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DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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if you dont get your visa past 30th sep. then you are done. No more visa for you if your AP passes that time
Hahahaha.. Anold,16 stupid hours hahaha am dying.
I intend to work 24 hrs a day and rest only on Sabbath,I want to make enough money and throw a party in Oklahoma for all of you at the end of this FY after all of us have made it to US, Watch the space!

you will know the meaning of real work when you come here........I swear you wont lie even 8hrs a day cos you will be dog tired and bored....life may lose lots of meaning for you in real time
Hello everyone. A new week, want some good news. All the best to those are waiting 2NL, going for medicals or facing CO especially Delph_ne.
(a) Interviews already done

NameCountryInterview outcomeA.P StartA.P EndA.P DurationA.P Outcome
1.Danny DenBurundiAdministrative processing........4/10/201331/01/2013123Visa granted
2.Family2133UgandaAdministrative processing........21/11/201317/Jan/201459 DaysVisa granted
3.GodiaKenyaVisa grantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
4.4TuryaUgandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
5.FeyisayoNigeriaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
6.Guy RayKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
7.NairobaKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
8.GhanamanGhanaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
9.OlelenkuKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
10.JimkoKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
11.GittaUgandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
12.Beth02KenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
13.NotezNot sureVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
14.PartitasKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
15. ResianKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
16.CarlkimKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
17.YVESY04RwandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A

(b)The following have confirmed their interview months from 2nd Notification letters
1.Azmera from Ethiopia, Jan 2014, Give us the update
2.Samolaniyi from Nigeria, Feb 2014, Give us the update
3. Ooadeniyi from Nigeria, Feb 2014, Give us the update
4. Kinski from Rwanda, Feb 2014, Give us the update
5.Lehw from Ethiopia, Feb 2014, Give us the update
6.Ison2013 from Ethiopia, Feb 2014, Give us the update
7.Ka Josy from Rwanda, March 2014
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Good job Family2133, and I want to let you know that Kinski has granted a visa and he picked up his passport. So how far are you with the correction of the error done by the embassy?!
(a) Interviews already done

NameCountryInterview outcomeA.P StartA.P EndA.P DurationA.P Outcome
1.Danny DenBurundiAdministrative processing........4/10/2013Loading...123Visa granted
2.Family2133UgandaAdministrative processing........21/11/201317/Jan/201459 DaysVisa granted
3.GodiaKenyaVisa grantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
4.4TuryaUgandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
5.FeyisayoNigeriaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
6.Guy RayKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
7.NairobaKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
8.GhanamanGhanaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
9.OlelenkuKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
10.JimkoKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
11.GittaUgandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
12.Beth02KenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
13.NotezNot sureVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
14.PartitasKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
15. ResianKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
16.CarlkimKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
17.YVESY04RwandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A

(b)The following have confirmed their interview months from 2nd Notification letters
1.Azmera from Ethiopia, Jan 2014, Give us the update
2.Samolaniyi from Nigeria, Feb 2014, Give us the update
3. Ooadeniyi from Nigeria, Feb 2014, Give us the update
4. Kinski from Rwanda, Feb 2014, Give us the update
5.Lehw from Ethiopia, Feb 2014, Give us the update
6.Ison2013 from Ethiopia, Feb 2014, Give us the update
7.Ka Josy from Rwanda, March 2014
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Good job Family2133, how fare are you with the correction of the error done by the embassy?!
It was sorted and am happy to report that I got the airway bill Last Thursday, the package and the PP has been returned , its already in Kisumu, I am planning to go and pick it.
The embassy had told me to send it a pre paid airway bill so that they could send it straight home ( UG) but I got so busy and delayed, Americans are so fast, they could not wait for my delay, the next thing I saw was a mail in my in box that a document is on its way to Kisumu. I have nothing to do now, another journey to Kisumu!!!!!!!
(a) Interviews already done

NameCountryInterview outcomeA.P StartA.P EndA.P DurationA.P Outcome
1.Danny DenBurundiAdministrative processing........4/10/201331/01/2013123Visa granted
2.Family2133UgandaAdministrative processing........21/11/201317/Jan/201459 DaysVisa granted
3.GodiaKenyaVisa grantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
4.4TuryaUgandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
5.FeyisayoNigeriaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
6.Guy RayKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
7.NairobaKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
8.GhanamanGhanaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
9.OlelenkuKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
10.JimkoKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
11.GittaUgandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
12.Beth02KenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
13.NotezNot sureVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
14.PartitasKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
15. ResianKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
16.CarlkimKenyaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A
17.YVESY04RwandaVisa GrantedN/AN/AN/AN/A

