30. Priority is given to DV guys anytime. They don't queue with others (visitor visas, other). No need to use a private taxi. If it's dark you can take a private taxi to Odeon bus stop from hotel (DON'T WALK IF ITS DARK).

Don't worry about embassy hours too much to leave Odeon at 5.15. Gigiri is freezing cold and you'll be outside until they open.
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