(b)The following have confirmed their interview months from 2nd Notification letters
1.Azmera from Ethiopia, Jan 2014, Give us the update
2.Samolaniyi from Nigeria, Feb 2014, Give us the update
3. Ooadeniyi from Nigeria, Feb 2014, Give us the update
4. Kinski from Rwanda, Feb 2014, Give us the update
5.Lehw from Ethiopia, Feb 2014, Give us the update
6.Ison2013 from Ethiopia, Feb 2014, Give us the update
7.Ka Josy from Rwanda, March 2014

Thanks for the update...awesome work
Lusaka is ok...rainy plus lots of work on my desk...how are the preps going?

I am about to resign because I am not getting enough time for preps, now I need to work on getting the PP from Kisumu but am ever up country, though I still needed their money for better preps. Do I need to do anything about getting the NSSF card in US or it will come automatically, advice me.
Cold Season
Different states have different weather, its extremely cold compared to african weather. Please look for warm jackets,boots kwa Mtumba, coz the cheap jackets here are from china and they are expensive for nothing. Come loaded,ensure you have money. some states they dont even go to work coz of the weather so google to be sure which state you are going, guys who have family ensure you buy jackets and boots for your children. All the best. Cold weather starts from Dec-April/June so do research my friends:cool:

Thanks Nickelley for this info... valuable information for sure. I actually thought that jackets were cheaper that side! Good to know the truth. Thanks for that.
Hello Forum mates!
I have a query regarding the academic year in US! I understand the year closes in May and reopens in Aug/Sep; unfortunately, I have a child that will turn 5 in October! Is it possible for her to be accepted to join once she turns 5 or must she wait for the following school year? Does someone have an experience with this?
Thanks in advance...
ha ha ah ....WHATTTT?

Hahahaha.. Anold,16 stupid hours hahaha am dying.
I intend to work 24 hrs a day and rest only on Sabbath,I want to make enough money and throw a party in Oklahoma for all of you at the end of this FY after all of us have made it to US, Watch the space!

Family we should Actually Plan all forumites that once we do land .....we have a White Xmas Party at some Joint - Please we do need to plan that one and look back at our Posts while we where still Africans.
haha! wil love to work more than that otherwise ur slowly taking up nairobba en lenku's place so nairoba and olelenku wake up b4 u r overtaken. Family2.. is nolonger around even Jonge mr captain!!!111
Aleki -
16 Hours is no Joke my dear because one of the Jobs involves lifting heavy things..and really when you add the movement of moving to another job that is 1 and a half hours away then that is something else - but anyway its all about adventure and enjoying it....
Hi guys sorry have been silent for long. many apologies. good to hear you will through a party MHHHHH hah all the Best. Guys will be sooooo busy that when you have time you just want to rest. Time is money in America.You clock in you work no phones,once you clock out you just want to see the bed.No time for yourself,so guys have fun in Kenya/Africa:p

Please Allow us to have a party....Let us just Plan at least, Coz i believe meetings like these are good for networking....what do you think?
Hello mates,

sorry I have been silent...I am currently in Lusaka and rather busy hence the silence...Family2133 how are the migration preps going?
Jo Bratha,
Lu - is no reason to keep the Tabs off. Much as he is preparing the Migration....Family is now planning a Party for all of us once we make it Across.
Guys, the debate here about going to driving school b4 landing into states was an interesting one but I missed to participate.Personally, my host told me not to bother my self with anything concerning driving.she says that she went to driving school in UG b4 flying out but when she reached US,she realized that it was not necessary.she says that she will sort out the drivin issues swifty once am there.so it seems driving lessons taken in 3rd world countries do not realy help much in US.[/QUOTE

Hi family2133 long time
I know driving rules vary between countries but the essential thing we talked about was that atleast u should be able to drive a car if u get into one while i know some highway codes and signs are thesame all over the world. So just having an idea of how to drive is important than going over there where even to start a car and drive for some km u dont know will make it difficult not to talk of driving on the highway. U know to drive one needs to have that courage when u are on the highway.
Wish success and Divine favour to those who are preparing to face the CO by March
Have a blessed week
you will know the meaning of real work when you come here........I swear you wont lie even 8hrs a day cos you will be dog tired and bored....life may lose lots of meaning for you in real time
I think one adjusts and thence they work within the system.....to find he true meaning of Life....Its hectic brother and we are damn bloody grateful for all you are putting in for us here.
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